Dragoth threatens to cheat!
posted by Grang
2000-09-06 23:22:17
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Another admitted cheater...
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Grang2000-09-06 23:23:21
last line may have been altered abit!
Dragóth2000-09-06 23:43:44
haha. "threatens to cheat".
So fucking what, i havent done it yet.
Elistan2000-09-06 23:46:07
Please mume mail me to get Grang bansited (until he groups up).
Hurolg2000-09-06 23:47:43
grang, give dragoth his stuff back!!!!!!!!!
Axel2000-09-06 23:48:38
heh, dragoth stop sending love-mails to Grang!
Nazghol2000-09-06 23:57:33
yeah rauko give him stuff back
Grang2000-09-06 23:58:26
Grang2000-09-07 00:53:15
btw, i gave back cash :P
Zerg2000-09-07 03:47:19
note to self: p grang is a moron
revan2000-09-07 04:01:06
I like to kill people that steal...hope to see grang soon:)
Ginlon2000-09-07 04:10:25
I would not mind seeing Grang sitebanned...
And i admit, i will cheat, i admit i admit!!!
I will jump at any chanse at killing that motherfucker.
GORETONGUE2000-09-07 05:25:45
Ok so its "illegal" for people who don't care for his ruthless
acts to whack his chars because of a "character separation" rule.

So I guess if you want to stay out of Mandos, you will just have
to contrive all kinds of bs reasons for your chars to whack his.
GORETONGUE2000-09-07 05:29:03
ie: demand he surrender his shield to you. you are a troll and you
want it. if he doesn't give it up, hand out some beat downs, like
a real troll would! of course this kind of thing gets your char
password changed (whois enso), if you reveal your true motives.
(official disclaimer) This is not a suggestion, just an observation. ;)
Reef2000-09-07 05:44:44
Heh you people are funny. Lets kill Grang and all his chars, lets siteban him blahblahblah...will that really make you feel better? If so then you are just petty minded children who should grow up and get a bloody clue. Besides there are other people I would like to see bansited first...like everyone with a faster link than mine....
Shadrach2000-09-07 08:29:39
Imagine that Dragoth likes to blow cock, who ever had a clue about that :)
Kaldae2000-09-07 08:47:48
Bansite p(Grang) for good... Easy one
grunge2000-09-07 08:49:08
i don't like pRauko and he knows it, if you know all his chars please let me
know, i really dont like grouping with him but since i do suicidal warrens runs sometimes i end
up grouping him, he isn't pKorf is he?
Enforcer2000-09-07 09:21:34
that mail was fake, its obvious!! mail fraud!!!! JAIL!

Spireth2000-09-07 09:30:32
Haha.. Considering I have the slowest link amongst .au players, it would be just me and Reef on Mume..


PS : No need to bansite.. just kill him over and over until he gets the point.
HateYouAll2000-09-07 09:48:48
You are just so damn wimpy all of you.
Let him keep cash and shit, all know that they are cheaters....
You cheat today, another will try it another...you know it.
Admit it!

PS. I love to suck too..

Adorable2000-09-07 10:34:30
And HateYouAll is Grang i presume. I don't think that killing all his chars
would make him stop same-side PKing or psteal. I say bansite hime forever, he already proved himself a moron, and he fuck up the game pretty bad by stealing from and killing players from the same side. I mean, if you can't behave, ruining the game for other players and so on, you SHOULD get bansited, especially cause this is NOT the first time anything like this happened. I'd rather see him go than see his 'victims' quit because of him and his actions.
Sorry for the looong comment :O)
A worried fello2000-09-07 11:03:18
Lets face it.
You are about 16-22 (sometimes older)years old and play a game where there are some letters scrolling around on your screen. Sometimes there is the "you gain a level" or "R.I.P" on your screen and you go crazy of joy.

Don't you ever stop and think about if you would have put all your Mume hours,days,months or even years in something usefull instead?

You might have become something great, instead of bragging about beeing on spot 8 on the Warlord. Yeah that would work in a job intervju.

Grow the fuck up.

To a worried fe2000-09-07 11:23:51
Honey, some of us CAN combine a life with MUME. But of course you're right. MUME is waste of time, even tho it's funny as hell :O) /Adorable
To To a worried2000-09-07 11:46:23
Do you have to come up with lies to your girlfriend (if mume allowes you to have one(a real life Gf) not a mume Gf) where you have been all the hours when you come home late at night.
Or do you have to change windows when your boss comes into your room, so he won't catch you playing came during work hours (if you have a job that is).

But hey! Keep on playing!
Btw...i love mume too.
maaz2000-09-07 11:52:35
ja saju att du var hora dragoth!
hur mycket tar du för en avsugning?
Dragóth2000-09-07 12:04:46
10 spänn.
Hannibal2000-09-07 12:10:00
nice, guess who is #1 on deathlist now *lick*
Hannibal2000-09-07 12:10:45
btw, he could kill all of yer darkie chars.. darkies can kill eachother for just feeling like it =)
Hes characters:2000-09-07 12:36:08
Strine, the puke bitch
Yanwe, the dud who will eventually get us all elbereth listed
Rauko, da only decnet char he got
Grang, a very soon very dead orc
Makan "i keep dying linkless in warrens" (tm)

No need to thank me for postine all your characters you little moron.
If anyone knows more chars he plays, post them so i can add those to the "hate your guts" list.
Hes????2000-09-07 12:55:41
Who and what the fuck is hes?
Before you start to threat-learn to spell you dumb fuck!

His chars2000-09-07 13:00:27
Rauko Frink Yanwe Pasdamour Makan Brike Grang Bajun Strine
ROTFL2000-09-07 13:07:50
Makan 'I keep dying linkless in warrens' (tm)
To Hes????2000-09-07 13:54:48
"Before you start to threat-learn to spell you dumb fuck!"

Before you start to criticize, learn to punctuate correctly. That should be a comma, not a dash.
To Hes???2000-09-07 16:27:35
And also learn tenses too -- that should be threaten, not threat!
Mandorallen2000-09-07 16:35:04
I suggest not to bansite him, thats not giving him any sort of chance of change.
Not demoting either, well perhaps for non-char-separation, if that is proven.
Instead make notorious Pthiefs wanted in all cities (not Tbad ofcourse), nonrevocable, or in extreme cases, give them RealDeath.
That should do more for the game, and his habits.
Granvil2000-09-07 17:03:53
to 'A worried fellow man'

Do you know me?
Unknown2000-09-07 18:24:31
He's rauko? ack i thought rauko was fairly nice, wont group more with him.
Pieria2000-09-07 18:42:31
According to -Rules Sauron- "Darkies can kill anyone in the game with few restrictions" The restrictions being trolls pking in warrens. So no excuse is needed to kill grang. Your just a chaotic person. :)
Sir Ass-licker2000-09-07 19:31:12
You know folks, I was thinking that this grang/etc...person is probably so frustrated r/l because he is gay and still can't get any action, so he just jacks off on his keyboard everytime he does something 'bad' in mume.
Mr Butt-kicker2000-09-07 23:00:06
yeah just like you do?
Whalewhacker2000-09-08 01:46:34
You mean its not normal to jerk off while playing mume? I..I thought...
To To Hes!2000-09-08 02:49:21
Who are you?
Grang2000-09-08 04:04:04
i love all the people that insult me without using their name.
btw, you who said i was '16-22' thanks, most people guess 9-12.
i dunno why i'd be bansited or demoted, as i've broken no rules.
if anyone should be bansited it's the people that bitch and moan
about the new features and rules all the time. im not 'pasdamour',
but 'no love' in french is a cool name. rauko isn't my only decent char,
i do have a few retired decent lev pukes with horrible, horrible stats
(either can't track, cant cast, bad ob, or can't bs) and a few
with good stats. anywho, i like the guy that listed my chars and
what was wrong with em, that stuff about makan was purty funny.
also, i dunno why people wouldn't group with rauko, as i dont whack
darkies with him. also, i gave dragoth back his cash :P
Lochdale2000-09-08 04:15:12
People don't group with you because in my opion you are not right in the head. Try to rationalize it all you want or pretend to hide behind the rules but the fact remains that you are an attention starved brat who is best ignored. Have a good life.
Grang2000-09-09 06:12:23
cool, ignore me
Alcion2000-09-10 19:46:51
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