WHERE done by immo.
posted by Wilco?
2000-09-08 12:39:42
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Last one for now of my old logs. Back in 94-95 this is a where done by Maedhros
* iMc NN 7971>where
Players in your zone:
Pokusii              - Entrance to the Caves
Barhk                - Entrance to the Caves
Lomion               - The Path to the Weathertop
Loranda              - The Path to the Weathertop
Eowyn                - The Path to the Weathertop
Dawn                 - The Path to the Weathertop
Stormcrow            - The Path to the Weathertop
Petrel               - The Path to the Weathertop
Hordak               - The Path to the Weathertop
Utgbald              - The Path to the Weathertop
Emcas                - The Path to the Weathertop
Bishe                - The Path to the Weathertop
Goroien              - The Path to the Weathertop
Winkus               - The Path to the Weathertop
Ramon                - The Path to the Weathertop
Calamity             - The Path to the Weathertop
Krag                 - Entrance to the Caves
Maedhros             - Entrance to the Caves
HurliBurli           - Entrance to the Caves
Nicke                - Entrance to the Caves
Elnor                - The Path to the Weathertop
Grimy                - Entrance to the Caves
Rho                  - Entrance to the Caves
Loaded               - Entrance to the Caves
Wicked               - Entrance to the Caves
Erol                 - The Path to the Weathertop
Jotun                - Entrance to the Caves
Argeen               - The Path to the Weathertop
Tooka                - The Path to the Weathertop
Sundied              - Entrance to the Caves
Zadran               - Entrance to the Caves
Prey                 - Entrance to the Caves
Trampe               - Entrance to the Caves
Walnut               - Entrance to the Caves
Tormog               - Entrance to the Caves
Firey                - The Path to the Weathertop
Rebel                - The Path to the Weathertop
Hawza                - The Path to the Weathertop
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Me2000-09-08 12:40:42
Wasn't wilco in this one, Was Argeen.
Shadrach2000-09-08 12:48:13
Isnt Rebel an awfully pathetic name for a guy with Faror's playing style?
Khantar2000-09-08 13:31:53
Ah, the weathertop slaughter. Petrel leading 124523452345 pukes into oblivion.
Khzandros2000-09-08 13:35:02
Does anyone have a log of this clash ?
Could be fun to see the log of the "last man standing"
Skojardu2000-09-08 13:49:54
I remeber that one i was a puke that time
Beeing an elf there didnt rock
Tilion2000-09-08 14:42:19
Hehe was this the time when petrel spammed around inside loosing one puke per room for the darkies to eat?
Is a great log of one of the largest mume disasters ever:)
Lalin2000-09-08 14:44:46
gig, shoulda show it to us=)
Unknown2000-09-08 14:56:31
And some think hugegroup fights is something new
Grease2000-09-08 15:07:23
makes one miss the old days even more *cry*

Think theres a log off this fight on old mume.net dont know for sure tho
Malak2000-09-08 16:21:38
hehe, all these old logs being posted sure shows that nothing interesting is happening in m7 =p
Jin2000-09-09 21:31:23
Yes, Gray posted a log of this
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