So which one was ppl eothen? Kurn is not Eothen. Is Manto Eothen? I am confused..the room is spinning..I must rest.
2000-09-08 20:02:16
Sorry for not commenting...Manto was my first char, made with standard newbie dwarf warrior stats, which suck so bad I stopped playing him for a long time, decided to try to immort him at the start of the summer, and gave up out of boredom. This was before I knew anything about eq. Notice everything I was wearing was either purchased in bms or looted from Amon Othar. Sloshed died because I spammed bash and bns did such a great job of spamclosing. Also I think I was level 21-22 at the time, since shortly after this Shorty explained to me how to make a focus pbs.
2000-09-08 20:38:09
Ah memories, wish I had a log of my first pk, but I didn't know how to log things back then *sigh*
2000-09-11 13:19:44
Nah the newbie stats are not too bad, but if you know what skills require what stats you can make em alot better =)