Cluelessnewbielegends Showdown at SK (o
posted by Slidar
2000-09-08 21:03:51
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Eothen made me remember this good fight we had at SK while still obviuosly Cluel
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Slidar2000-09-08 21:06:59
Not sure if it showed in log that Kurn died on our trip home. We were still obviously very pumped up afterwards. This was the first time that most of us had gotten a PK while not following some bitgitme legend who knew what they were doing. We really do sound like newbies!
Slidar2000-09-08 21:07:06
Not sure if it showed in log that Kurn died on our trip home. We were still obviously very pumped up afterwards. This was the first time that most of us had gotten a PK while not following some bitgitme legend who knew what they were doing. We really do sound like newbies!
Slidar2000-09-08 21:07:58
Damn, Looks like I am still clueless and can't spell :(
Glendale2000-09-08 21:21:59
Oh the shame! Cool log Slidar. I was still playing on Java back then and didn't have the cop on to have detect up and the ability to type K 2.*man*... hehe was a lot of fun as they are all good darkie ppls. Playing with chaps like Kurn and Slidar is whats good about mume. Cheers.
gurgel2000-09-08 21:23:38
was that an autofollowtrigger or what?
Grugluk the Orc* panics, and attempts to flee.
*Grugluk the Orc* leaves south riding a hungry warg.
* R W S C>SOUTH << Bash what or whom?

Hannibal2000-09-08 21:27:04
err.. read my lips:

it starts with ED -- and ends eith IT

oh.. that would be..... EDIT! *mmmm*
Slidar2000-09-08 21:27:21
You really think I would make an auto follow trigger back then? I was always trying to get away from da darkies. What I was working on in Zmud, which I now have figured out, was making it say:
*Grugluk the Orc* leaves <<< SOUTH >>> riding a hungry warg.
The SOUTH in the log was just an echo on the screen and not a command entered. When I was reading through the log, I wondered if anyone would ask about that :P
Grang2000-09-08 21:29:33
Glendale says 'lets run!!'

laugh, pansy. i like how ya say that after you beat the hell outta
your opponents.
Nerak2000-09-08 21:51:22
Slidar! King of the closed metaldoor!! And trust me on this one, Slidar definitely did not make a policy of auto-following darkies. Hell, I was usually following Slidar and everyone knows I'm a pansy ;-)
Glendale2000-09-08 21:58:53
Turned out to be the right comment as I knew that there would be more waiting for us when we went up. Anyways, fuck off Grang you useless tosser.
Kurn2000-09-08 22:38:28
God I am so embarassed by this log. We thought we were the shit for winning that fight, when it could have so easily gone the other way... as was demonstrated by my complete and total annihilation on the way back home.

OTOH, it was the first decent fight we ever had as a group. The four of us had been playing together for a couple of months, mostly doing the easier smobs (the few we could learn as a group of newbies), and we planned and executed a trap on our own, against a group of far superior players. From that standpoint, I have no regrets.

But boy do I look like a newbie. Still am one, really. One day I'll learn how to play.
Eothen2000-09-08 22:49:30
Heeheehee... What follows is a list of what made me laugh about my newbieness in this log.
1. I nearly crapped my pants for 243 gold...
2. give sleeves kurn, say that any good?
3. I was frickin slashing! And it had to be either enchanted longsword or broad scimitar hehehe.
4. Eothen says 'I have no clue what any of it does.' ROFL
5. Later that same day I gave the picks (not sure how nice they were) to a hobbit I knew who died to some bn in tbad sewers and proceeded to spamdie/Sauron's list all his chars.
6. I might have given him the sleeves too, but I honestly don't remember.
And finally... 1, 0% #Graendal. *hug* Niccolo!

Oh yeah fyi Iranon was invis in there so it's basically a log of 4 American newbies beating 3 American warlord caliber players playing the weakest race in the game...still a fun fight in my book.
Daevia2000-09-08 23:20:24
That hobbit was me I think.
Was my stabbing hobbit warrior. :P
Eothen2000-09-08 23:22:34
Also Daelmia? So did I give you the sleeves, or was someone I don't even remember the recipient of that little gift?
Glendale2000-09-08 23:39:47
I just like it because whenever I get drunk with Grunge and, I am bored making fun of the medical profession, I mention this fight to him and refer to him as 'bitch' for at least the next two pints.
Everhate2000-09-08 23:51:05
Poor Grang, seems he had an accident today and died. And only 1 hit to kill him too, now *that* is a pansy.
grunge2000-09-08 23:52:26
eothen: it was bootyho, lazarus, and graendal...iranon wasn't around.
kurn: we all were americans as well, even good ole gruglunk
Laz: i notice you say open something, maybe the xit north? that might've been
a good way to go out.
bootyho: you didn't have any stored fballs did you?
slidar: you miss the part where Kurn dies :)
hannibal: there is no way he wanted to follow, i truly believe he wanted an echo
glendale: i'll never be your bitch, no matter how many maps you d/l or battles you win.
Glendale2000-09-09 00:08:22
Now now Grunge, don't make Daddy unhappy.
Eothen2000-09-09 00:09:24
The reason you don't see me doing much of anything in the log is I was spamclosing planks...but actually you can see in Kurn's version of the log (which I have) that Laz said 'open durin'...muahahahaha. Kurn's also shows exactly when Lazarus and Bootyho escape. *pout* 2 trophy entries I'm still searching for. (That's one reason I was so pissed that nobody nuked you when I bashed you outside chief cheated me once again!)

Well anyways...these logs remind me of how much fun MUME can be, and make me wonder why exactly it isn't. Since I have a tendency to write books I guess I'll stop here, but I would like to hear some people's thoughts on why MUME sorta sucks lately.
grunge2000-09-09 09:07:18
why has mume lost it charm for you Eothen?
B/c you don't see ppl like Mochomurka trying to solo you in tharbad while you are
doing chief, instead he is grouped with 5 and constantly doing unq for twisted rocks.
B/c you don't see anyone doing anything but trying to take advantage of the system :)
Nazgum2000-09-11 02:04:51
Hilaroius Grunge posts comment about overkill,
when he's one of the main overkillers.

ah well, overkill happens, but some of us try
to avoid it, some of us are proud of our overkilling
Reef2000-09-11 03:52:17
The reason Mume is boring now is because I dont play very much....nod self...
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