Hehe, look at this insulting (OLD LOG)
posted by Gray
2000-09-14 18:06:30
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No kills, just some funny yells - don't say i didn't warned you! :)
Subject: Loggen från snacket vid ford
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 1998 10:59:05 +0100
From: "Simon Sjölander" <f92ss@efd.lth.se>
To: Martin Olin <f92mol@efd.lth.se>

#### Rope Bridge-Rdell, 1998-01-28, 22.15 Swedish time      ####
#### Carib, Mrsh, Bonebreaker, Julmust and I are sitting e  ####
#### ropebridge insulting/getting insulted by a bunch of    ####
#### pukes. We had been fighting this group for almost 1    ####
#### hour rl, and even though more pukes died than darkies  ####
#### we tended to get away on bad-wounded, fleeing in all   ####
#### dirs. It was a mistake to sit where we were, since its ####
#### in the Rdell zone and darkies suck there.              ####
#### We had greatly fun when counting the times Tyrion      ####
#### called us(me) lab-pussy.                               ####

*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'fuckers'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'laugh'
Carib yells 'suck me'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'fuck you'
Mrsh yells 'lucky bastards! :)'

#### Initial greetings taken care of :-)                    ####

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>*Jehan the Elf* yells 'laugh'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'called skill'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'hehe'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'voodoo you pussy'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'nod'
R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Cold>yell heheheh
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'lab'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'spam flee cause you get hit by one fball'

#### No. I fled twice because first failed and then autoflee####
#### triggered. I was down to wounded and I *CANT* buff     ####
#### Tyrion, who had been hacking me to pieces. I'm not that####
#### stupid.                                                ####

*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'pussies'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'snore'
R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm>yell what did you think of the nocast room
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'nice spam k jehan julmust'

#### Actually the only one targetted by name was Tyrion ;)  ####
#### Elf is a good general target.                          ####

*Jehan the Elf* yells 'be a good orc'
Julmust yells 'nice over ford spamming'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'and target tyrion'

#### Hey, hehehe... ok... since Jehan tells us to do it.    ####

*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'lab'
*Iroc the Human* yells 'fucking autohunting bastard mutherfuckers'

#### Thats a bit unfair. Autohunting is insulting.          ####
#### Fucking bastard mutherfuckers is acceptable :-)        ####

*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'pussies'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'lab'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'pussies'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'Target sent to: Voodoo'

#### If I'd played puke, I'd target bns. 
You are stupid if  ####
#### you don't. I die to 5-6 slashes or 1 bolt and a fball. ####
#### Furthermore I'm named and got quite nice eq.           ####
#### Why *NOT* target me?                                   ####

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Hot>yell bah... we're not autohunting at least
*Jehan the Elf* yells ':)'
yell bastards I can live with :)
*an Elf* yells 'can I have my staff back ?'

#### Elle, is that you? Where did your warpoint go? :-)     ####

*Jehan the Elf* yells 'maybe I should store 2 fballs for you wussy ass'

#### I did for your furry ass :-)                           ####

*an Elf* yells 'lamo darkies at least ?'
Carib yells 'come and get it'
Mrsh yells 'come here i have em'

#### We had 4 i think.                                      ####

*an Elf* yells 'eh '
*an Elf* yells 'give me'
*an Elf* yells 'my staff'
Mrsh yells 'if u come here :)'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'lab'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'pussies'
R W C HP:Fine Mana:Hot>yell heheheh
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'giggle I wonder what you guys would be like
without the lab'
*an Elf* yells 'speak'
Carib yells 'you sound like a broken record tyrion'
Mrsh yells 'i '
*an Elf* yells 'give'
*an Elf* yells 'me'
Mrsh yells 'hardly'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'prob suck :)'
*an Elf* yells 'my'
Mrsh yells 'ever'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'lab pussies'
*an Elf* yells 'staff'
Mrsh yells 'play'
Mrsh yells 'in '
*an Elf* yells 'staff'
*an Elf* yells 'staff'
Mrsh yells 'lab'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'lab'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'pussies'
*an Elf* yells 'hear ?'
Mrsh yells 'come'
Mrsh yells 'here'
Mrsh yells 'and'
Mrsh yells 'i '
R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>yell who was the idiot who led casters into a
nocast room?
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'okie go ws'

#### He must be kidding. Why on earth would we fight in day-####
#### light 2 rooms from FORD. We could have met at nexus    ####
#### instead, or at least in Moria, where none could have   ####
#### ported away.                                           ####

Mrsh yells 'give'
Mrsh yells 'you'
R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>yell totally clueless
*an Elf* yells 'smirk'
Mrsh yells 'staff'
*an Elf* yells 'no '
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'nod'
*an Elf* yells 'leave it'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'i'm clueless'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'lab'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'who cheated by using a room that shouldnt be

#### It has been no-talk, no-magic for 1,5 years. Read the  ####
#### room-desc when you map. Don't call it cheating. It is  ####
#### perfectly logical that it should be as it is.          ####

*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'oussy'
Mrsh yells 'both'
*an Elf* yells 'I'm'
Mrsh yells 'staffs'
*an Elf* yells 'not'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'look at it that way'
Mrsh yells 'smile'
*an Elf* yells 'clueless'
R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>yell man... i would never go into a nocast
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'lab pussy'
R W C HP:Fine>yell that sucks
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'yeah since there isnt hardly any around '
*an Elf* yells 'oh ok'
R W C HP:Fine>yell dont you ever map?
*an Elf* yells 'everyone '
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'alugh'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'lab pussy'
*an Elf* yells 'knows what rooms'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'that's all'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'better things to do'
*an Elf* yells 'are no cast'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'i have to say'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'and you lose'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'than sit on mume all day :)'
Mrsh yells 'i dont '
Mrsh yells 'think'
Mrsh yells 'we '
Mrsh yells 'lost'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'lab pussy'
Mrsh yells 'today'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'you lost'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'in my'
Mrsh yells 'peer...'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'eyes'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'pussy'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'these new colors on yell are interesting'
R W C HP:Fine>yell i say you have a somewhat limited vocabulare tyrion?
*an Elf* yells 'you couldn't win'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'yea pussy'
*an Elf* yells 'unless you trap'
*an Elf* yells 'shrug'
*an Elf* yells 'you sucka'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'otherwise you'd lose'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'ya see, there's this thing called'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'I say vocubalary Voodoo :)'
Mrsh yells 'yeah!'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'a challenge'
Mrsh yells 'lets'
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'which you seem to lack'
Mrsh yells 'fight'
Mrsh yells 'ws ford! :)'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'hehe mrsh'
R W C HP:Fine>yell ok Jehan... a little typo :-)
*an Elf* yells 'if you forgot'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'only when you 10 vs 1'
Mrsh yells 'and'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'thats the only time you figh t:)'
*an Elf* yells 'I'M NAKED CUZ OF YOU'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'it was 5 on 5 at trolls'
*an Elf* yells 'can't you give me my staf'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'and you guys spam fled  :)'
Mrsh yells 'i'
Mrsh yells 'dont'
Mrsh yells 'wanmt'
Mrsh yells 'to'
Mrsh yells 'get'
R W C HP:Fine>yell nope... i saw 10.. my misstake

#### Didn't spamflee and when the pukes entered, they       ####
#### spammed past our room so fast it looked like 10. I led ####
#### the group with Voodoo and got the hell out. We came    ####
#### back and fought 15 secs later, after Mrsh telling me   ####
#### that they only were 5.                                 ####

Mrsh yells 'demoted'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'was 10?'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'I remember only 5'
R W C HP:Fine>yell nah...
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells '5!'
R W C HP:Fine>yell nod.. only 5.. my mistake as i said
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'pussy'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'ah nod '
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'lab punks'

#### Hrm... no more lab-pussy?                              ####

*Tyrion the Half-Elf* yells 'never gonna learn'
R W C HP:Fine>yell bah.. tyrion is boring...
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'come 2we'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'w'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'and lets get this over with'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'cast darkness'
*Jehan the Elf* yells 'then come'
R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>yell heheheh
Mrsh yells 'true'
Mrsh yells 'we '
Mrsh yells 'could'
Mrsh yells 'send '

#### Someone lost him/her temper.                           ####

Wet Ground

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>stat
OB: 46%, DB: 36%, PB: 55%, Armour: 46%. Wimpy: 99. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 602531 xp, 0 tp. Wp: 61. Gold: 59.
Affected by:
- shield
- sense life
- night vision
- detect invisibility

#### Watch my mighty defence :(  Goddamn.. Feel like buffer####
#### Tyrion and Iroq with this :O                          ####

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>{exit;#print exit}
North - 
You can't distinguish a lot of details.
East  - 
You can't distinguish a lot of details.
West  - 
You can't distinguish a lot of details.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>{n;#print n}
East Side of a Rope Bridge
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
Mrsh the Orc is standing here, riding on a hungry warg.
A hungry warg stands here, sniffing around for flesh.
Carib the Orc is standing here, riding on a hungry warg.
Exits: South West.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>{s;#print s}
Wet Ground
Exits: North East West.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>l
Wet Ground

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>
You hear some apparently close noise coming from the north.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>
Julmust has arrived from the east riding a hungry warg.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>
Julmust leaves east riding a hungry warg.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Burning>sanc
You start to concentrate...

You lost your concentration!

#### Damnation!                                            ####

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Hot>sanc
You start to concentrate...

You start glowing.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Cold>cmw

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Cold>l
Wet Ground

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Cold>{e;#print e}
Track Through the Spongy Plain
The corpse of the wild ox is lying here.
Julmust the Orc is standing here, riding on a hungry warg.
Bonebreaker the Orc is standing here, riding on a hungry warg.
Exits: East West.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Cold>fol julmust
You now follow Julmust.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Cold>
The day has begun.

R W C Mana:Warm>cmw

R W C Mana:Warm>{w;#print w}
Wet Ground
Exits: North East West.

R W C Mana:Warm>
Mrsh yells 'true'

R W C Mana:Warm>
Mrsh yells 'we '

R W C Mana:Warm>
Mrsh yells 'could'

R W C Mana:Warm>
You hear some apparently close noise coming from the north.

R W C Mana:Warm>
You hear some apparently very close noise coming from the north.

R W C Mana:Warm>
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* has arrived from the north.
A pack horse has arrived from the north.
*an Elf* has arrived from the north.
*Singleton the Human* has arrived from the north.
The warhorse has arrived from the north.
*Iroc the Human* has arrived from the north.
*Jehan the Elf* has arrived from the north.
A pack horse has arrived from the north.

#### Eeeek!!                                                ####

R W C Mana:Warm>{e;#print e}

Mrsh yells 'send '
A pack horse stops following *Tyrion the Half-Elf*.
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* picks up a pack horse's reins, and starts riding

R W C Mana:Warm>{e;#print e}
Julmust has arrived from the east riding a hungry warg.
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* lightly slashes your left foot and tickles it.
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

#### If Tyrion hits this fast, why must my group be auto-   ####
#### hunters?                                               ####

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm *Tyrion the Half-Elf*:Healthy>{e;#print e}
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm *Tyrion the Half-Elf*:Healthy>Julmust cleaves
*Tyrion the Half-Elf*'s body very hard and tickles it.
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

{flee;#print flee}
R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm *Tyrion the Half-Elf*:Fine>A pack horse stops
following *Jehan the Elf*.
*Jehan the Elf* picks up a pack horse's reins, and starts riding him.
You can't quit the fight!

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm *Tyrion the Half-Elf*:Fine>
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
Bonebreaker cleaves *Tyrion the Half-Elf*'s head very hard.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm *Tyrion the Half-Elf*:Fine>{flee;#print flee}
You flee head over heels.
You cannot go there riding!
You cannot go there riding!
You couldn't escape!

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm *Tyrion the Half-Elf*:Fine>{e;#print e}

{flee;#print flee}
The warhorse stops following *Singleton the Human*.
*Singleton the Human* picks up the warhorse's reins, and starts riding
You fumble... and hit yourself HARD!

#### Of course. Right. Exactly what I needed.             ####

*Tyrion the Half-Elf* slashes your left leg hard.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm *Tyrion the Half-Elf*:Fine>{e;#print e}
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm *Tyrion the Half-Elf*:Fine>
You flee head over
East Side of a Rope Bridge
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
Mrsh the Orc is standing here, riding on a hungry warg.
A hungry warg stands here, sniffing around for flesh.
Carib the Orc is standing here, riding on a hungry warg.
Exits: South West.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm>{e;#print e}
Mrsh leaves south riding a hungry warg.
Alas, you cannot go that way...

{e;#print e}
R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm>*Jehan the Elf* has arrived from the south
riding a pack horse.
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* has arrived from the south riding a pack horse.
Alas, you cannot go that way...
Carib lightly pounds *Jehan the Elf*'s left leg and tickles it.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm>
Alas, you cannot go that way...

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm>{flee;#print flee}

*Jehan the Elf* begins some strange incantations...

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm>*Tyrion the Half-Elf* slashes your body hard.
You flee head over heels.
You cannot go there riding!
Wet Ground
*an Elf* is here, fighting Mrsh (Glowing).
*Singleton the Human* is standing here, riding on the warhorse.
*Iroc the Human* is standing here.
Julmust the Orc is standing here, riding on a hungry warg.
Bonebreaker the Orc is standing here, riding on a hungry warg.
Mrsh the Orc is here, fighting *an Elf*, riding on a hungry warg.
Exits: North East West.

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm>{e;#print e}
*Singleton the Human* strongly slashes your body.
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

R W C HP:Fine Mana:Warm *Singleton the Human*:Healthy>{e;#print e}
{e;#print e}
{flee;#print flee}
{e;#print e}

*Iroc the Human* slashes your body.

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm *Singleton the Human*:Healthy>No way! 
You are
fighting for your life!

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm *Singleton the Human*:Healthy>No way! 
You are
fighting for your life!

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm *Singleton the Human*:Healthy>
You flee head over
East Side of a Rope Bridge
A swarm of mosquitoes is here, humming around you.
A hungry warg stands here, sniffing around for flesh.
Carib the Orc is here, fighting *Jehan the Elf*, riding on a hungry
*Jehan the Elf* is here, fighting Carib (Glowing), riding on a pack
*Tyrion the Half-Elf* is standing here (Glowing), riding on a pack
Exits: South West.

#### Guess who's standing here, not assisting Jehan but    ####
#### waiting for me? :)                                    ####

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>*Tyrion the Half-Elf* strongly slashes your
right foot.
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm *Tyrion the Half-Elf*:Fine>{e;#print e}
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm *Tyrion the Half-Elf*:Fine>{s;#print s}
{flee;#print flee}
{e;#print e}
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

{e;#print e}
R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm *Tyrion the Half-Elf*:Fine>
You flee head over
You cannot go there riding!
Wet Ground
*Singleton the Human* is standing here, riding on the warhorse.
*Iroc the Human* is standing here.
Julmust the Orc is standing here, riding on a hungry warg.
Bonebreaker the Orc is standing here, riding on a hungry warg.
Exits: North East West.

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>*Jehan the Elf* has arrived from the north
riding a pack horse.
*Iroc the Human* lightly slashes your left foot and tickles it.
*Singleton the Human* slashes Julmust's body extremely hard and tickles
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm *Iroc the Human*:Fine>{e;#print e}
Mrsh has arrived from the east riding a hungry warg.
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm *Iroc the Human*:Fine>{flee;#print flee}
{e;#print e}
*Jehan the Elf* leaves east riding a pack horse.
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!
You flee head over heels.
You cannot go there riding!
You couldn't escape!

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm *Iroc the Human*:Fine>{e;#print e}
You flee head over heels.
Track Through the Spongy Plain
The corpse of the wild ox is lying here.
*Jehan the Elf* is standing here (Glowing), riding on a pack horse.
Exits: East West.

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>Track Through the Grassy Plain
Exits: East West.

{e;#print e}
R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>Track Through the Plain
Exits: East West.

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>{e;#print e}
{e;#print e}
Track Through the Plain
A robin is here, carrying small pieces of wood to its nest.
*an Elf* is standing here (Glowing).
Exits: West Up.

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>
Alas, you cannot go that way...

{u;#print u}
R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>{e;#print e}
Alas, you cannot go that way...

{e;#print e}
R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>{e;#print e}
*an Elf* leaves up.
Track Through the Forested Hills
*an Elf* is standing here (Glowing).
Exits: East Down.

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>Track Through the Forested Hills
Exits: East West.

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>{e;#print e}
{d;#print d}
Track Through the Forested Hills
The corpse of the huge, black wolf is lying here.
A cute rabbit is here.
Exits: West Down.

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>{n;#print n}
Alas, you cannot go that way...

{n;#print n}
R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>
Alas, you cannot go that way...

{e;#print e}
R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>Track Through the Hills
A cute rabbit is here.
Exits: North Up.

R W C HP:Hurt Mana:Warm>Path to the Misty Mountains
Exits: East South.

#### Hehehhehehe! /Voodoo                                  ####
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Smrtihlav2000-09-14 18:22:52
whois is this gay Gray?
he only sends logs from others :P
Gray2000-09-14 18:42:51
Laugh, Smrt, do you really see my logs where i kill newbie bns in one stab?
I'm anti-bn player, so don't await cool logs from me :P
Rogon2000-09-14 20:42:06
Gray stop fucking taking logs from other pages and moving them here. And no we dont want to see your logs, we dont want to see the logs you find on other pages that we saw 3 years ago, we dont want to see ANYTHING that has to do with you.
Hannibal2000-09-14 22:47:08
actually i like it, we have our own log-agent who picks out good logs for us=)

only that.....this one sucked=P
Fredde2000-09-14 23:20:59
ohh! its so nice the see niklas and luke join for an enemy of ém both!

Rogon2000-09-15 07:01:04
Gray isnt any enemy of mine, no more than a pissant is.
Fredde2000-09-15 09:39:54
What insulting?

noone calls another nsl! now thats an insult!

"old joke (TM)"
Jocke2000-09-15 10:39:04
An old sent log or not, The pukes were still correct, those LTH orcs are chickens. :)
Fredde2000-09-15 13:19:26
that came from the right mouth!
Aschit2000-09-16 19:43:29
Anyone want to see a 200k log of me spamming for emergency transes?
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