Tolman, another pstealer
posted by Mumma
2000-09-20 21:42:19
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Tolman sucks furry ass
Chilling in RD
Tolman says 'ah its mumma'

* R W C>
You glare icily at him.

* R W C>
Tolman says 'one sec'

* R W C>
Tolman leaves down.

* R W C>stat
OB: 55%, DB: 45%, PB: 65%, Armour: 48%. Wimpy: 100. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 164,756 xp, 0 tp. Lauren: 144. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- stored spell colour spray.
- stored spell colour spray.
- shield
- strength
- armour

* R W C>
Tolman has arrived from below.

* R W C>
Paragond narrates 'if somone makes rain I call on him'

* R W C>' ohno!!
emote piper: ohno!!

* R W C>
Galdor says 'gdamn it'

* R W C>
Paragond narrates 'I have 3 stored'

* R W C>stat

Galdor says 'i need to rent'

* R W C>stat
OB: 55%, DB: 45%, PB: 65%, Armour: 48%. Wimpy: 100. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 164,756 xp, 0 tp. Lauren: 138. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- stored spell colour spray.
- stored spell colour spray.
- shield
- strength
- armour

* R W C>OB: 55%, DB: 45%, PB: 65%, Armour: 48%. Wimpy: 100. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 164,756 xp, 0 tp. Lauren: 138. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- stored spell colour spray.
- stored spell colour spray.
- shield
- strength
- armour

* R W C>
Galdor starts moaning.

* R W C>stat
OB: 55%, DB: 45%, PB: 65%, Armour: 48%. Wimpy: 100. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 164,756 xp, 0 tp. Lauren: 138. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- stored spell colour spray.
- stored spell colour spray.
- shield
- strength
- armour

* R W C>
Thróin nods in agreement with Galdor.

* R W C>stat
OB: 55%, DB: 45%, PB: 65%, Armour: 48%. Wimpy: 100. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 164,756 xp, 0 tp. Lauren: 131. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- stored spell colour spray.
- stored spell colour spray.
- shield
- strength
- armour

* R W C>stat
OB: 55%, DB: 45%, PB: 65%, Armour: 48%. Wimpy: 100. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 164,756 xp, 0 tp. Lauren: 131. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- stored spell colour spray.
- stored spell colour spray.
- shield
- strength
- armour

* R W C>st
Thróin stops following Galdor.
Paragond narrates 'weather is hot, + cloudes will do it'
You are already standing.

* R W C>down
You cannot go there riding!

* R W C>7
You stop riding the warhorse.
The warhorse starts following you.

* W C>down
Steeply Sloping Path
An elven guard is wandering here, keeping the peace.
Exits: Up Down.

* W C>
Nuemar narrates 'no control. :('

* W C>
Tolman has arrived from above.

* W C>
Tolman leaves down
Another p stealer
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Aragazt2000-09-20 21:46:13
You should have changed alert paranoid when you saw money disappearing, maybe you would have caght him!
Lochdale.2000-09-20 21:55:27
This is all fabrication..I think Tolman may have an action for libel against know the successful party gets legal fees hmmmmmmmmmmmm
tolman2000-09-20 22:08:43
ya wanker, this guy makes up his own logs...
what a dick
Ratark2000-09-20 22:17:59
Ancaruin2000-09-20 22:18:17
Doesn't matter if he stole or not, since you didn't catch him at it. I have had stuff and money pstole from me and I laugh about it, especially when I or a mob catches them. It's just a game and sometimes you lose.
Uldrak2000-09-20 22:24:47
Well its p(grunganator) what could u expect?
Isoldir2000-09-20 23:05:54
Hmmmm, if I had 144 gold, I think i would put it in a moneybag to prevent that sort of thing from happening.
tolman2000-09-20 23:10:37
Uldrak, what does that hafta do with anything?
You are wanker #2, if you want my gold, come and take it,
and try not to do it while i am linkless.
oh, wait, you can't do it while someone isn't linkless.
sorry...i guess i'll just lay down and die for you.
Juston2000-09-20 23:29:35
I think if you fail a steal that your arm should shrivel up (real life)
=)2000-09-20 23:43:16
i think tolman sucks, all his chars sucks and he got no rl life.
but he think he is really cool, just like that moron...what's his name again...rogon!
Elmir2000-09-20 23:45:02
I think it was Galdor.
grunge2000-09-20 23:46:43
i think that was ratark pDarkwind having a close moment with his shrivelled penis :)
mumma2000-09-20 23:59:09
why steal in the beginning?
cuz u'r a lamer with no rl life sitting at comp day and night
Galdor2000-09-21 00:05:23
He didnt steal my gold =)
Ratark2000-09-21 00:07:05
later on tolman stole gold from me too.
Daevia2000-09-21 00:58:36
Notice a tend in who Tolman steals from?
People that suck!
Doors2000-09-21 01:20:30
HA! I really did it but I pawned it off on others! Catch me if you can!
Grang2000-09-21 04:27:01
*hug* tolman, nice to see someone joined me!
nifty to have a good player pstealin.
also funny when people are too scared to insult grunganator with their real
names, and use things like ':)'. anyhow, keep up the good work!
and btw, *nod* daevia
Plumli2000-09-21 06:12:28
Howard also psteals
Ginlon2000-09-21 13:01:19
Hey... stop whining at Tolman, the man pays my rent!
I don't care where he gets his money, as long as he
spare em for my rent :)
Elestir2000-09-21 16:25:30
I knew this guy is linklesskiller, not surprise he is pstealer too. Just shows how mean he is. PStealing should really be baned, as the justice system is not implemented properly (you don't get back what was stolen from you even if the thief gets caught, thief will get free citizenship after he gets out of jail, etc.).
Tror2000-09-21 17:11:46
I was the one who took your gold, but I had Manwe wizinvis me first, so you wouldnt see me coming up behind ya.........

. It was 7 gold dude ;) Im sure things will work out okay for ya!
Gray/Candid2000-09-21 17:49:05
It is really Tolman who stole from you IMHO - once he stole most of my gold
when i was afk in Rdell.

As Grunge said before, he's gonna leave MUME - so its better to avoid all his
chars or at least be more careful when he is in room. He's able to do any evil
- knowing he have nothing to lose. Ya know, most condemned man is most harmful.
These who forgot his char names, scroll some logs back and read comments, or
just visit my page - private part (if you have access to it of course).
Relim2000-09-21 18:08:53
Grunge told me all he knows about STDs. I will now follow him to hell. And probably will.
Smrtihlav2000-09-21 19:12:52
whoever is that "=)" i can just agree :)
Grunge used to be nice person till he got Norsu syndrom
Grumm2000-09-21 19:35:50
Gotta love p(Grunge). The way he plays.
My respect.
Unknown2000-09-21 20:38:22
He's also a same-side pkiller with orcs.

Grunge used to be cool, now i wouldnt let him lick my toilet seat.
Unknown2000-09-21 20:38:37
Or rather, licking my toilet seat is what he should be doing now.
Lochdale2000-09-22 00:39:15
Grang your a slaphead.
Grang2000-09-22 05:05:18
ROTFL, a slaphead? aren't you the same person that called someone 'laddo'?
go back to wherever you came from, bitch!
Norsu2000-09-22 07:41:28
Norsu syndrom - is that psteal and same-side pk? two things i've never involved myself in... And, anything must be better than the czechsyndrom - if i cant use my actions to pk, i will not pk without 8 people waiting in a trap.
Lochdale2000-09-22 18:43:10
Ack! sorry Grang I'll try and speak your lingo...Your a fucking child. Hows that? Guttural enough for you? Cretin.
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