The life of a troll....
posted by Gorlab
2000-09-22 03:20:50
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Just logging in to check and see how rent was and if any pukes around.....
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl {\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Courier New;}{\f1\fnil\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
\uc1\pard\ulnone\f0\fs20 ####Just logging in to check and see if any PUKES around, when.....####\par
           MUME: Multi Users in Middle Earth, Version VII.\par
*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (96%) *** \par
         Type 'news next' for the latest information.\par
Welcome to the land of Middle Earth. May your visit here be... interesting.\par
Never forget! Try to role-play...\par
Last login 1 day and 0 hours ago from\par
A battle axe is lying on the ground.\par
A gnarled wooden club is on the ground.\par
The petrified statue of the Great Olog Trix stands here forevermore.\par
A large metal shield is on the ground.\par
A large bulletin board is mounted on a wall here.\par
On the ground, there are three piles of white petals.\par
A spiked war club lies on the ground here.\par
A thick, rigid leather breastplate is on the ground.\par
A thin pair of soft leather boots are on the ground.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
The corpse of a grey troll is lying here.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
The corpse of a grey troll is lying here.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
The corpse of *a Troll* is lying here.\par
A noticeable crack runs down one of the walls.\par
Grinder is here, fighting *a Man*.\par
*a sturdy Dwarf* is standing here.\par
*a Man* is standing here.\par
*a noble Elf* is standing here.\par
*a noble Elf* is standing here.\par
*a Man* is standing here.\par
*a Woman* is standing here.\par
*an Elf* is standing here.\par
*an Elf* is standing here.\par
*a Man* is here, fighting Grinder.\par
Exits: West.\par
Your default tongue is the Morbeth\par
*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...\par
Your rent was 5 silver 2 copper.\par
# Friendly reminder: 
You can only have one account and it cannot be shared.\par
#                    See HELP ACCOUNTS and RULES ACCOUNTS for more information.\par
* W>\par
*a Man* pounds your right leg very hard and tickles it.\par
Plato has arrived from the west.\par
*a Man* quickly approaches, trying to crush you.\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Healthy>\par
*a noble Elf* tries to slash you, but your parry is successful.\par
*a Man* leaves west.\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Healthy>\par
You hit *a Man*'s right arm extremely hard.\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>f\par
You can't quit the fight!\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>f\par
*an Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'\par
Grinder says 'I will rip your heart out, Llewelyn!'\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>\par
*a sturdy Dwarf* leaves west.\par
*a noble Elf* leaves west.\par
*a Woman* leaves west.\par
*an Elf* leaves west.\par
You hear some apparently very close noise coming from the west.\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>PANIC! 
You can't quit the fight!\par
*a Man* crushes your right hand extremely hard and tickles it.\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>\par
*a noble Elf* lightly slashes your left hand and tickles it.\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>\par
You hit *a Man*'s right hand hard and tickle it.\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>think\par
Careful, you might hurt yourself!\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>\par
*a sturdy Dwarf* has arrived from the west.\par
*a noble Elf* has arrived from the west.\par
*a Woman* has arrived from the west.\par
*an Elf* has arrived from the west.\par
*a Man* has arrived from the west.\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>*an Elf* leaves west.\par
You flee head over heels.\par
You couldn't escape!\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>f\par
You can't quit the fight!\par
*an Elf* has arrived from the west.\par
*a Woman* intercepts Grinder's blow.\par
*a noble Elf* strongly slashes your body and tickles it.\par
You hit *a Man*'s right hand extremely hard.\par
Your victim is shocked by your hit!\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>\par
*a Man* sends you sprawling with a powerful bash.\par
*a Man* crushes your right arm extremely hard.\par
You feel a strong ache there!\par
*a Man* pounds your right hand extremely hard and tickles it.\par
* W HP:Fine *a Man*:Fine>\par
*a Woman* leaves west.\par
Grinder hits *a Man*'s right hand extremely hard.\par
####And off I run after 10 failed flees.####\par
####Sorta ridiculous if you ask me#####\par
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Gorlab2000-09-22 03:21:39
Dont ask me what the stuff is at top and bottom. It wasnt on log when i viewed it.
Wendle2000-09-22 03:58:49
so, did you guys kill grinder?
Tia2000-09-22 04:21:58
Reef2000-09-22 04:31:07
The pukes were 9 over par for the first round but Gorlab was on par and fled with the moral victory.par

Plato2000-09-22 04:54:47
Buncha overkilling assholes if you ask me, I died 2 times just trying to get out and run to filthy. I wonder if they actually thought it was fun to stand there and wizkill trolls or if they just get an egotrip off of it. Oh well, gotta reeq whenever they decide to leave. If you have a group of that many and practically no darkies are on you'd think that they'd go raid noc or do something a bit more challenging, oh well.
smudge2000-09-22 06:33:06
Was it summer? You can check the time in your account, and see if its summer.
If so, know you will log in to see tons of em, and no trolls on. For a troll
to be on in summer, its one of two things. 1) No one to pk, no time to run
out of the hole to find a good battle..very boring, or 2) So many in the
warrens, why bother loosing the 150K xp per death? Comf on loosing all your
rent money.
Par2000-09-22 07:45:26
Kötta2000-09-22 08:23:41
Overkill? What overkill? they raided!
Uldrak2000-09-22 08:56:49
Whats ridiculous? they raided warrens, stop whining for gods sake thats all
you guys do.
Agattax2000-09-22 09:42:10
Darkangel2000-09-22 11:06:57
Plata you really shouldnt whine, at least u didnt get killed 12 (!) times *comf trollie*
Alcion2000-09-22 11:36:17
Maybe, just maybe, it wasn't same troll - if it was, maybe, just maybe it was
less than level 10?
whine2000-09-22 11:43:13
Hi, i thought i would just put my 2cents in,

thanks, I am not new around here but I think i will formally introduce myself
since most of you deny that I am here.
smartass2000-09-22 11:48:01
next time confert the RTF file (causing the pars).par
to normal ascii text (like shown on this log page).par
Relim2000-09-22 11:53:33
What troll died 12 times? I was around there (tho not in this log) and didn't see anyone die 12 times. You just count all the corpses in the room? If so, was between 3 and 4 different trolls.
Darkangel2000-09-22 12:10:57
I got Huhur (?) on trophy 12 times... I think Mikala got him 12 times too..
I dont get why he didnt quit, he died all the time. I got another troll 9 times on trophy,
dont remember his name tho. (All from yesterday)
Giggle Alcion, I wouldn't say it was the same troll if it wasn't.
And yes, I'm pretty sure they are kinda lowlvls.
Gorlab2000-09-22 12:59:40
I have no clue what that Par shit is. All I did was cut and paste all that shit. It was lame seeing how, you log on its day and you have nowhere to go. Its ok if you know where to hide though.
Unknown2000-09-22 13:02:05
Don't kid yourself - you would've been v. easy to find, but pukes weren't moving to go track you lot down. You stayed, you died. You fled off, they killed grinder, giving you plenty of time to escape.
Unknown2000-09-22 14:27:00
Uldrak commented:
Stop whining, thats all you guys do.

What about uldrak?
Plato2000-09-22 15:58:15
It was Blotmath, so Autumn. I'm cooled off now and reequipped, thank you. :-)
Jocke2000-09-22 16:10:55
You compy/paste from some strange color terminal?
Nestha2000-09-22 18:26:39
I got around 15 Huhurs (or something near) and 12 of another trollie in that
raid. I think those lowbies were getting bored and started to trouble us when
we were trying to kill Grinder.

No, we didnt kill Grinder finally. We used all our mana and buffers hps and
rumors said that he was fine :)
Duvel2000-09-22 19:23:16
It is fun to have 12 pukes warrens only not if they 12 cellar ;)

Glader2000-09-22 19:33:30
Steele2000-09-23 10:23:54
Me, golf course, beer, par, tomorrow. Me and my whooping 13 handicap are gonna
tear up the local course!
Reef2000-09-23 15:14:19
Might have to join you Steele mate, sounds bloody good. Loser of each hole has to toke a beer?
Lothar2000-09-23 15:19:01
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