Warren killer mobs
posted by Baldie
2000-09-25 10:40:15
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Pukes decide to raid warrens.
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Horus2000-09-25 11:13:40
Thats the way to play the game Whack em all
Ironduck2000-09-25 11:24:24
Yeah, let the pukes mob rip, so they stay out of the trolls way...
Duvel2000-09-25 12:17:10
Goddamn why no puke in warrens when I am online =P
Missed already 2 raids.... *boggle*
Relim2000-09-25 12:37:57
LOL! Great log in that you show the only time any of the pukes died! Goretongue was spanked 2 or 3 times (can't remember), about 12 different trolls were killed in total. You chaps won a little victory - I believe the end game was a win for the pukes. Jandor got near total equip back, and I'm just down a brd and a coupla of candles ( you can give em back later... ;)).
Was fun tho - if only cus, at one stage, it was one HUGE group vs another HUGE group. Trolls got totally organised and gave us a good run for our money.
Daevia2000-09-25 12:57:35
Why bother killing a shadow at Grinder when theres pukes still inside?
Kill pukes, then loot. But then trolls never were very smart.
Skojardu2000-09-25 13:06:26
No but alot of pukies started to play troll and then it become this way
so ill guess pukes are just plain stupid and get even more idiotic by playing troll *rrooooaaarrrrr* errr you know baaah
Dengue2000-09-25 13:34:10
Why did u flee when elf bad, u were fine at grinder, u woulda got that one....
Duvel2000-09-25 13:44:54
*nod Skojardu*

*nod Skojardu*

Nod again =P you are so damn right =))))

Hehe =0
Baldie2000-09-25 14:24:46
Dengue: the text spammed quite fast right then. Didn't notice elf was that close to dying. And I just fled to avoid being bashed. I reentered right away. But missed that split second that he died.
Skojardu2000-09-25 15:30:12
Why not just blame on the sun baldie or or or the wind caught your keyboard
or or by accident headbutted the mouse so you couldnt type or or your mama
came and ripped of your pants because they needed to be washed :]
Btw grow some hair so i can scalp you?i miss my baldie scalp :(
Baldie2000-09-25 16:16:47
Lol :)
Kakarot2000-09-25 16:28:52
Laugh, yall killed like 1 Olog as far I can tell, rest of them was
mid lev's, not that there is anything wrong with that :> However,
I would say the day was won by us in the end..I'm just sad I missed
the first invasion wave :<

Reivax2000-09-25 16:43:07
I don't get it.

If .cz-followers are redshirts, what were these?

Oh, andlowbies (under 25) in Warrens.
Your labbies playing trolls so you could xp on them?
GORETONGUE2000-09-25 17:47:48
re: spanking goretongue: gore is level 12, you rokarr or something

At grinder it was amusing something like:

* Dying : an *ugly Half-elf* Dying>
Sorry you are dead!

Skud2000-09-25 21:05:19
wish skud was on! when skud smell blud, skud killa! dunno why
trolltroll whacka shadow, but skojardu brainytroll! skud
lika brainy troll! whacka pukeblood!
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