Moonlum and Krusty learns a lesson.
posted by Olórion
2000-09-28 08:40:20
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4 words. Fence Moonglum Krusty Me
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Krusty2000-09-28 08:54:46
Well god dammit I managed to barely pierce him (nice feat for wimpy scout in sun) and I see in my corpse the brd still had psylonia on it. He woulda run outta mana, and died hard. :(
Olorion2000-09-28 08:59:34
Glader2000-09-28 09:05:52
Very well done Johan! Nice to see your balls grow again!
Krusty2000-09-28 09:08:59
Hey Moonie back me up a little. I feel lonesome without a whole lab to pat me on the as..da I mean back.
Unknown2000-09-28 09:35:04
hm i remember someone who used to do this
Hannibal2000-09-28 09:43:19
heh.. they looked so linkless =P but since there werent, clap!
Lalin2000-09-28 10:46:12
why pig needed to die?:(
Elrun2000-09-28 11:42:03
no point to post this. If you'd manage to kill them without using quakes it
would be a good log.
Rza2000-09-28 12:44:06
Quakes are so gay now :(
Alcion2000-09-28 12:44:39
That elf was probably hungry after all that mana-loss so he had himself a
barbeque outa that pig, Lalin. :)
Olorion2000-09-28 12:53:47
I sure was hungry, but the pig was innocent and i took him hunder my arms.
Carried him out and barried him with a little cermony.
Unknown2000-09-28 13:20:34
Ariala2000-09-28 13:34:37
Olorion :) you are bloody elf
so many die comments here i saw :)
possible you can turn to vimpire soon
Angry guy2000-09-28 14:13:47
Damn its fucking whining and shit, If somone does something bad everyone flames.
But when somone does something good, like here!
You still flame. stupid people.........
Lalin2000-09-28 15:25:19
guessed so Alcion;)
Stormblast2000-09-28 15:25:58
Heh, for most bns I know that was like an average-ok kill.
Ariala2000-09-28 16:02:02
Angry guy : heh people always flame ...
People just need to talk :)
eilro2000-09-28 17:04:37
nice work olorion :)
Moonglum2000-09-28 19:15:29
Moonglum2000-09-28 19:18:26
Blah I hit enter on that last blank post. Nice kill. If only I had used my purple scroll huh? Then I could have let loose with my four stored quakes. Probably would have put you to, what, fine/hurt? And I'm sure you are loaded up with heal scrolls and such. Anyway, even if it was an easy kill using stored quakes it was still a good kill in my opinion - and I died. (hats off)
Delicáte2000-09-28 21:04:00
*clap Olorion* I see balls somewhere!
Steele2000-09-28 21:10:24
No skill, spam quake, walk out with a level. *shrug* Go go 20 ms link!
Unknown2000-09-28 21:25:15
quake is still overpowered
Fredde2000-09-29 00:08:35
NSL must have a huge lab, if not themselves, the computers and their balls wouldent fit in the same room.

i say alot of shit about the NSL, mostly just to annoy em and harras em but this was nice, in awhile you even might see my elf mage doing that, iam leveling him but also iam tired of playing this game so mostly i sit and harras ainurs. so you prolly wont se me do that in a long time...

nice fighting johan!
Grimble2000-09-29 03:58:29
Uh this move dont take balls. 5 stored quakes can do about 400 damage. Any bn in the room that is trapped there will die unless they have heal scrolls, and even purples may not save his ass. Even if a bn has storequakes, they cannot stand up to a pukemage with the same storequakes. Almost any orc that is in room will also die without scrolls unless they are warrior or highlevel scout. Quakes do not constitute skill. Don't get me wrong, I have a couple casters that can storequake too, but I don't chalk it up to skill or balls if I storequake ppl to death. Not taking anything away from his kills because bashers and/or traps can ruin it quite quickly, but I'm pretty sure he knew what he was getting into.
The Pig2000-09-29 04:42:34
You Cocksmoker!! I was linkless and without flag. This fucking game
sucks.. I dont know why I even play anymore.. I think I will just
mobdie all my chars down to level one. WAAAAAAHHHH
Olorion2000-09-29 14:06:09
Ok, I dont say im very brave.
But IF the orc would be, say Drengist, and the BN moonglum or ANY other.
I would die faster then I could type..
quake quake quake quake quake..
But, I was kinda sure it was a low level bn and low level orc.
Tho the orc was level 27 and scout..
Anyway..... I had fun, maybe no skill needed. but anyway. :)
Unknown2000-09-29 20:55:42
You might be The Pig, but ginlon is THE pig.
Jocke2000-10-04 09:27:12
The one part with some skill involved was that he actually started with sprays
on the orc for as long as he could, then when hit/casted on, he used the stored
quakes. A more cluless player would have started with quakes and maybe in the end
died to the orc cause he had hps enough to live the stored spells.
Jocke Strap2000-10-06 12:07:46
Yadedah yah yah, all we want to do is PUMP YOU UP!

I think the matter of suprise and sweedelink had a lot to do with that, considering one guy did't use scroll and another has psylonia on dagger.

Nice job though, good log.
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