Precursor to their demise
posted by Botesia
2000-09-29 12:45:24
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I just thought I should include the playstyle of people today. There is the dea
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Jalin2000-09-29 12:50:16
Jalin2000-09-29 12:50:49
Looks like the mail came early. Thanks for the trophy and wps.
Ariala2000-09-29 14:11:21
sigh all as usual
Malak2000-09-29 16:37:07
We wonder why trapping happens so much on MUME, yet it is blatantly obvious. The fact is that anyone with a clue (Botesia in this case) can get away from 3 orcs at bad hps (<60 hps) with no armour (maybe one to two hits from death) and spam the 6 zones it takes to get to a safe place. Even with this new regen system, a max move regen warrior or a bob'ing mage can still slow walk to a sanctuary and beat the slowtracking hunters chasing him. Most good hunters use intuition and spam to choke point to track a little faster but the way to get around this is to do the less obvious and rest up in a different spot. How often do experienced players die because they were hunted down in this day in age? Unless circumstances are extreme, not too often.
Nazgum2000-09-29 16:47:12
In general, as mabel yes i trap. But most of my time is spent hunting
xpers (You try bn on 400 ms link). But as nazgum, i tend to actually
trap less, but fight around closable exits more. When you fight
outside a trap, like plank on oer or whatever, it adds an extra element
of danger to combat, you need to make sure u don't flee in, while
you can try to flee your opponent in.

By now most mume players are aware of how to survive in open areas near
ford, so you need to scare them somehow (either with poison, get them
lost, spam chase em real good (usually requiring -100 ping), or
fight em near doors where they are scared to flee).

It's just a strategy, but you go on storing your 5 quakes and
playing overpowered puke mage botesia, no one will whine about you.
Rogon2000-09-29 17:03:41
It's very very very easy to stay alive in mume now due to some changes over the year, for example areas are much more open now, almost no bottlenecks anywhere. You cant walk into a bash or spell anymore, those were big killers in the past too... and also mume is alot slower now (remember when combat rounds and spells were made 25% slower a couple years back?). And there's approach... weapons speed, every useable weapon is alot slower than 100% (old weapon speed for all weapons except smite, and smite too earlier)...
Duvel2000-09-29 18:12:07
Yeah I must agree with Rogon about the bottlenecks.....

All the areas I know have either 100% open or else at least 4 or 5 ways to get out =) not talking about towns of course.

That makes trapping inevitable...
Lochdale2000-09-29 18:47:14
I'm just amazed that Botesia can spell 'precursor' Go on ya good thing.
Ginlon2000-09-29 19:27:59
Sucks.... But Rogon is fully right...

I want old LB and priest back..
This new shit sucks..
Niccolo2000-09-29 21:53:55
Sure rogon is right mume is a bit slower. Bottlenecks are gone. I cant say I dislike those changes as my link is 250-300ms. Try fighting a 25ms smiting swede playing his robot from during the old days. You died on 300ms in bottlenecks very easily. I hardly see how that was fair to non megalinkers.

Personally I think these hugegroups in pk and traps are merely a cover for an extreme lack of skill. WAAA mume is slower i gotta have 10 people or I cant get a kill. HORSESHIT. If everyone traveld for pk in groups of 4 or less, people would die just fine. The reason small groups cant get good kills nowdays isnt cause mume is slow and lacks bottlenecks. Its because skillless loosers travel in packs of 10 so often that you cant find a battle where you have even odds or are just slightly outnumbered.

#1 rule of mume - Anyone who says - I need more people in my group because the mume 7 system makes killing difficult unless you overkill. - is a marked looser who can't adapt and has no skills.
Juston2000-09-29 22:53:59
I have been killed by three orcs in my tenure, all one-on-one nontrap battles. Nomad slaughtered me (on my previous name) near bree near dat runway thingie. Sneaker managed to stab out near oer by rock (a little lagged, but not greatly) and Baazunga (and Madcat, closest thing to a trap kill i've been in) killed me wswept. Not too shabby
botesia2000-09-30 00:50:06
Nazgum- I have 11 characters I think and I play each one of them for a time period
before I get bored (or die and get pissed) and move on to a different one.
Atm, I don't care for the company of the darkside. I find as many newbies spamming me
for equipment at blasted furnace as I do ppi. BNs are boring as shit unless you group with
people (and trap), and my main way to solo with a bn was to use charmies, which, (thanks to
mochomurka and muck) that I can only charm 2 semicontrollable queen bees max. I like to solo.
So, yes, atm, I am playing Botesia. And if you think 5 stored quakes if overpowerd, then obviously
you don't know how to bash, b/c 5 stored quakes becomes 3 quakes total to anyone with a clue.

What other reason to play Botesia? Oh, I think I will practice portal and start blocking in all you fucknuts
that think you can just trap b/c you don't know how to track/spam around and fight effectively.
I have warlorded 3 different characters now. Burzum and Pheare would solo hunt. Bootyho was solo. And Tolman was sure
as shit solo. If you think you are a good player Nazgum, guess again, check the track record, I didn't use traps with any
of those chars. and guess what? 2 of them are darkies...I guess I will play my overpowered puke mage now.
Rhuka2000-09-30 14:14:01
Botesia... I actually think youre the one who suck. Dont go around telling people what to play. Actually, you are a whore who sucks your mom, youre really starting to piss me off, you used to be cool.
Btw, like bootyho is something to brag with? *laugh*.
Alcion2000-09-30 18:34:35
Bootyho rules! Had no idea it was Grunge. :) ...this messed things up, you're
sure that you're Bootyho? /;)
Niccolo2000-09-30 21:12:21
Hey there bobbie boy, once youv'e been playing this game for a few more years you might eventually earn the right to insult Grunge. Until then, stick to trying oh so hard to be accepted by this game's veteran swedes. I really don't think they care for children any more than I do tho.
botesia2000-10-01 03:58:49
hurm, i wasn't aware that Rhuka's english was so poor, it seems much better
everytime he logs on his puke and begs people for equpiment, then logs off and
logs on his other puke and begs people for equipment....i dunno....
i really doubt this could be he.
Semirhage2000-10-10 16:23:47
BTW bn's do suck :)
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