the 'jew' label
posted by Zoone
2000-09-29 23:41:05
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Azg2000-09-30 00:02:24
Jews aren't Islamic, they are Hebrew. Islamic people are Muslims.
Zoone2000-09-30 00:05:51
Lochdale2000-09-30 00:30:21
Zoone are fucking joking? On Rosh Hashanah as well! Islam/muslim are two different descriptions of a religion, they are not a people per se. Further, Hebrew is commonly used to refer to the semetic languange of the ancient Hebrews. That said, the Hewbrew are considered decendants from one of the ancient northern semetic tribes which included the Israelites. Such labels should not be used in Mume imo.
Fredde2000-09-30 01:04:01
i use the label fitta, hora and some other nice swedish words. tho only on those asshole elfs in slag area.
Fitta = Cunt, pussy
Hora = Whore
Hannibal2000-09-30 01:23:15
wow, u are so cool fredde *lol*
grunge2000-09-30 01:49:50
i just label everyone fred, because fred is dead.
Skojardu2000-09-30 02:55:46
Well lochdale your semi close -- but not all the way
A philanthropis2000-09-30 06:01:08
LISTEN!!! We are all just consider the feelings of others....*Outside of MUME of course...this is the most surreal place i've ever been in my life*......
A philanthropis2000-09-30 06:01:31
LISTEN!!! We are all just consider the feelings of others....*Outside of MUME of course...this is the most surreal place i've ever been in my life*......
Reef2000-09-30 10:07:42
Around 2000BC a group of Mesopotamians settled in what is now northern Israel but it wasnt until 1023BC that a kingdom was actually formed. They were led by a bloke called Saul and later by David (yes the David) who captured Jerusalem and made it their capital. Several forces have 'owned' Israel after defeating them at some stage, including the Babylonians, the Romans and the fundamentalist Muslims under the charge of Caliph Omar (Mohammed had ascended to heaven from Temple Mount which is in the bounds of Israel). If anyone is at all interested, the reason there are so many Jews all over the world is because there was a Jewish uprising in the first century AD which climaxed in the razing of Jerusalem and the province of Palestine being decreed. This basically ended the Jewish State and was the beginning of the Diaspora - a term that refers to the scattering of the Jews from Israel.

Ohh and no Im not Jewish, Im an atheist...but its interesting historically dont you think? :)
Bobo2000-09-30 10:47:38
I am a trained typing monkey rl. Not human!
Bama2000-09-30 10:58:40
I am NOT human! I am an ORC!
Aragazt2000-09-30 12:59:26
I label my horses food, sometimes when i'm bored I type eat food and take a big bite out of my horse :)
So fredde, when you are bored type fuck hora, fuck fitta and enjoy!
Fredde2000-09-30 15:43:17
ok i will

and grunge, its not fred who is dead, its zed, zeds dead baby... zeds dead!
Hannibal2000-09-30 15:47:21

nice studying reef *gig*
Manatark2000-09-30 18:00:50
Hehe, I am not jewish, I am atheist :P... *ponder*
Trakz2000-10-01 02:46:35
Philanthropist, Im not a HUMAN, Im *a weak Orc*
GORETONGUE2000-10-01 09:20:24
"Im a heeb! A red sea pedestrian!"
methuselah2000-10-01 12:40:17
the funniest comment is lochdale's, looks like he copied an entry out a 1960's WORLD BOOK ency.(you know those cheap britannica knock offs, the ones made for poor people). I wish i could look up 'R' for religion too. Shut up and go back to your job bagging groceries.
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