Ask and you will recive
posted by Skojardu
2000-09-30 00:47:57
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Skojardu2000-09-30 00:49:28
See--if you really ask for something you will get it :}
Posh2000-09-30 01:05:09
He died too :( twice :(
Torment2000-09-30 01:05:40
I love love LOVE shattering hobbits. raaaarrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
Skojardu2000-09-30 03:01:22
You hmmm stole hmmm my hmmm kill?
Galdor2000-09-30 07:47:23
Haha, this was to much, you guys realy RULE, espec Torment. You gotta teach me how to play orc smiter some day.
Rogon2000-09-30 09:35:53
Well, atleast we have fun! We're not sitting somewhere bitterly whining about the unfairness of everything and trying to make ironic comments... Come play some and show us how you rock instead.
Reef2000-09-30 10:11:11
It wasnt ironic Rogon, it was cynical...but nice try big guy :)
Torment2000-09-30 17:20:34
It's easy Galdor!! You spam hit 1, or whatever your kill elf alias is, many many many times! You really need to lighten up Galdor. Ever since yer glory days a few years ago you've become a grumpy ole puss. Like Phier, you just complain about today and think back to the days when your lab was good. Too bad you die most of the times you play now, guess like the dinosaurs, you didn't learn to adapt :(
Rogon2000-09-30 17:21:02
Well my point remains the same, galdor talks alot for someone who always followed a good player (donk) to have any success, and quit when donk quit, probably because he realised it wasnt any use to play more. then he sits and talks about his "golden days" when he used to rock...

We used to laugh at him a couple of years ago and people in his lab said that when petter played puke and he played warmaster, he didnt leave noc.
Ilmarin2000-09-30 18:34:47
The question really is, whats the use of playin Mume really? I thought you quited a while back Rogon?

What a crappy keyboard I'm at, sucks bad!
Torment2000-09-30 19:37:28
If you have friends you play with, and your group does good, you'll always get flamed. Wether for leading, or following. Some people play Mume like an rpg, all solo, I don't. I can play BG2 at home if I want to, has much better graphics and variety.
Ilmarin2000-09-30 20:34:07
Play Dialo II instead. Or maybe not, it's way to easy and straightforward...
Torment2000-09-30 20:45:44
I played DiabloII, didn't think it was all that great. No real story line worth a crap. BG2 has been nice so far, almost on par with Planscape Torment. Gotta love a game where you get your own castle (playing a berserker barbarian, who'd have guess? :) ).
Ginlon2000-10-01 02:11:28
We followed Donk a lot, simply because he is the
fastest, meanest, toughest motherfucker mume have
ever had... but there were diffrences, we were 3, no more, no less...
We would charge 6, no hesitation, we didnt need 4 vs 1 and poison..

The reasons Galdor quit, is not because he is sulking...
Galdor is still a highly skilled player, in all areas.. and I would
pick him as a groupmember over any of Rogons followers anyday..

He aswell as many, dont find mume to be the kind of challenge
it used to be.. I myself, have more fucking playing Counterstrike
than playing mume.. but my computer at home aint good enough
to play that kinda games, so for now ill just play that when im visisting
labs, or cybercafes... the same goes for a lot of the old players...

Mume is still the best game ever... but the mentality of the players
have gone down to become something of a grab and run game..
People dont take pride in doing cool stuff, and im not saying im
any diffrent...

Nay, i say, more Counterstrike to the people!

"Fire in the hole"!!!!
Torment2000-10-01 02:22:44
Be realistic Ginlon, you often did have 4, or are you already forgetting your poor friend Flea? Also at the time you guys all played, almost nobody used poisons, so sort of a moot point to say you didn't. I'm not saying Galdor isn't a good player, I'm saying he didn't adapt to the times. Both times I've seen him on he was re-equipping, not a good sign. You've also got some weird fascination with Rogon I don't understand. It goes beyond just hating on the game, and borders on obsession. You should obsess on Tia instead, she seems like a nice girl!
Rogon2000-10-01 03:16:18
Not to mention that the leadership i have on my orcs cant handle 6 person groups, so i dont pk in that size at all (unless its a big puke smob group somewhere, and a short fight in a fixed location, if ya know what i mean). I often see ginlon leading groups that would give me 2 room noise if i tried it... but, whining when he does same/worse things never bothered ginlon or his warped logic before, so why should it start now.
Steele2000-10-01 05:49:42
ya can't blame anyone here except the gods who let it happen. Rogon and Torment
changed with the times, and they rule if they choose to do what they do. It all
comes down to game mechanics. People experimented with different things, found
some new tactics, and are currently using them to an extreme and still remain
playing "under the rules." As far as I'm concerned, it's just not fun fighting
against it. I don't like playing a game where, as a warrior, I have to learn
remove poison or run rampart around Arda for 5 + minutes looking for ingredients
for the antidote lore. And, if and when I actually mix the bloody concoction,
the next hit from Rogon express is another poison on me. You get the picture.
It's not a matter of playability here, it's a matter of F-U-N. Which,
unfortunately, it isn't. I'd rather be stripped of my pocessions, locked in
a psychiatric ward, and left to rot than fight in today's MUME world. I'm tired
of competing. The only way I usually have "some" success is if I play 24/7
and somehow get a few consistent followers to aid my cause. I don't have that
kind of passion anymore ;-)

So, you guys can sit back and call Galdor a puss, but to be frank, he has solid
points. And, so does Ginlon. But, I think all of you do know his points already,
so telling all of you over and over and over again isn't going so solve it. I
just think the ol' Mumers from the days are being washed away. I guess we were
spoiled back then? *heh*
Rogon2000-10-01 12:09:42
Well if poison is such a problem - complain with the people who put it there, and who can change it.
Steele2000-10-01 17:35:28
You obviously don't think it's a problem. And, if you do, you don't care enough to
tone it down.
Rogon2000-10-01 20:16:59
I use it because it gives me an advantage. If it's changed so its not good anymore, i wont use it. no big deal.
Steele2000-10-01 21:40:07
An "advantage" as you call it. That's another way of a V+ calling a bug a feature.
Here's the analogy: feature is to bug, as advantage is to problem.
I'm done trying to make you understand it's a problem if used the way your group
uses it. So be it. Do what ya want. It hasn't stopped ya before and it certainly
won't now. It'll change after I start exploiting it too, as others. I'm just tired
of trying to fight against it. It's utterly boring and NOT FUN if you're on
the receipient side.
Steele2000-10-01 21:40:49
If I was an aratar I would change it, but it's not my game ;-)
Rogon2000-10-01 23:06:19
I would understand your objections to poison better if grishelda wasnt a poison-whore when you played him too :) But sure, i understand that things that kill you isnt fun, dying to poison isnt fun, neither is dying to a trap, bash-trap, stab, call lighting, dt, link, you name it.
Olos2000-10-01 23:32:54
I totally disagree with it all,

Diablo II totally ROCKS! well until you get off solo player and hit the web,
then it kinda blows
Elistan2000-10-02 01:17:46
Rogon, I dont believe you are getting the point here. The way the game has become, the way its being played, is taking all the fun out of it for most the other players. And you dont care, because you only want kill kill kill, but when there is nothing else to kill what are you going to do? Kill your own group members? Or better yet, just leave this mud? I have begged and pleaded with mume management to change the game to make it better and more fun for all, but they refuse. Its useless, and only up to the players to change there ways.
Ethar2000-10-02 04:45:29
elistan i thought you quit, jeese i shouldnt have got my hopes up
Dresden2000-10-02 05:01:48
Sorry Achilles, Donk, Warmaster, I was there, Mume was EXACTLY the same in the old days, everyone used/abused everything they could, this has NEVER been different. It's just that you guys changed, you got bored, you wanted to get more finesse out of mume, and you look back to the old days, it all seems somehow better to you than it actually was. Damn, it's like in real life...ask some 70 year old whether they want old days back or not.

Btw as I recollect, Achilles was the guy who always hugegrouped (I am talking 10+ groups here) and pissed off quite many ppl (cause you could flee back to spells then)
Steele2000-10-02 05:12:28
Um, Achilles never huge grouped unless it was required to counterattack. It was
mainly Achilles and me at the ol' FSU lab in good old Southern Tallahassee. As far
as Rogon is concerned, you know and I know that a thief with a little teany tiny
dagger has hardly ANY effect compared to a huge hammer or smiting weapon when
poison is concerned. You know the game mechanics more than anyone else on this
freakin' game Rogon, so don't sit here with your lecture about me doing the same.
If you want to sit here on your high horse, as you usually do with that big head
you call an ego, so be it. But don't you dare drag me into your mess ;-) I'm
not having fun anymore, and I'd like to think it's partly because of the way
the game is structured these days. Bottom line, I'm done sitting on my high horse
talking/whining about a game that isn't going to change anytime soon, as far as
I can see. So be it. Play your game. Afterall, it is YOUR game now.
Achilles2000-10-02 07:17:32
Yea, my huge groups of me Steele and Just were REALLY huge! And you are right, just like back then, the players of today are cry babies. Waaaah, I got stomped by 3 people, overkill, hugegroupers, waaaaaaaaah. If you also remember Dresden, back then I was playing on a 2400 modem, you try that out some day and tell me if it's really possible to lead a group of 10 on one. Only time I had 10 was if a large group of orcs were raiding Bree (which yer fucknut .se lab groups did alot back then) and I'd call all the Bree legends out to have some fun. A group of ill equipped Bree legends against max-equipped superlinked orcs. Don't cry for me Argentina.
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