Fighting Bug?! What do you think?
posted by Fracture
2000-09-30 07:56:51
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Ok is this a bug? Look at it in the middle of the fight...well?
Even fight, except for a mob, and a few levels, and a wee bit of lag.

* HP:Fine a black fungus:Fine>
Pryzm pounds a black fungus' trunk extremely hard.

* HP:Fine a black fungus:Fine>
*a Man* has arrived from the south riding the trained horse.
*an Elf* has arrived from the south riding the trained horse.

* HP:Fine a black fungus:Fine>
Pryzm pounds a black fungus' trunk extremely hard and shatters it.
You pound a black fungus' crown extremely hard and shatter it.

* HP:Fine a black fungus:Wounded>
A black fungus seems to have recovered its senses.

* HP:Fine a black fungus:Wounded>A black fungus tries to hit you, but your parry is successful.

*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
*a Man* stabs your head extremely hard.

You are rescued by Pryzm, you are confused!

Pryzm pounds a black fungus' crown extremely hard and shatters it.

*an Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*an Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal pain.
That really HURT!	<-- Ouch ok one FB
*an Elf* lightly slashes your body and tickles it.

*a Man* stabs Pryzm's right arm extremely hard.

*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...

* HP:Hurt *an Elf*:Healthy>
kill elf	<--laged some starting here
You're already fighting!

* HP:Hurt *an Elf*:Healthy>bash

Pryzm sends a black fungus sprawling with a powerful bash.

You are rescued by Pryzm, you are confused!
*an Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*an Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal pain.
That really HURT! <--quick fb #2

*an Elf* tries to slash Pryzm, but he parries successfully.
<--How can the elf fb me and be fighting Pryzm at the same time?--Bug?>

*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...

* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Healthy Pryzm:Fine>

kill elf
You're already fighting!

* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Healthy Pryzm:Fine>bash

*a Man* sends Pryzm sprawling with a powerful bash.

A black fungus seems to have recovered its senses.

*an Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*an Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal pain.
That really HURT!  <--3 fb's!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!
A black fungus lightly hits Pryzm's body and tickles it.

As *an Elf* avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground.
You fall to the ground.
*a Man* stabs Pryzm's right arm extremely hard.

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Healthy Pryzm:Fine>kill elf
You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Healthy Pryzm:Fine>bash
You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Healthy Pryzm:Fine>kill elf
You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Healthy Pryzm:Fine>
You feel too relaxed to do that..
You pound *an Elf*'s right foot very hard.

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...
kill elf
You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>

You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>kill elf
You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>bash
You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>Nah... 
You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>flee
You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>Nah... 
You feel too relaxed to do that..

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>*a Man* heroically rescues *an Elf*.
No way! 
You are fighting for your life!

* HP:Bad *a Man*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>
You can't quit the fight!
A black fungus barely hits Pryzm's body and tickles it.

* HP:Bad *a Man*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>

You strongly pound *a Man*'s right hand and tickle it.

* HP:Bad *a Man*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>
*a Man* stabs Pryzm's left arm extremely hard.

* HP:Bad *a Man*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>
Do you not consider fighting as standing?

* HP:Bad *a Man*:Fine Pryzm:Fine>

You flee head over heels.
Blighted Land
There are two dried fungi here.
A large and somewhat round fungus grows from the floor.
An ancient fungus smothers the boulders.
A huge black fungus is here, exuding a foul stench.
An ancient fungus smothers the boulders.
A giant, strange looking green fungus is here, ready to devour you in seconds.
A huge black fungus is here, exuding a foul stench.
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.

* HP:Bad>Small Trail
Exits: ^North^ ^East^ ^South^ ^West^.

* HP:Bad>Old Ruins
The statue of a troll is here.
Exits: North ^East^ ^South^ West Down.

<-- Well made it in, and so did Pryzm.  They killed no one and we killed no one.
<-- I got out of the lag when I saw naw you feel too relaxed.  Special
<-- Thanks to that *man* for rescuing the *elf*, if not the *elf* could
<-- have killed me!  I think the *elf* had some lag there too.  What about
<-- that bug?  Suggestions?
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Eothen2000-09-30 09:00:07
Ok this is rather harsh of me...

The bug is you did not finish reading the texts suggested by help newbie, and you picked a race for *experienced players when you were just a newbie.
Either that or you have never played a caster...whatever.
Slobber2000-09-30 09:13:42
In answer to your question, *NOD EOTHEN* lemme sum it up: the elf used stored fireballs, when these "balls" are stored and casted they can hit any target he wants regardless of who he's fighting
suggestions: play puke:P
Slobber2000-09-30 09:21:44
actually you know what? i was just thinking about this fighting some silly whobbit and i retract my original statement: do not play puke. if you learn mume as puke it totally sucks, you have these "rules" that prevent you from killing anything that moves, eg. bree guards, Dunadan, Clint, etc.. and if you do you get arrested for like 2385297 hours. anyway the point i'm trying to make is that as troll you don't have to worry about all that crap, just xp and your megastrongkickassoverpowereddeadlyob troll, and i think troll is the most newbie friendly class on mume, hell look at me :D
Rogon2000-09-30 09:39:56
He can cast on 1.orc, no matter if he's engaged with anything else, only he risks los doing it. This is uh like very basic knowledge...
Notorious2000-09-30 10:49:03
The bug I saw was this one...

* HP:Bad *an Elf*:Healthy Pryzm:Fine>
Nah... You feel too relaxed to do that..
You pound *an Elf*'s right foot very hard.

This seems a bit silly after all. How to be too relaxed to bash someone but not
too relaxed to pound them very hard? Ahhhhh, I see it now. He hits the foot! But
why not bash the foot then? That seems a more effective bash after all, trip them
up a bit and then do some pounding on their head while you lay there alonside them.
Shala2000-09-30 11:16:16
Hrm... Slobber, the balls don't have to be stored to be cast on anyone in room, ya know. Storing only help with the fact the hits don't break your casting, but if you don't get hit you can anyway cast on someone other than the person you're fighting. Btw, I'd be REALLY pissed at pryzm who tried to get you killed all the time... Rescue is a bash without the delay - the most effective weapon for a traitor. (Not saying this was the case - maybe pryzm just a newbie)

Hehe, btw, has anyone ever tried a rescue-trap against opposite race? Like 1.warrior spamming hit *orc*, 2.warrior spamming rescue *orc*, and casters nuking from behind?
Shala2000-09-30 11:19:16
Erm, if the rescue-trap works it has another cool side: warriors will end up fighting each-other, causing minimal chance of line of sight! :)
Rackhir2000-09-30 12:50:27
You where already engaded to the *elf*

* HP:Hurt *an Elf*:Healthy>bash

Pryzm sends a black fungus sprawling with a powerful bash.

You are rescued by Pryzm, you are confused!
*an Elf* utters the word 'yufzbarr'
*an Elf*'s fireball completely envelops you, causing infernal pain.
That really HURT! <--quick fb #2

*an Elf* tries to slash Pryzm, but he parries successfully.
<--How can the elf fb me and be fighting Pryzm at the same time?--Bug?>

*an Elf* begins some strange incantations...

* HP:Wounded *an Elf*:Healthy Pryzm:Fine>
Axel2000-09-30 15:01:30
>In answer to your question, *NOD EOTHEN* lemme sum it up: the elf used stored
>fireballs, when these "balls" are stored and
ROFL - why do ppl propagate stuff they dont know first hand? they even be snobbish
while they inform others with incorrect stuff *wink slobber*
Námo2000-09-30 18:15:16
Get real. Just because you have some basic knowledge (or maybe more) about how the game works doesn't mean you have to patronize people who don't. It's plain silly to read all the besserwisser replies to this log.
Ellison2000-09-30 18:24:43
A caster can cast an attack spell on anyone or anything in the room as
long as he does not
get hit. Spells take longer when you are engaged but i could fireball you
while fighting an albino salamander if i wanted. This does not apply to
most non-attack spells (bob is an example of one you cannot cast while
fighting) You can however cast cure light on a friend while engaged, so it
is not only attack spells you can target while fighting>
Lothar2000-09-30 19:32:04
The New Troll Generation!
Hannibal2000-09-30 20:35:58
cuz casters can do that rackhir..
Mayavi2000-09-30 21:01:43
BNs use this lag trap at Tharbad north gate often.
4 guards that aren't aggressive towards bns and they rescue whities.
So 2-3 bns sit there, waiting for some whitie to show up and then hit him.
One of the 4 guards ends up rescuing the whitie almost immediately, giving the whitie
big lag delay.
The 2-3 bns meanwhile spam away fireballs. They can get upto 4 fireballs or even 5 with luck
on the whitie who just sits there like a duck.

THAT is a bug!
Grorh2000-09-30 21:02:15
rofl lothar
Finwë2000-09-30 23:13:35
Last time I played with bns in Tharbad they didn't do that anymore, they just attempted to stop the fight.

And in answer to Shala's 'idea' about rescuing the enemy, that was abused and so it is not possible to do that anymore.
Even orcs and trolls who are not grouped cannot currently rescue each other I believe.

I have to say it looked to me like Pryzm could have been trying to get you killed, but perhaps he just didn't know that rescuing gives delay to both parties.
Baphomet2000-10-01 05:21:17
tbad violence/criminal code is retarded
Juston2000-10-01 07:32:58
I think that elf quickly chucked a fireball at you then went back in time to when he wasn't engaged and threw another one at you. Cheaters! they must have stolen the bree time machine! :(
Adrien2000-10-01 14:35:38
Dont you know that when you are fighting one mob you cant hit another player.Pryzm was fighting with a fungus when he saved you and then the elf was hitting Pryzm so he could cast all he wanted because Pryzm wasnt hitting him.
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