Mume sure is funny!
posted by Azaril
2000-09-30 16:26:57
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I guess its no use playing mume any more if you dont spend a lot of time getting
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Adorable2000-09-30 16:38:59
Well, comf :O( And yeah, I DO think that poison suck.
Comf on level-loss!
Manaja2000-09-30 16:48:09
Arachnia would be ok
but it fucking eats MANA
that blows some awesome ass... got mana cold eat arachnia -> frozen
almost get mana to rem -> tick + 0 mana again
Torment2000-09-30 17:05:19
The level 8 orc you slaughtered was prob thinking the same thing. You just want fights you can win. Whose fault was it you were slow and low mana sitting in an obvious resting place? Learn how to play the game some, then complain about the mechanics.
Rogon2000-09-30 17:05:22
One draught would probably have saved you... also that tick had very bad timing :P but arachnia sure is powerful, or noone would use it :)
Torment2000-09-30 17:08:03
Whoops, you still had hot mana, assumed from Manaja's comments you didn't have any. Always a good idea to keep a few draughts on even your caster, for just such an emergency!
Nazgum2000-09-30 17:54:33
poison faggots
Arachnia FAGGOT2000-09-30 18:02:26
Unknown2000-09-30 18:12:58
Trapgum!!! Why does trapgum first comment with his name, then comments
again without typing name?
Delicáte2000-09-30 20:33:24
Am i right in assuming that Torment is the one permapoisoning now, whilst Posh and Uldrak dont? It was a bit more reversed before..*poke Torment* Damnit Jeff.
Torment2000-09-30 20:38:56
I vial of poison in the last 2 months hardly constitutes permapoisoning. And both those who died would have died anyways. Was the spam that got the elf, and the dwarf/elf combo..well that was just stupid on their part.
Torment2000-09-30 20:43:19
And no, Posh Uldrak didn't stop poisoning. But why would Posh anyways, he's a shaman, he gave it to me cause I hit harder, raaaaar!
Hannibal2000-09-30 20:50:19
its good to get a kill like that, so easy and still u gain so much..

But to die like that suxx more then it is good to get the kill

understand? =)
Posh2000-09-30 21:46:48
He? what do you mean he? allow me some room to roleplay here will you!

Darkangel2000-09-30 21:46:58
HAHAHAHA, Delicate! :D *ROTFL*...
Uldrak doesn't poison? :O)
*Still laughing*
LAUGH2000-10-01 01:32:41
hahahahahha Uldrak is the NEW rogon ass licker!!!!

But he still got the old fashion Torment spam following.
Uldrak I though you was a good player, but now I know. You suck as much as Torment.
You guys are just so fucking horney to warlord your darkies its freaking fucking sick... Uldrak! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA

poor caress!
Elmir2000-10-01 01:33:47
Sure sucks ass
Talo2000-10-01 01:45:06
Hmm, Torment, interesting comment "And both those who died would have died anyways. Was the spam that got the elf, and the dwarf/elf combo..well that was just stupid on their part.".
You fail to mention, that there was one more *dwarf* in that dwarf/elf combo, and that I got away. And why did I get away? Because I have such a hot link, and I'm such a good player, and that I know the area that well? NOPE, I got away, because I didn't get poison/arachnia so that after my flee spam (a long one) I still had sufficent moves to get away from you. And the other dwarf you killed was Beorg, and he is a far better player than I am and knows the area at least twice better than I do, and you dare say he was killed because of spam/stupidity on his part?? If it is stupidity to go out without 10 draughts/antidotes, then boy were we stupid! But in either case, you getting a kill from him has nothing to do with you hunt skills and everything to do with poison. He died, because after fleeing from you (and he fled before I did) arachnia had taken away all of his moves and his mana, so that he had no chance of getting away. And if you say that he would have died anyway, think again! Even if he was not a better player than I, he is a full cleric with a bob and heal, while I'm a warrior with no bob. And I even had time to check for shadow, and then loot everything else, after you had done shadow, and looted mda and gold. And you say that even without poison "he would have died anyway". HAH.
Well, I say, that without poison, all of you would have died to 3 20 lev chars.
My claim is just as valid as yours is.

You got the kills, but get your facts straight. You got the kills because of poison, and nothing else.

Hmm, ok, you had the foresight of thinking how poison would work...:)

Torment2000-10-01 02:15:29
Eh Talo, you got away cause your buddies mule kept messing up your tracks..but then again you weren't the elf/dwarf I was talking about. I'm talking bout the idiots who were trying to lure us inside hunter for some dumb reason (well, obviously they wanted newbies, not us). Your friend died cause he was carrying over 5 shields and 6 swords on him when we found him exhausted. Pretty dumb to try and spam on foot with all that crap and wonder where his moves really went. Idoubt he is a better player than you too, since you lived and he didn't :/
Delicáte2000-10-01 02:17:31
DA- i didnt say he doesnt poison, i said 'torment is the one permapoisoning NOW while posh and uldrak dont' in in the past yah, they all used the only one i ever see (not like i see them that often, but when i do) with liquid smeared on his weapon is
Drokk2000-10-01 02:19:09
Jeff.. you used to be cool, I hated you cause
you were the only one on this game that actually
managed to kill any of ouor group back then..
It was some sort of love-hate, we'd be bored if you
werent on, and overkilled if you were..

Just sad that you are a lamer now :(

I miss you as the cool guy you used to be....
Rogon2000-10-01 03:13:04
Ginlon, you're getting more pathetic by the hour :) keep it up!
Gastone2000-10-01 04:00:10
4:am, ROFL
Helene2000-10-01 04:04:03
Jeff, why did you hurt me so....hurt me so.....


I will gladly mail you some money if you come back to me.
Steele2000-10-01 05:39:32
I think I'm gonna start a max eq'd hard hitting poisoning warrior to show the
it's unbalanced. It's crazy...
Unknown2000-10-01 12:10:40
Just like ginlon said he's gonna prac envenom on all his chars? (in between whining about poison)
Delicáte2000-10-01 12:27:15
Unknown, show your name? Or are you just guilty of that shit too? :)
Caress2000-10-01 17:01:50
Poor caress?!?!? im filthy rich, and besides i only follow norsu and posh
because those supply me with GEMS!!!!!!!!!! im a bitch and i like it.
And really, are we the only group who move "always together?"
I admit it, we do, but just because we happen to kill some people means
we are arseholes?, and that people wont fight us with even/close to even odds
like 4/3 3/4 means we "hugegroup" to kill solo dudes?
I hate hugegroups and i have hardly ever been in one.
Steele2000-10-01 17:39:13
Believe it or not Unknown, the history of mume has evolved this way. Many players
who deem a certain part of the code as unfair can't get the gods attention. So,
they have to resort to eploiting it to the point that they actually might think
of it as "unfair" and then change the code. But, until then, it remains unchanged.
That's why I said I should make a poisoning orc warrior.
Lochdale2000-10-01 18:30:00
Torment is an ob machine. That said, poison must be changed, but you cant condemn folks for using a part of the game that gives them an advantage. I;mm hoping that they change it but until then I will hoard draughts like the gold that they are!
Torment2000-10-01 21:09:34
Others have tried to do what we do, and have failed. Go head, make poisoning orc warriors or whatever. The poison is nice for thieves and dumbasses, but isn't going to kill anyone good unless that person has really bad luck. When you've duplicated what we've done, then you can tell me how easy it is. And Lochdale is right, I'm an ob machine, raaaarrrrrrr!!!
lochdale and to2000-10-02 04:20:09
should stop fucking each other in the butt
Dresden2000-10-02 05:30:33
laugh, Torment, your part here is very small, spamming kill elf (i know all about spamming kill elf) and listening to what rogon says :P

Regarding the discussion of who is the poisoner in the group, you got it all wrong! They all are! Gotta have arachnia, venom and psylonia all at once! Only reason why they wouldn't do that is that they don't have ingredients or vials ready (happens to the best even)

Why can't other's copy it? to some extent they can, but they usually don't have the patience to get the poison stuff, they are too horny to go out and pk (how many times I've tried to convince a group to get sacks first..) Other thing is that you gotta find some stable guys with decent weapons (read: warswords) to fol ya, not kinda guys who run solo after first puke they see, and not the ones using some gayass pierce or slash, and not the guys who get bashed and die in 2 seconds either.
Azg2000-10-02 06:03:47
No offense to Torment, but I'm agreeing with Dresden. Torment wouldn't be half the player he is without Rogon's incarnations. He's the one who hoards all the poison shiz, eq, etc. Torment even said he only uses poison when its given to him, i.e. when Rogons says 'be a good smiter bitch and poison the mofo for me'. Hehe.
Torment2000-10-02 07:10:30
No offense Azg, but I had a measly 6 or so warlords before I ever knew who Rogon was, including the no1 for awhile. If I felt like rewarlording Achilles, Buliwyf, Brynhilde, etc I could do it. Rogon leads cause Rogon has ALOT faster link then I do. Also, if I sucked, Rogon wouldn't let me 'just follow him and spam kill elf' on a regular basis. So, if it's so hard to be us, I wonder how we do it then :/
Rogon2000-10-02 07:11:09
No offense, but you're completely wrong dresden. First thing, warswords SUCKS for poison. they drain vials very very fast. Second, if i lead, i want people to run off solo and chase, because, chances are much higher you get the kill when you split up. I dont really care if someone else in my group gets it instead of me, then i'm happy for them instead...

and as everyone knows azg, a warrior cant mix shit himself, with the crap wisdom they usually have... thats why you let a shaman mix it. ho ho! revelation.
Shadrach2000-10-02 12:15:53
So a pathetic overkilling puke died cause he was braindead enuff not to carry a draught. I, as u may have figured out by now, dont give a flying fuck. I dont use poison cause its boring to do grey spider, but mebbe il start. Fucking whining pukes, blow me.
Azg2000-10-02 21:16:03
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