Lochdale Linkless Killer
posted by Moonglum
2000-10-01 07:58:55
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I was fighting a hobbit and man around last bridge when ...
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Lochdale2000-10-01 08:14:51
Whatever. I was feeling bad about it and was going to give naz your equip when he appeared but lets set the record straight. You were chasing Zartran all over arda. He asked me for help so I went and tracked you to windswept where you were still after him. I tracked and put in a stab. You died i ONE stab..no melee, no double stab, nothing. You ripped 1 stab. WTF am I supposed to do? you were chasing Zartran for ages and i was spaming backstab *man*. I am sorry you died linkless but you had no flag or anything and you were still rather active up until then and u ripped in 1 stab. Again, sorry, but I am not taking this sort of personal crap.
Moonglum2000-10-01 08:18:21
All you had to do was drop the eq.
grunge2000-10-01 08:20:18
we all know that dropping eq is cheating and can be punished by the gods.
we also know that only newbies who have shitty links don't cha linkdrop to 30.
if he says you died in one stab, then you died in one stab.....
just wandering around i saw crust was open....wonder who was waiting inside there....
rofl snicker.
lochdale2000-10-01 08:20:57
Further you were not figting hobbit you were fighting Zartran an elf. we had no melee at all no damage nothing. Further, I did try, I put all pack and i started taking shit out of it (the equip was mostly basic but for a pair of fine sleeves(which are very good equip) and a red ruby and a staff with an opal in it which would be useless to me. Ask nazgum, if he has log you can see my actions there. I did not log it but again, i did not know you were linkelss and then Nazgum appears yelling linkless.
Moonglum2000-10-01 08:24:25
All you had to do was drop the eq.
Zartran2000-10-01 08:24:36
I was the man you chased arnd lb. And I gave lots of tells to Lochdale abt you cahsing me, so he tried to get you away from me. I was very low on moves and reequipping, else I might have tested you myself...
But now, I just wanted out of there, so I telled Lochdale and he came helped me. Now, you didn't seem like totally linkless to me - chasing me arnd windswept for afew mins. But I wasn't there on kill so I can't say if you were linkless then but if you were - well... *comf* to you.
And another thing, thx Lochdale for assisting me there and help me get out safe.
Sure thought I'ld die to some spam-quakes there, as *man* started a few of them but I got away P:)
I just wanted to say that you didn't look linkless to me Moonglum, and thx again Lochdale.
Deor2000-10-01 08:35:16
You died, get over it. You sound like a whiny .ee. U R WIMP!

Reserve your temper for other situations where the people actually
try to kill you linkless. It was one stab and there was nothing
anyone could have done about the outcome. If Lochdale would have
dropped your eq in this instance and someone (V+) found out, it
woulda been his ass.
Moonglum2000-10-01 08:51:47
If I kill someone linkless but didn't know they were linkless, and later find out, I drop the eq. Big deal. I don't want eq, exp etc gained thru net problems. Demote me next time if u fucking want to. (V+) :)
Deor2000-10-01 08:55:29
Shrug, they most likely will :)
Jalin2000-10-01 10:13:31
Give me a break. Yeah, later after you find out they were linkless you
just gonna drop eq. Where at? Cave? The place they died some 3 hours ago?
Quit whining. You lost link and was pretty mush insta stabbed dead with no

If your link sucks and does that then dont go out to pkill or roam pkill
areas of arda or learn the fucking linkdrop command for christs sake.
a V+2000-10-01 11:04:44
Deor stup trying to get in my ass, im not into that sort of thing
Rogon2000-10-01 12:13:55
Morality demands you to always ask someone if his link is fine before putting a stab on him. tap him on the shoulder, say, excuse me, is your link good? Ofcourse, if he has the same high morals as you do, he will stand still and let you stab him if his link is fine.
NĂ¡mo2000-10-01 13:26:12
Giving equipment to a member of the other side of the war is illegal, in any circumstance, and will be punished. If you decide to drop a valuable piece of equipment somewhere you had better make sure that noone from the other side of the war picks it up.
Moonglum2000-10-01 15:55:56
I was not pissed about dying linkless. I was pissed that, apparently, Lochdale told Nazgum he would drop my equipment, then 5 pukes showed up to wack Nazgum where the equipment was supposed to be dropped. I later spoke with Lochdale. He assured me it as not a trap - good enough.

Rogan - wake the fuck up. Lochdale indicated that I died in one stab. No way you can tell someone is linkless in that situation. That's fine - and fair. I'm not asking that you check someone's link status BEFORE you attack them you silly fuck. How lame to think that. *poke*

Namo, as I said, I will continue to drop eq if I kill someone linkless by mistake. Demote me if you must - no biggie. I didn't ask for a clarification of the rules, only stated how I will continue to play.

Oh, and through all of this, I have somehow managed to recruit several apprentices to the dark side. Beware of their future wrath. *cackle*

Moonglum - your friendly neighborhood bn. :)
Lochdale2000-10-01 18:25:14
Further clarification. I was annoyed that he was linkless as that is no fun but I met Nazgum on oer so it really was not a trap effort on my part. A number of whities had been tracking from fornost area. That said, I can appreciate the difficulty with returning equipment and the potential for abuses but still, some sort of return policy might help in these instances. Not sure how it could be done but I just wanted to voice my sentiment.
Unknown2000-10-01 21:51:59
Maybe the issue here is that someone as clueless as Lochdale got xp and wps from this... *spit*
Eothen2000-10-01 22:12:04
You flame him as unknown so you can ask him for the eq later?
Unknown2000-10-01 23:50:03
Well, he'd probly lose it himself to quick pk death, or play like a pussy and lose it to one that comes a little later...
Lochdale2000-10-02 00:05:15
I'm betting unknow is Relim. Have some balls mate.
Relim2000-10-02 01:28:04
Er... since this is first time I come mumenet today (12:28 ish), I doubt it was me. And trust me, it hardly takes balls to talk down to you. I see Lazio manager is also wrong about Adams, btw ... *smirk*. But no, you got yourself someone else who thinks little of you.
Lochdale2000-10-02 02:14:49
We shall see on the 7th. Adams, if he plays, should be able to handle Bierhoff but i really don't think en-ger-land will fare so well against Germany particularly if keegan insists on playing cole solo (one friendly does not a system make.
Relim2000-10-02 13:24:25
Okay, so now it's your antiquated opinions versus the rest of the world. The Lazio manager is wrong. The Italian manager, wc 98, is wrong. Alex Ferguson is wrong (ref, Sunday's game). Every newspaper that either called him motm or 8/9 outta 10 were wrong. The great Lochdale, whose opinions must be more importnat than this, is 100% on. Adams is a donkey, can't play, can't read the game, is not in the top 10 central defenders of all time (Lazio manager quote...).
Fucking hell man, let it go. You are simply in a tiny minority, the man's proved himself against clueless doubters like you time and again. Those that really know about football are saying so... sheesh.
Lochdale2000-10-02 17:36:33
Adams is past his prime. He was part of a fantastic premiership defense in the early 90's (18 goals in 37 matches-one of the best ever). But imo he does not stand up on the international level (perhaps due to injuries and a weak English midfield). Further, to compare him with some of the great English league defenders (Paul McGrath, Mark Lawrenson, Alan Hansen) or some one like Nesta, well he just does not compare. And, even though I am a great Untied fan, Ferguson has been wrong in the past(Not buying Alan Shearer and saysing Robbie Keane was worthless (3 goals 4 games for Inter Milan). Also, if I recall wasn't it the Sun who put Adams on the cover as the 'Donkey'?
Lochdale2000-10-02 17:36:33
Adams is past his prime. He was part of a fantastic premiership defense in the early 90's (18 goals in 37 matches-one of the best ever). But imo he does not stand up on the international level (perhaps due to injuries and a weak English midfield). Further, to compare him with some of the great English league defenders (Paul McGrath, Mark Lawrenson, Alan Hansen) or some one like Nesta, well he just does not compare. And, even though I am a great Untied fan, Ferguson has been wrong in the past(Not buying Alan Shearer and saysing Robbie Keane was worthless (3 goals 4 games for Inter Milan). Also, if I recall wasn't it the Sun who put Adams on the cover as the 'Donkey'?
Eothen2000-10-02 18:19:23
Wildcats defeat the Buffaloes! (We are talking about football right?)
Relim2000-10-02 19:32:38
The Adams backpage (not cover) was 12 years ago. And I cannot BELIEVE you think Mark Lawrenson was one of the great English league defenders! I just showed this to a Chelsea supporting friend, who laughed his bollocks off, poor bloke. Hansen himself cites Adams as one of the great English defenders (pick up last month's Liverpool magazines, where he previews Arsenal vs Liverpool, and says that Arsenal central partnership is probably 'the best this country's ever seen... '.) You can probably get it stil in the States.
(How do I know this? I used to edit both the Liverpool and Arsenal magazines (circa 1996-1999, published by N&S, blahblah) and spoke to the freelancer yesterday about this subject, if only to get the name of the Lazio manager, who I've now forgotten again).
I doubt Adams will be going one on one with Bierhof, btw - that'll be Keown if Keegan has sense, since Keown is m2m, Adams is z/c. But you probably knew that.
Lochdale2000-10-02 21:11:57
I know Mark Lawrenson, my cousin played with him and imo he was magnificent. Same goes for Paul McGrath. (your not going to say McGrath was not one of the top defenders ever are you?). Further, Hansen was a great player but is now a exnephobic bollicks. He makes Andy Gray look deep and meaningful. How did you edit both magazines? A conflict of interests :) Actually, I am impressed if you really did. I will be watching Saturday's match (so long as it does not conflict with the boys in greens game in Lisbon. Can you say Keane is the second coming?)) and I'll focus on Adams...I still think a team with fast wingers will obliterate England (they usually did to Ireland as well until we go Carr & Kelly et al). By the way, had Lee Dixon been sold to the glue factory yet?
Relim2000-10-02 22:15:27
I edited both magazines because, first it was my profession, and second, I ran the contract publishing company thjat was licensed to do it. I started off with Liverpool first - never been more embarrassed than when a chap with a heavy east-end accent stood on the anfield pitch at half time, Liverpool 1-0 down to ipswich, and tried to tell the scousers all about it. 5 seconds, tops, the place was rfesounding with boos. Arsenal came about a year after and was a labour of love (and cash). Paul McGrath was a great player. Hansen was a great player. Lawrenson was an average-good player (maybe great to below average players?). Adams is a phenomenal player - reads the game better than any of them, works as hard as McGrath (the others were lazy fuckers at times), tackles as hard as McGrath and scored more goals than any of them (not that that matters, not being a defenders job). He's won more caps, won more trophies, with the exception of Hansen whio played in an unbelievable team (Arsenal in 87-93 were hardly in the same class; their defence was the difference); has had a longer career than any of them and, here's the best bit, 'is in the best form of his life - I'd pay 14m for him right now'. 10 gold to the person who names the current European football manager who made that quote this season. But hardly a has-been...
Eothen2000-10-03 17:32:50
It was Bill Snyder right? Oh yeah probably he can't pay for players. :(
Lochdale2000-10-03 22:03:31
I Actually laughed out loud when I read the part about you speaking to the scouse mob. That's hysterical. But comapring Adams to McGrath...now thats just not right. McGrath, when sober, was arguably the best centre back ever to play in England. He was singnificantly faster then Adams, he could jump higher, had a better shot and tackled incredibly hard! I am reversing myself on Adams (given the press of late I am not the only one! see Irish Times, football365.com etc.). McGrath's marshalling of Roberto Baggio in 1994 was possibly the finest display of man marking in football history. This was when Baggio was god! Remember McGrath peeling off Baggion to pick up Signori? (while he as Serie A's top goal getter). Fucking beautiful. While Adams may not be the donkey, and indeed is an excellant player..he is no Paul McGrath...McGrath on his best day was simply the best...end of story.
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