Just a sign of how bad my day has been:
posted by OscarMeyer
2000-10-05 03:14:24
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Read it and weep (I did :P)
You must be a bn thief when.....

You see some tracks of *a Hobbit* leading west
 (done less than 2 hours ago).

* W S C>Dark Forest
*a Hobbit* is standing here.
*a Hobbit* is standing here.
Exits: North East South.
Aha, you have found your victim!

* W S C>a

*a Hobbit* says 'my sneak sucks with this much weight'

* W S C>back *hobbit*
You begin to move silently to the back of your victim...

You feel yourself exposed.
*a Hobbit* easily avoids your backstab.

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OscarMeyer2000-10-05 03:16:33
Have I mentioned how much it SUCKS that every damn mob in the game actively searches now? Thieves, bandits, every guard you meet, etc. Throw in the fact that they almost all see shroud too, and you are 100% stabproof just by standing in a room with mobs. This is beginning to take me back to the sense life of early 90's where if spell was up it was literally impossible to stab :P
Oscarmeyer2000-10-05 03:17:00
Above comment has NOTHING to do with this log, was just really bad luck :(
Unknown2000-10-05 04:12:06
I agree, I wish management implements that only group members can reveal someone
to the group so mobs cant reveal players to other players.
Unkown2000-10-05 04:16:19
They ruined theives. Management wants you to stop playing solo and play huge group overkilling poor solo chars ... this really SUCKS...
Steele2000-10-05 05:10:43
You guys have no idea how playable they really are. Believe it or not, most
mobs don't SPAM search. Walk out, go back in, or do whatever it takes to
remain unseen. Before you rip a class up, try playing it first and then say
it's unplayable. Sure, you can fail a stab every once in awhile, but, heck,
if ya didn't it would be too powerful. Live and let learn.
Juston2000-10-05 05:59:50
Refresh my memory- why can't thieves backstab with swords or spears? seems like it would be pretty frickin' powerful
Eothen2000-10-05 06:25:18
*a Man* makes a strange sound but is suddenly very silent as you place a great warsword in his back.
*a Man* is dead. R.I.P.
Unknown2000-10-05 06:26:25
Some people whine about fucking everything.

My every stab doesnt result in a dead puke byfuckinghu this sucks.
Slobber2000-10-05 06:37:12
*a Troll* makes a strange sound but is suddenly very silent, as you place a giant spear in his back.
*a Troll* is dead. R.I.P
one stab would kill cele:P
Daevia2000-10-05 08:11:32
> My every stab doesnt result in a dead puke byfuckinghu this sucks.

Thing is, pretty much NO stab results in death unless you get lucky enough
to find an orc sub-200hps or a bn with armour down. I've stabbed lots of people
and rarely do they kill. I'm lucky if I stab an orc to hurt.
Once a thief stabs someone and that person doesn't die, the chance of that
person dying is slim to none.
A old warlord t2000-10-05 09:44:47
Stick around big fights, dont reveal yourself, then stab fleers. Its been done since i started playing mume. Ask anyone thats been a thief warlord.
Relim2000-10-05 10:54:39
Warlord thief boy speaks sense. Don't go charging in - hang around, keep quiet, don't yell, stab darkiebastards after they been involved in other skirmishes, either mobs or pk. And get yourselves a good bow to finish off the bad/awful ones.
(of course, I will probably never warlord again, and I still suck at this, but the theory is good)
Lochdale2000-10-05 16:04:01
Old-thief-warlord and englishman make sense. Head to the big fights but don't get involved (unless you are asked or if you have mates there-use your common sense) then chase the fleeing orc or bn and you will have a nice little kill. Or, lately (I have not played in a while) i have been stabbing and then hitting with a mage, they run about with a crit while you track them (would work with any char but I happen to like the particular mage).
Unknown2000-10-05 16:55:07
Daevia, i bet in your trophy there is people you couldnt even dream of killing with anything but a stab. Not saying you kill much - just that you have any legends at all indicates backstab is very easy to kill with.
Nazgum2000-10-05 17:23:15
Was strolling along abr when i stopped in a room to chat with
drengist, when i got this message.
A bandit has revealed *a Hobbit*!

eheh, i thought it was cute :p
Gray2000-10-05 19:13:32
>They ruined theives. Management wants you to stop playing solo

As i already said, thieves rock in exping/mapping. As for pk - hehe - i HOPE
management wants to remove thieves from pk: they are completely untolkienish,
and as far from fair play as newbie from Manwe.
Lochdale2000-10-05 19:51:14
Indeed they are great for xp/mapping but its always fun to try and pk and any decent ppl will normally handle a scout fairly easily.
Inghraz2000-10-05 23:51:51
Thieves, untolkienish?!!
Remember the hobbit who backstabbed a Nazgul in the middle of the battle near
Remember the sneaking Gollum?
The cunning hobbit sneaking into dragon's lair?
I am sure you can find more instances if you try.
Oscarmeyer2000-10-06 00:56:30
The problem is that yes, even if they don't SPAM search, once you are seen it is a total waste to try a stab, unless you fight a clueless dork. A level 5 hobbit should not escape a stab while he sleeps in the middle of a road just because a thief happened to look in the room. If mobs were 'rp-ish' they would HELP me kill the clueless fuck, since they would prey on the weak.

And, btw, my link doesn't allow me to get NEAR a hugegroupspamfight (tm). I couldn't begin to list the times my chars have died thanks to that :( Only some 4-5 of my kills (total on both of my thieves) have been to stabbing someone during such a fight. I would LOVE to use the technique, but my link won't let me *sob* :(
-an inexperienced bn thief warlord
Unknown2000-10-06 02:33:25
Searching Mobs SUCKS... Nobody searches all the time? Let them search random ..
tolman2000-10-06 04:29:18
to A warlord thief: thats what i do :)

and when you can't stab things, steal their loot.
and when you can't steal their loot, shoot em full of ash arrows.
and when you can't shoot em full of arrows, hide thoroughly.

and yes, strangely enough, even as an overpowered puke I have failed stab outright without
being searched out, and not carrying more than 70 lbs eq....
I think they just imped a fail probability or something.
Jocke2000-10-06 07:55:13
If there is anything i suck at, it's playing thief. But still, every time i play
a few hours i manage to get atleast 20 WP without even beeing close to dying.
So you will have a PRETTY hard time convincing me that thieves suck at PK and are
hard to get kills with. There is still no class that are easier to get solo kills
with then a thief. I think some of the thief players are just spolied with easy-
multid-damage-stabs-that-instantly-kills-your-victim. Try playing a warrior or
a caster, compare and then say how hard thieves are to get kills with.
Vasquez2000-10-06 09:59:07
I know Tolman :)
Oscarmeyer2000-10-27 20:30:46
If you play caster or warrior, you can be 100% unkillable to a stab, at least as whitie. Armour spell removes ANY chance of kill unless low hps already. If you are low hps already, and stupid enough to just stand around instead of searching, maybe you DESERVE to die? And I have yet to kill a 'clueful' legend warrior with stab. 1 stab takes them to wounded. Even with a bow, there is NO way you can get them to dead without getting your ass rocked hard. Keep in mind that as bn thief 1 bash can be fatal, and is almost 100% fatal when fighting 2 or more players with a clue. Once surprise is gone, bn thief is worthless.
Re: group only2000-10-27 20:32:11
Btw (OM here) I once thought that it wasn't fair that anyone in a room could search out a thief for EVERYONE else in the room. Then I realized that if that were changed, it would cause an IMMEDIATE jump in group sizes, as a matter of protection. I prefer the current system to MORE hugegroups, any day.
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