*peer* kaldae
posted by Yanwe
2000-10-07 22:15:31
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kaldae tries to cheat...i think this MIGHT be breaking of char seperation rules
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Yanwe2000-10-07 22:18:29
how can telling a friend you rented another char that he already knows
you play compare AT ALL to going after someone because they killed one of
your other chars? hell, i didnt even kill kaldae as makan, i whacked
one of his other chars. *spit*
Throk2000-10-07 22:27:06
Yanwe used to be on elbereths, isnt THAT enough reason to kill him?
Throk2000-10-07 22:28:00
oh and the part about him being a total moron, i forgot that part too
Yanwe2000-10-07 22:30:00
too bad that wasnt the reason he was doing it, huh?
Yanwe2000-10-07 22:30:23
btw, i'm bracing myself for huge flames :)
Faloth2000-10-07 22:43:07
your a fucking pest, go away yanwe
Nazgum2000-10-07 23:08:14
i agree completely with yants here, If u comply with char
seperation rules no one should know who your other chars
are, and thusforth there would be no problem.

If u go around telling everyone who you play, then get made
because they dislike the person who plays your chars and
is harsh to all of them, it's your own fault.
Yanwe2000-10-07 23:17:45
you just agree with yants cause you dont like me :P
Unknown2000-10-07 23:19:55
You're a fucking asshole, we will all kill all your chars every chance we get.
To:Yanwe/Frink2000-10-07 23:38:22
Well then smartass, try NOT threatening to kill those trolls just bcoz of the orc shit. You're so full of it.
Frink2000-10-07 23:40:07
Unknown threaten frink? they unknown cause frink breaka their head!
Elistan2000-10-08 01:01:11
As far as I am concerned, I will kill you and your characters whenever I see them. You are the biggest idiot on MUME, and I hope you fucking DIE! Btw I dont give a shit about demotion, when I see you with any of your characters you are dead!
Vlas2000-10-08 01:04:43
I threaten Frink...what ya gonna do about it?

OOC:Player Yanwe is a loser, and i doubt anyone
really likes him... so, why is anyone surprised?
Tuen2000-10-08 01:10:38
Isn't it kinda obvious to your friend that if your on Yanwe and Makan isn't on that you had rented Makan? Or am i just seeing things here?
Juston2000-10-08 01:55:52
I noticed something:
Take an Ms God- let's say for example- Yants
Now take a mortal- let's say- Yanwe


Now if you spell YAN backwards you get NAY
and if you combine 'we' and 'ts' you get 'wets'
So take these two random chars and use the logic given here to make this concept. "Yanwe, Yants nay nay wets"
Kaldae2000-10-08 02:25:56
I was not allowed to kill him due to:
"I had the wrong reason" in Nienor's eyes.
So next time I see any of his chars!
That is: Korf, Zoone, Strine, Makan and Yanwe that i know..
I will find some reason, any reason to deal with him.
Rza2000-10-08 02:52:11
Kaldae tells you 'and, any moron who play a char on sauron, needs to die'

alright he's dead
Ainu Bitch2000-10-08 02:58:00
Don't ferget his players of Rauko/Grang....
Zoone2000-10-08 05:35:08
erm...how did i get confused for this guy?
Lochdale2000-10-08 08:15:35
Its a shame really cos Makan et al is a good ppl and used to be a decent chap. Not sure what happened.
Siroth2000-10-08 11:07:55
Yanwe is a bitch!
learn how to deal with your problems instead of crying to mum.
Pampalini2000-10-08 11:35:03
I think 99% of all players should be demoted for character separation.
If no1 breaks it, how we could know that Dain plays Huor, Elestir is
Tairach, Norsu is Pandion, etc. So let's all get demoted?
Lalin2000-10-08 12:09:52
i was once stupid too when separated newbie elf and legend dwarf char:) was threatening ppl with hangover:P
Alcion2000-10-08 12:46:47
Go Yanwe! :)
Cur2000-10-08 16:18:04
Anyone that has a character that is listed on sauron's list deserves no sympathy whatsoever from anyone on anything. They should be bansited for a short while as a warning first, then permanently if they can't behave like civilized people.

Shame on you, Yanwe.
Thaedil2000-10-08 17:51:16
Ok i dont get this...first you tell Yanwe not to whine because he broke the char-separation rule..and now everyone agrees on killing ANY char of a player that has ONE char on Saurons list is allright? Dang guys if that aint breaking the rules then i dont know what is. If someone chooses to play an evil character, let him, and dont direct your frustrations over it to any other char he plays. Btw this does not mean i agree with Yanwe, he complained about breaking the rule while breaking the rule. But i dont see the reason to act against a PLAYER and not against a CHARACTER. (Linkless killing is a whole other matter)
Mouser the griz2000-10-08 18:37:38
Yanwe has a point....... no matter how distasteful sauron listees are they are
playing a single character. To take revenge against his other characters is
illegal and those violating that separation should be strictly punished.

There is a punishment for sauron listees .... its called realdeath. If you wish
to punish the listee ... gets some balls and kill him
Khantar2000-10-08 18:59:22
Just because he killed someone's char doesnt mean he's immune from all of his
victim's chars forever. If he killed a random char, why cant Kaldae kill a
random char (which happens to be one of Yanwe's)? Well, he can.
Aragazt2000-10-08 19:08:12
p(yanwe) is p(strine) also???
This guy really ought to be killed, he has robbed many people with summon, he tells you to give him your ring for identifying and then summons you and gets all your stuff.
He tried it with me once, luckily i was too smart, i had seen a log of strine doing that.
Cur2000-10-08 19:30:25
What I was trying to say, is that when somebody (a person, not a character) does
something while playing the game that is forbidden or very decidedly frowned
upon by the management, he (again, the person, not only the character) should
be punished. If people want to play the game, they have to be able to do it
within the framework of not only the rules but also the spirit of MUME. And
I simply cannot see why we can't fix the blame to where it belongs in cases
such as same-side pkilling, namely the person playing the character, not the
character who is, after all, only a figment of the person's imagination combined
with some MUME code. I don't mean to say I am against character seperation WHERE
Zeus2000-10-08 19:48:40
Since when does some1 need a REASON to kill some1????
DIE ALL!!!!!! :)
Cur2000-10-08 19:54:10
Eheh, I hit save by mistake P) anyway, let me continue.

Character seperation should NEVER be used as an excuse for doing something
hurtful or illegal. So if some1 spams me with abuse, I expect the management
to take steps and punish THE PERSON. Roleplaying has nothing whatsoever to do
with hurting others, especially when you're PLAYING A GAME. If you want serious
role-playing that allows you greater freedom for inflicting or receiving pleasure and pain, go hire a hooker/rentboy or get a boy/girlfriend with similar tastes.

What I'm trying to say is that this is a game, a pastime that presumably exists
to give us pleasure (or kill some spare time), not a vehicle for us to convey
our resentment or pent-up anger for inflicting upon others who are merely there
to smell the flowers (or code, if you will). So if you want to hide behind the
strange fact that the management has not (yet) seen fit to punish those who
same-side pk more vehemently than they do (the current system of sauron's list
works almost as shit does for flies for some people) you are craven, cowardly
and sick, sick, sick if you use it as an excuse to inflict pain upon other
-persons- who are playing their character in order to have fun. For after all,
character seperation is never absolute in real life, and many of us feel more or
less depressed when bad things happen to our characters.

In my opinion, character seperation should be stressed (as it is now) when it
comes to information being passed between characters, especially regarding pk,
but also when it comes to (and let me stress this) ESSENTIALLY HARMLESS AND
characters. Examples would be different kinds of emotes, favourite areas for
exping, tendencies to explore, methods of fighting, wimpiness/bravery and even
when it comes to liking or disliking certain other characters, races or even
mobs. Character seperation should NEVER apply to something it cannot apply to,
such as when someone offends you as a person, not merely your character. If they
do so, they can only blame themselves for any punishment they receive.

I'm sorry about the length of this post, but I feel kind of strongly about this,
and really think there is room for making MUME better when it comes to this. And
when I say better, I mean better for the 98% who can enjoy playing games without
inflicting hurt (any1 remember the one bully there is in every footballgame that
absolutely HAS to kick the ball as hard as they can in the direction of the
other team's keeper's face/groin and uses every foul trick in the book?). I
cannot be bothered to worry about whether or not the remaining 2%, who should
seek professional help in rl (I keep office hours - call me), enjoy themselves
or not, or indeed listen to their whines when they complain that their favourite
toy for hurting others is taken away from them.
Celorfilas2000-10-08 20:02:20
I didn't read Cur's post so forgive me if I repeating but, imps wouldn't have put in code like Sauron's list if they wanted to site-ban ppl who are put on it. The penalty of real-death is enough deterent, plus a sauron-lister servers purpose in game.

Unfortunately Makan et al has been killing same-race on all his chars. And has his whities exping on bree guards etc. Tho he hasn't abused newbie protection, so thats a plus.
TiƔ2000-10-08 21:35:22
Damn Cur i think you beat the length of my post in the other log :((((
Niccolo2000-10-08 23:55:47
Personally I have and always will find eleberths saurons and character separation rules to be extremely gay. If people wanna behave like children on this mud I think it should be fine and dandy to log in a character that has the power to switfly punish their childish ways. Teenagemutantoverkilltrapping mud is starting to really suck.
Galadon2000-10-09 01:09:15
Juston's post is awfully nice!
Scrape2000-10-09 08:38:39
I want some of what Juston smokes.
Whity2000-10-09 11:54:50
Juston rules!

Benny2000-10-09 14:13:57
Juston, what is your pager #? I WANT SOME TOO!
Thaedil2000-10-09 15:45:56
Unknown2000-10-09 18:46:42
I think it sux to pk same side, no matter if you log on another char and talk to a god you sux when you pk same side.
Isoldir2000-10-09 22:45:47
GIMME SOME OF THAT SHIT Juston, there will be many rewards...
Mouser2000-10-10 00:24:55
I agree whole heartedly with Celerfilas.

If same-side pk was not to occur there would be stricter penalties on
not just the offending character but the player and all his character.
There isn't though any such penlaty. There is only a penalty on the character.
(and only then if he is caught in the spirit of the game). Thats simply the
way the imps have made it. The have also explicity forbidden the punishing of
a players characters for the sins of a single character.

And yes Khanter, said sauron listee's innocent characters could be randomly
killed by another
character but its fair for ainu to look into the circumstances of the death
and if they don't demote, they at the very list should also suaron list the
random killer.

There are evil people in the world (as well as idiots) and
arda is no different. Mume actually reflects this fairly well. Whether you
approvie of it or not, same-side pk is an option but it carries a heavy price.
The discouragement/punishment for same-side pk is real death.

Johannes2000-10-10 07:42:24
I'm too fucking tired to read all this shit :-(
Throk2000-10-10 07:54:41
ya juston does rule
not a problem a2000-10-10 11:31:45
well yanwe wont have to worry about this anymore since makan ripped
Natash2000-10-11 12:15:49
On Saurons list... One day i gonna make a char for saurons list...
First ask gods nicely to list me, then kick the shit out of a few newbies till
i get killed... Ppl who know me KNOW that any of my other chars (the goodaligned)
will still be the same. Char separation is for some ppl a natural thing, and u
should not generalise and let true (semi) roleplayers do hteir thing.
goldberg2000-10-11 20:32:39
Gray2000-10-23 17:03:06
His chars are: Strine, Makan, Rauko, Yanwe, Grang, Frink, Bajun, Skud, Korf.
Didn't heard about Zoone, but I trust Kaldae enough to believe him.
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