mendies.txt: Bye Botesia-Rukh/Night rip
posted by Blackfoot
2000-10-08 11:48:37
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This is the story of how I acquired a copper ring on the way back to my corpse
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Rukh2000-10-08 12:01:13
Ecko2000-10-08 12:01:37
I know the trap comments are going to start soon...but we didnt block the door...I was low moves, blackfoot naked, thwag beat me we didnt know how many would enter so we were just recovering.
I almost died like I did the smart thing and used scroll...people that have looted my corpse before know I usually dont use them.

I think it was closer to a fair fight than most times....3 vs 3 untill botesia ported.
I wish Mikala had entered b/c he had chased me up and down hollins and was annoyed so i wanted him dead! ;-)
gretna2000-10-08 12:02:14
nice kill
i was waiting outside khuzur to get in for ages with shitloads pukes spamming around
at least u got something nice to make up for a shitty mob death
*comf blackfoot*
Rukh2000-10-08 12:02:21
Here's the deal. First off, Mikala was supposed to enter, but didn't. Then,
for some reason Botesia ported out, because he thought no one else was inside.
We shouldn't of died there, period.
botesia2000-10-08 13:01:21
i fucked up, thought somehow i had gotten inside hut all alone....
but i already got some eq for rukh! :p

hehe damn, that sucked on my part, nod self...
botesia2000-10-08 13:28:56
hey you left out part where mikala came in and quaked and stuff
Nacs2000-10-08 13:33:02
And u calling other newbis? STOREPORT
Darkwimp2000-10-08 13:36:18
it takes a REAL moron to enter khuzur for 3orcs
if your not some hugegroup that is.
Darkwimp2000-10-08 13:41:02
it takes a REAL moron to enter khuzur for 3orcs
if your not some hugegroup that is.
botesia2000-10-08 13:43:22
nacs, what the hell are you talking about?
are you trying to say that when 12 of you were in a room last time
i entered and died a stored port would've been a newbie maneuver?
please keep playing orc, you are nice exps/wps
Thwag2000-10-08 15:43:34
Grin, I was right about me dying too :) was at 50 hps, managed to cure up to 100, then died to 2 of Mikala's quakes while I had bashdelay, cool thing ye guys got out tho. Oh I had chanted halberd and nothing else as eq so was practically being pierced to death.
Celorfilas2000-10-08 18:39:12
Interesting how Botesia goes on tirade for an hour about Jandor entering portal twice, then does this. I guess Grunge can make mistakes, but others can't. =p
Melko2000-10-08 18:50:46
Nice too a linkless killer like Rukh die
Pussy Platter2000-10-08 19:26:25
Botesia is now an official PussyPorter(tm)
Ginlon2000-10-08 22:02:36
Botesia have more guts that most on this game...
HE fucked up this time, and everyone fucks
up sometimes...

Night, Botesia and Rukh are all some of the few
one mume I would call friends.. and i respect them
both as players and people... as players just because
they will not hesitate to storm places...

You guys all rock...
Night2000-10-08 23:29:24
Btw Darkwimp.. you must be a real pussy if you won't enter khuzur versus 2 already hurt orcs using 3 very experienced pkers.. The fact that Botesia ported out was unfortunate but everyone makes mistakes. I was rather mad at first, but then thought it was hilarious that we died - everything went wrong, if things went right it would have been nothing less then a execution.

Btw Ginlon *hug*
Melko2000-10-08 23:56:50
I dont respect people that kill linkless chars.

Rukh2000-10-09 00:02:38
Rukh2000-10-09 00:03:46
You're such a dolt Melko. Set your changelink or quit yer little bitching. You had
no flag, so you died. Im sorry you were lost your link, but if there's no flag,
Im going to fight. And, yes you died relatively fast since I stabbed you. You
failed two flees and ripped.
Ethar2000-10-09 02:47:26
and melko even when people do spare you linkless without flag you dont say thanks!
Mikala2000-10-09 07:29:54
It all happened really fast actually. Ecko and Blackfoot had been trying to trap me for awhile. I got Thwag to bad then chased him inside khuzur where
the other orcs were (of course). Got out of there, finally narrated for backup for the first time all day and botesia/rukh/night came.

In all that door spam at the beginning I typoed botesia so I wasn't following when they entered. I came in later though but he left that out of the log.

Everything that could have went wrong, did go wrong in this case and its just the way mume life can be :P
Blackfoot2000-10-09 16:01:25
Trying to trap you for a while? laugh... you're delusional..we heard you were
down at blackhorn, so we went down and charged you there. You left, so Ecko
started back North, and I went to get bow and mobbed. Khuzur was the next
time you saw me!
Yes, Mikala entered after shadows died, quaked, and ported out. Woohoo!
PussyPlatter2000-10-09 18:02:09
Its the Ginlon PussyRing(tm)
Melko2000-10-09 18:13:17
Rukh you tupid little bitch i stood s2 of smelly i found my corpse 2 rooms away and
i died in same room ?

You are and will be a linkless killer a moron.
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