Stormblast dies
posted by Mahyr
2000-10-11 14:57:33
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my favorite BN goes down se of Tbad
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Ariala2000-10-11 15:09:20
huh sneak and bolts
good mix
Stormblast2000-10-11 15:15:10
Add some pbs's to that, Mahyr, and I raise my hands and feet in agreement. Not your fault to use a feature every1 is using.
Stormblast2000-10-11 15:17:59
I will laugh my ass off after reading some log where a bn wins 1:1 fight with a puke caster. Guys, make staff, turn spells to quick, and you will kill a bn with full armour and full hps any time a day. Quick bolts are so insta, that it
is hard even to walk out of them without spamming. Enjoy.
Axel2000-10-11 15:20:26
nod stormie - I wouldn't mind to do BN and Puke staff equal
Mazai2000-10-11 15:41:44
if they make bns equal to pukes - darkie list will be full of bns instead of
orc warriors.
Astar2000-10-11 15:44:25
Astar2000-10-11 15:45:51
Ooops, pressed enter :)
Yeah, *nod* Mazai, give bn foci staff!
At least with the same spellcasting speed as puke staff, keep mana cost the same
Stormblast2000-10-11 15:47:11
Bns have stats penalty and race penalty (they cannot be elves) and they have no place to hide in. Now how they fuck can they be equal to pukes?
Astar2000-10-11 15:54:51
And thats the destiny of all bns..
You kill bunch of clueless midlevels/legends and then comes pelf with his ugly glowing piece of oak. And you get a one-way ticket to Hidden Island no matter how cluefull are you :)
Baphomet2000-10-11 15:55:36
magic missile? are you kidding
Magi2000-10-11 15:58:00
Magic missiles may rock in some situations, but they're not really comparable to bolts and sprays, are they ? *gig Stormblast*
Grimble2000-10-11 15:59:25
Laugh at least he has track Baphomet instead of being a portalwhore all day long.
Focus2000-10-11 16:00:26
Argh...staves! This log made bns look pathetic. I always curse staves, but
to see their power in print...gee...yackie!
Stormblast2000-10-11 16:08:26
Magi, die. You might actually notice that I used MM in 2 situations - when he tried to shoot me and when I needed him to flee (which he actually didn't need to) so I could bob.
Funai2000-10-11 16:22:47
It ain't supposed to be a fucking even fight, live with it or let real BN's play BN's. Quit whining.
Focus2000-10-11 16:27:26
But Stormblast, pukes have the ultimate penalty - they are pukes and therefor will always suck. Ofcourse BNs will never be equal to pukes, we will always be better!

Focus2000-10-11 16:29:55
Funai, eat my socks. If storm isnt one of the real BNs then who is? Labero only?
Thou I only seen Laberos style by logs, he kinda was pushing the edge. And of the active ones, Storm seems to be one of the Realest Bns (TM) out there.
Stormblast2000-10-11 16:30:28
Yes, the "real" bns are safely tucked away in retirement. The "real" bns are the ones that speak of some obscure old days of glory, when they "rocked" and how all current bn players are whiners... And at the same time don't leave bree without fullset on the puke they are currently "rocking" with. Don't make me more sick than I am.
Stormblast2000-10-11 16:30:28
Yes, the "real" bns are safely tucked away in retirement. The "real" bns are the ones that speak of some obscure old days of glory, when they "rocked" and how all current bn players are whiners... And at the same time don't leave bree without fullset on the puke they are currently "rocking" with. Don't make me more sick than I am.
TheAinur2000-10-11 16:38:05
the ainur says: DIE! , and die horribly!!
Granvil2000-10-11 16:54:42
I guess it's working out ok for you Mahyr.
It makes me feel sick to see you kill a bn!
Don't play puke, play your bn!
*comf* and *grats*
Stormblast2000-10-11 17:00:46
Don't get me wrong Mahyr, you're a damn fine player, the flame's not aimed at you.
Axel2000-10-11 18:10:12
Stormie you have to tell me lotsa worse things to kill the credit you gained.
And I did not feel that the flames were directed towards me - maybe some, but I
certainly agree to take some flames after a kill besides you were telling the
Next time it will be your turn again :)
Isolde2000-10-11 18:59:14
Nice move to flee from him when he awful and obviously exhausted,
and thereby miss the exp :P
Axel2000-10-11 19:17:05
ya ya - during battle everything looks a bit different
morholth2000-10-11 19:50:50
eh Axel u slained another Great BN, but we will get u (i mean MAhyr) soon....
Fëagil2000-10-11 20:12:06
This is fucking stupid... A thief casting bolts faster than a bn? I would understand if a pure puke caster casts A LITTLE faster than a bn, but not this. You, Ainur, should really do something about this:

1) Remove the possibility for thieves to get spells. This could easily be done if all spells would really suck under 75(80)%.

2) Give some way to bns to cast even REMOTELY as fast as pukes do...

3) Invent some trick to make sure ONLY casters can makes staves... A warrior with a 25ob 30pb weapon would be damn scary too...
Astar2000-10-11 20:29:41
Arghh... I guess i should stop whining about staves and kill more pukes!
tolman2000-10-11 20:54:29
isolde: he thought i was nearby and wanted to give me the benefit of the exps
and wps.
bootyho2000-10-11 20:56:05
btw, I played bn lately some just out of curiosity and they really suckass compared to a puke
mage, _BUT_ you can always group with one other "clueful" bn and be fairly dangerous.

I must admit I made my career out of killing midlevels and clueless legends and finding ppl while they are exping.
Otherwise, even a cleric seems to be able to smash through my rocking 110 defence.
Niccolo2000-10-11 20:56:14
*shrug* Stormie. I fear puke warriors of the smiting variety much more than I fear puke casters when I play my bn. The thing about bns is a puke of equivalent skill can win a fight vs. 2 of them unless its in 1 room. The staff of a puke is a great advantage but by fleeing ito and out of the room I can usually get a burn or bolt off before by quarry. It also helps to change up strategy and use an occasional stored ball once in awhile.... One of my own personal rules when I play bn is -1 spell then flee-. If u sit still and try to outgun a pukes spell speed youll lose for sure.
Personally I don't feel that theres anything wrong with bns.
Brunne2000-10-11 21:56:36
i tried using staves as warrior, can only use as troll cause they take
big str, and even then only when not already chanted.
Sabadon2000-10-11 23:43:04
Nothing wrong with bns
I always thought Stormblast was one of the players who didnt take the
game too seriously, and feel he deserves alot of credit even tho i dislike
earthquake usage (both from pukes and bns).

Lately tho stormie, you seem to get very pissed about dying regardless of
how it happened which is a shame, i like people who can shrug off deaths

Make BNs anything other than "underpowered" and you will have ruined the
whole point and charm of playing them.

Real BNs are the ones without portal and with atleast 1-2 pracs ventriloquate.
And yes, Imrazôr is safely tucked away in retirement much like all my chars.
Stormblast2000-10-12 00:38:57
Yes, I agree completely that the charm of bns lies in their weakness, their underpoweredness. I mean whatever tactics you use with a bn (use stored quakes or whatever) - it is always justified imho. So let there be this cool race, whose greatest representatives are retired, and the ones playing are only on their way to learn the bitter truth? Sabadon, I've always died a lot and even the damn logs posted here haven't made me whine. But this bolting really got me down, and I dare to think that with a good reason.
Stormblast2000-10-12 00:41:45
And Niccolo, if you can come up with one tactic (I wouldn't be surprised if you did of course), that I could have utilized there vs Mahyr, don't hesitate to let me know :). Well, perhaps I could have tried to flee him into beasts, but really, it would have been hard to find a way to make him flee. Anyway, my point remains the same.
Oscarmeyer2000-10-12 03:25:14
What scares me the most is that this was a THIEF that casted MUCH better than a legend bn mage.
OscarMeyer2000-10-12 03:27:12
And, BTW Mahyr, if Stormie is your favorite bn, why is it EVERY time someone narrates 'bn tbad' or 'bn eregion' or 'bn in my bedroom with my mom', the FIRST think anyone on the game does is this: "Mahyr tells you 'bn sneaker?'" OR: "Mahyr tells you 'bn stabber?'" It seems *I* am your favorite bn!
P.S. Or would that be LEAST favorite?
Axel2000-10-12 04:49:09
well Oscar - and I cant even remember giving your puke tells - Mahyr exists for
rarely a month rl and during that time I met ya puke thief max once or twice and
certainly I ask what an enemy rides or what class he is when I am around.
I just love those ppl who are nice when you meet em and when you are not in room
they talk shit about you - I was sitting Tbad N gate with my BN today while you
kept talking about Mahyr and didnt know it was actually me ... no comment
Ryan2000-10-12 15:16:17
Mahyr is overpowered. Remove him
Unknown2000-10-12 15:19:18

Unknown2000-10-12 17:52:08
dat girl have tits on her back?
Jocke2000-10-18 13:39:00
Bn's are just fine as they are. In fact, there is no race what so ever that are easier to
get fast kills with as a BN. If you play your cards right ofcourse. Flee from
those you can't beat. Know your limitations and don't stay around to long in
the same area. Mobility is the keyword.
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