Another slaughter in cellar?
posted by Toker
2000-10-12 20:00:01
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Unknown2000-10-12 20:12:39
I guess Nazgum is gone stop playing now *LAUGH*
Glader2000-10-12 20:15:29
Don't you people whine about overkill already. They were more than us inside warrens. No doubt about that.
Ghashuk2000-10-12 20:16:00
It would suck if Nazgum did quit playing. What would MUME do if they lost one of their few non-lab players?
Malak2000-10-12 20:16:55
Naz didn't spam use his scrolls quick enough... only got in purple and one blue *sigh*. Story would have been different if it was he, troll, and nacs vs butter and three manaless casters.
Glader2000-10-12 20:22:36
Fegis and Lothlahn was full mana anyway.
Fegis2000-10-12 20:24:30
Heh, I didnt know cask was blocked so i reblocked, whatta heck, it was wort it!
Malak2000-10-12 20:35:22
i was under the impression he had about 400 hps in healscrolls.
Malak2000-10-12 20:36:07
and if Nacs picked his target carefully, he coulda taken out one of those casters. May as well go berserk when you trapped like that... meaning he gonna hit hard!
Meteor2000-10-12 20:37:25
When I entered cellar for the pukes most were dead and like 5 or 6 were in.

We were more then you yeah but some of us were lvl 2 4 5 and such...

So that does not count.
Nazgum2000-10-12 20:46:43
yea well i had tons of scrolls i didn't use. That fight was
pretty long dispite how short it may look in this log.
I recited the one blue just because but didn't even bother
with my azures knowing, yup i die.

I entered because was tons of darkies in warrens and i figured
they would come. Only 4 came, of the approx 12. Seems they all
went afk or something.

Oh well this is how mume is nowadays, you either have huge back
up or you don't and die. Well after glader died linkless to me
at least he's guaranteed full set with all my receipts :p
Glader2000-10-12 20:53:05
Yey Nazgum!
Daevia2000-10-12 21:22:07
Fitting to see Nazgum die trapped.
Bup2000-10-12 21:26:20
I managed to get in, Nazgum, much to my chagrin. Others
were trying to get in, but with the wall being spammed
closed, they couldn't. Almost every troll was outside

It doesn't help when you're on your 2nd or 3rd death
of the day and only have a damn cudgel to fight with :-)
Ufthak|2000-10-12 23:02:30
Glader, how come your punk nsl name show up whenever there is a huge fucking
trap on the move, the fight started out evenly, 4 vs 4 or something, then you
call for 4 more in backup, god you guys are such pussies! And Glader, you suck
worst of all, you fucked up teenager cunt!
Zimar2000-10-12 23:05:28
i lost armour on first bolt, then somehow i ate spray from lothlahn, fegis, and you so i died in like 2 secs cus i had no amulet..
Daevia2000-10-12 23:11:36
Ulfthak: How can this be overkill when there were apparently tons to shitloads
of darkies inside warrens? Nazgum even stated himself that he was hoping the
others would come and they would then be the trappers. Stop whining.
Galadon2000-10-12 23:33:20
Ufthak: NSL set the trap up, that's why he was there?
unknown2000-10-12 23:36:22
very uncommon to see nsl to like this, for fucks sake, they cant kill players if they dont trap.
man they suck
Fredde2000-10-12 23:44:07
Christian, för att du löper med nsl ska du spö imorrn, hehe...

but its true all nsl does these day are trapping, but hey everyone does so..
Fredde2000-10-12 23:45:14
asså vad fan
Christian, för att du löper med nsl så ska du få spö imorrn, hehe.. skare vara!

ITK nästa!
Uldrak2000-10-13 00:02:39
Fredde it doesn't seem that you know very much about what your saying.
Fredde to Uldra2000-10-13 00:18:16
i dident say anything, i WROTE!

marking words!
Lochdale2000-10-13 00:20:03
Nice fault..I was impressed with Butter's timely rescue...that would be worth shit though if he was in same lab. "rescue me" "ok" yea, real hard. Otherwise rocking.
Fredde2000-10-13 00:34:50
YEAH i am so wrong! i mean trapped baazunga and zorek just died to.... hmm gee let me think.. nsl? was it a trap? yes.. well uldrak i dont know what iam talking about.
grunge2000-10-13 00:40:18
glader is my hero! Kill that scumbag.
400hps in scrolls? everyone knows that you burn your scrolls with your corpse
if you gonna eat it, everyone knows that.
No, you were just being generous Nazgum, you are just a real generous guy.

Nice to see you whacked the way you prefer to whack ppl.

Zimar- how you die in 2 bolts? ponder
Nazgum2000-10-13 01:05:36
what's with all the hostility within the mume players.
Jesus, i didn't complain once about dying, i said
yes i fucked up, others went afk, too bad for me.

Every log here there is sooooo much hostility within
the comments (and in the game). What is wrong
with you all, cheer up. Soooo many people hate me
it seems, specifically Grunge Nsl Ginlon+Tia Rogon Mayavi...

People hate my playstyle and therefore hate the
person. I almost always walk solo as nazgum
but continually run into groups of 3-4+, and
they chase me then get pissed they died. I try
to fight anyone solo i see, tho i mostly lose,
but come on.

Imo management is fucking this game over hard. Yes
the players will use what strategies are effective
and when nearly ALL of them lead to you being in a big
ass group that's what players do. Idiot things like
block door and twisted rocks don't help either. Also
if they removed so many of the fucking "magic" items
in mume that shouldn't be there anyways MUCH more people
would play for fun, with much less to lose, rather then
the constant irritation many seem to face today when they die.

Nacs2000-10-13 01:30:42
I dont mind when i die with smile on my face, i am happy either way :) Love the game love the ppl love mume. Only ppl seem to mind that when i am naked. I love eq i love kills i love solofights i love traps i love it, only thing what i hate in mume is lag/linkless kills/deaths!!! CHEEEEER PPL
Darkangel2000-10-13 02:24:57
Nazgum is right, he didnt complain about dying so please stop the whining. And I don't get how one can hate/dislike someone in person due to playingstyle, that's a 'you play way too much mume-sign'. Nazgum is nice, Tia is nice, Ginlon is nice, Rogon is nice, Grunge is nice... Grow up and stop flaming each other.
Butter2000-10-13 02:40:07
Butter is nice to !
Daevia2000-10-13 03:02:14
Nazgu, don't you find it a tad hypocritical when you denounce things like hugegroups and traps yet use the very same tactics that you denounce? If you don't like it and think that is it ruining the game, DON'T DO IT. Don't go around saying "well its the MANAGEMENT." Nobody "forces" you to trap 24/7. You do that because you couldn't give a shit how you play as long as you get wps.
Moonglum2000-10-13 04:52:55
Daevia ... what I think Nazgum means is ... players will utilize tactics that are rewarded by the game's mechanics. He, like myself, would love to see the game mechanics changed such that, more players move around solo - like in the older days of MUME. My best / most fun character was a particular sneaking hobbit mage (made useless thru various gamechanges) who was ALWAYS solo (comfort Aaron). With today's game mechanics, moving around solo is VERY dangerous and it's nearly impossible to get solo pks.
Daevia2000-10-13 06:09:21
Smirk, I solo pk and I'm labelled a stabberwhore. Hypocrites abound on Mume.
Unknown2000-10-13 06:51:42
nazgum, you sure whined alot too, just look back on log comments on other logs.
Roadkill2000-10-13 07:54:58
I have to say, whatever may have been said in the past, and regardless of
playing style, that I agree with Nazgum's long comment above.

It's time for the management to downgrade all magic items and items that affect
gamestats again, as they did a few years back (remember when iron and ruby were
+10? Or when you could wear both?)
Focus2000-10-13 09:45:08
I find nothing wrong in this log either. It was a clash of groups, where darkies were not organised and therefor some ripped.

But hell, what do I know about trapping. Never organised one.
Tony2000-10-13 11:01:51
This was kinda boring log

Uinen2000-10-13 12:02:40
I beg to differ, as long as you have link and half a brain not to walk into obvious traps, you're practically safe even when solo. It is indeed harder to kill a lot solo, but by no means impossible. I think Daevia really nailed it, lots of people play for results (kills/wps) not because of the fun on the game itself. I myself would choose a fun fight where no-one gets killed over whacking a bunch of victims in a no-exit blocked room any day, but alas, it seems I'm in a minority here.
Toker2000-10-13 13:21:35
It wasn't a planned trap, actually. We charged down with sanced Butter at first
but Zimar scouted us as Butter said the magical words "all dismount" - thus they
left the cellar (I think), some of us ended up inside and, hell, of course someone
ought to stand in cellar and spam or so.
It was a warrens-fight, not cellar-trap.
Feon2000-10-13 13:47:57
I wasent there! CHEERS!
Rael2000-10-13 20:25:20
there where tons of darkies in warrens but at least 2 bn and 1 troll were engaged by mighty Rael by wall
Nazgum2000-10-13 23:44:28
daevia doesn't solo pk, he walks solo and randomly gets
overkilled or trapped.

and i NEVER hugegroup, i always walk solo and after i get
jumped by Pandion(tm) group, Elestir(tm) group, Manaja(tm)
group, Grunge(tm) group, etc I get tuned on and pull a
narrate out of my ass like all go cellar. Then i go
there. I rarely want anyone except moonglum to follow me.
Lochdale2000-10-14 00:06:04
There really is alot of anti-Nazgum feelings out here. I admire the way he warlords on a shitty N. American link (Canda inc.). He thinks fast etc. But Nazgum, you set yourself up sometimes with your somewhat sanctimonius (sp) comments and holier-then-thou attitude. Take your own advice and chill when you get that bug up your arse. Other than that, I wish I was 1/4 of the ppl u are.
Hannibal2000-10-14 15:44:55
After reading the log, looking the comments over 17 times and after hours and hours of calculating etc i have finnaly come up with the ultimate solution. A whole 5 year plan for mume, in a single word. A masterpiece, written by a true artist... People, i am now going to show you THE way

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> * Muuuuuuu * <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Uldrak2000-10-15 13:12:40
Fredde din jävla newbie nolla.
Fredde2000-10-15 19:16:30
näe men håna mig inte genom att säga att jag är en newbie i ett spel på internet. nej! det där tog. helvete jag är en newbie i ett textbaserat spel på internet där du sitter å spelar dygnet runt för att du ska känna makt över andra folk eftersom ditt privatliv är en katastrof.
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