cellar fight
posted by Brak
2000-10-15 02:07:47
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7 vs 7 in cellar
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Uldrak2000-10-15 02:13:13
the worst thing in this log is that dragoth leaves up, that was so wussy
if he had stayed you would have had a chance + nazgum came down later too.
Doh2000-10-15 02:15:08
ive just had a rocking fight with relim in cellar, solo.
im level 11 and god damn i got relim awful before i ripped
he was fine when we started but he is one rocking! (tm) player
me thinks he was borned with a quiver on his back and a bow in his
hand and maybe a fang in yer back?

Doh drinks duff bear and likes it! *burp*
Relim2000-10-15 02:16:01
Well, I'd died earlier moveless; I died in this one, tho no biggie; and I died later at mother, when getting draught from backpack rather than pouch... one of those stupid fucking days. Ah well.
Malak2000-10-15 02:17:08
Re-enter Dragoth, and Enter Nazgum and fight would have been more entertaining =p
Relim2000-10-15 02:17:13
And I killed Doh (and 20 or so others like him...). Was fun fight in cellar, I had like 120 def or something shit, since i was re-equipin :P (no shield whatsoever)
Doh2000-10-15 02:20:00
dont forget im level 11 and i got max ob at aggro 100% or so barehanded. and i didnt think of going berserk or bash *doh!* one more hit relim, and i woulda
incaped ya! :P nice shooting lad.

Doh out. 10 4 *burp*.
Yellowbellie2000-10-15 02:33:58
At least 2 of those bastards were glowing, not much we could do but die.
Mayavi2000-10-15 02:44:13

Heh that's pk nazgum style. He came in and prob got some wps for being there!
Clap, trapgum! Way to go!
Let others die.
Unknown2000-10-15 03:26:57
Eeeh Dragoth sucks ?
Unknown2000-10-15 03:28:30
Q: How do we know Brak is a newbie?

A: Bohemond cleaves *Nacs the Orc*'s body extremely hard and shatters it.
You receive your share of experience.
***Congratulations! This is the first time you've killed it!***
Your blood freezes as you hear *Nacs the Orc*'s death cry.
Brak2000-10-15 03:46:01
what do you expect? i was level 5 and had just got my stats, first pk fight...
Dragóth2000-10-15 04:06:46
even if me and nazgum were there, we all would have died.
some of the pukes were sanced, and we had lowbies trolls.
so i dont want to say it could have been 7 vs 7 fight.
Diam2000-10-15 04:07:41
DOH I SAY :(. Just came into game and rushed to cellar to die:P
I wont go into cellar anymore :(
We were supposed to fight there not to run :(
And 4 pukes were glowing.
NACS2000-10-15 04:15:42
Butter2000-10-15 04:20:25
If, i say if Dragoth and nazgum whould have stayed and fought, and been hitting the right targets we whoulda died, maybe. =p
Horus2000-10-15 04:20:25
*Diamonium the Orc* cries on Butter's shoulder.

I suffer in your deafet Diam
Ganûr2000-10-15 05:14:39
Nacs, i love you man!
Bulldozer2000-10-15 05:18:26
That was actually 6 v 7 seeing as dragoth decided to leave and nazgum didnt stay :-(. would of been a different story.
Ginlon2000-10-15 06:11:04
With Dragoth and Nazgum im willing to bet darkies
would won.... Dragoth isnt no surprise he left thou..
A wp-horny teenager, that is wimpy and kills linkless..

Nazgum I don't blame, he came a lill bit late, and without
Dragoth it wouldnt have made much diffrence...

But with both of em staying to fight, there shouldnt be any
doubt that they woulda won...

Shame some people play darkies, they would even
be classes unusually wimpy for whiteys.. *comf all who died*
Steele2000-10-15 06:27:39
The funny part is those two yellow-squirming yrchs leaving the fight. I'd rather
die aiding me comrades than run with my tail between my legs. There's one thing
I've learned in the Mume environment, fight and die by your comrades or look like
a total ass. One time, a LONG LONG time ago, orcs used to be unified.
Steele2000-10-15 06:27:48
The funny part is those two yellow-squirming yrchs leaving the fight. I'd rather
die aiding me comrades than run with my tail between my legs. There's one thing
I've learned in the Mume environment, fight and die by your comrades or look like
a total ass. One time, a LONG LONG time ago, orcs used to be unified.
grunge2000-10-15 06:55:31
shit, I would've at least went down once (as a scout) and gone up, then checked
scrollback to see who wasn't engaged and gone back and stabbed them....
that was just fucking cowardly, probably could've slain Lindos the way
he was attempting to use the same PBS 4x, ROFL, it only works once dude,
put the damn thing away
Cychr to Mayavi2000-10-15 07:33:43
You have the fucking balls to talk about ANYBODY's pking style?! Was there not just a log proving the fact that you're an absolute moron?

Go purposely kill some more linkless people, asshole.
Unknown2000-10-15 09:16:02
Yeah, killing linkless people seems to be mayavi's way of pk'ing.....
Ginlon2000-10-15 10:29:56
Well... its the way Dragoth etc plays that makes
them warlords... why ya think lotsa people call it wimplords?
Krown2000-10-15 11:52:13
With 2 sancted buffers going in first no surprice that they won.
Am kinda dissapointed no pukes got killed to though.
Goes to show that the attacking party usualy winns.
Primarily due to the fact that they are better prepared(and sancted ;))
Lindos2000-10-15 12:28:33
Ugh Dia spamburned me cause i was sancted. (i Sancted a few nice dwarf warrs also ;-)Armour spell down and icy and laggy at that spam. So i tried use blue scrolls fer hitpoints. Ugh used my stone alias instead. And i know i could made better but as caster and no mana cause spam sancting my nice buffs it is uhm not so much to do.

More of us (prolly me) had ripped if these 2 orcs had stayed. But NO WAY butter and BRAK had ripped cause of my sancts. But we didnt know they were so few. Later they were 14 orcs i think (maybe i counted wrong and many of them lovlvl) who charged us in DT? (No darkies use charred staffs anymore? THAT HAD MADE US ripping like pigs)
Unknown2000-10-15 13:05:53
Noticed another thing... hatch is blocked from above, that must have been a bn.... probably nazgums ever present boyfriend the z-bn. if he+nazgum+dragoth had fought, there's NO WAY darkies could have lost.

And charred staffs crumble after awhile, thats why noone bothers to make them.
Dragóth2000-10-15 14:37:38
oho ginlon, you´re really cool. flaming me as soon as you get a chanse.
keep on you little bitch, i dont give a shit.
i know how you look rl, so i cant stop laughing when you flaming me.
Fredde2000-10-15 14:58:18
ok it was a chicken move by dragoth, but why in gods name would any1 stay if they know they where losing? the darkies where already low hps. and with butter sancted plus his mega super defense eq, yeah FAT chance the darkies could have won. this is no rambo movie where ONE can kill an whole army.
and 2 darkie casters 2 orc warriors with like no eq and some lowbie trolls. against 7 legend pukes, 1 supre buffer, 2 or more casters and 1 scout with a rapid bow plsu some hitters. really really really fair fight, puke spells does so much more damage on darkies then orc shamans. if it would have been diamonium (eqipped with his mega defense set) dragoth (with his old gear) 2 more shamans and 3 lvl 18+ trolls it would have been a fair fight.

and if your #1 on warlord and see there is no chance of wining, just losing, i bet nowone here would stay.

well iam hungry now and need to go get me some food. say whatever you will about dragoth but i know him and your all wrong. if you knew him you would say he is one rocking dude who you never not have fun.
Balduin2000-10-15 15:01:16
Well we were 7 legends with 2 buffers sanced and all warriors with rescue.
Even with Dragoth and Nazgum they would have died... Only thing would have been different that some of us would have ripped but I doubt it cause believe me these full shining sanced buffers with rescue rock. Btw they both were fine by the end of the fight so make your own decisions...
Uinen2000-10-15 15:11:36
I was actually waiting to see Lindos getting stabbed by Nazgum after he got rescued and started using pbs...
Lindos2000-10-15 15:20:02
Ofcourse i had sancted myself also. :-) So he could stab me if he wanted :-).
Lindos2000-10-15 15:22:17
Oh, charred staffs do crumble. Ok didnt know that :-(
Fredde2000-10-15 15:23:13
if they wouldent crumble one troll could easily take out 5 mages and one warrior in a trap
Fredde2000-10-15 15:23:25
err casters
Snubbén2000-10-15 15:54:09
om fingeror kammade sin hockeyfrilla skulle världen va bättre idag
Unknown2000-10-15 16:03:55
ofcourse nazgum didnt stab, he might have been stuck there then... he rather yell at his bn to block hatch to "trap" the pukes, i can imagine his narrates after... FIVE PUKES BLOCKED IN CELLAR! COME BASH CASK FAST! TRAP TRAP COME WE HAVE A TRAP HERE WE CAN TRAP THEM TRAP TRAP COME! WE NEED TEN!
Rackhir2000-10-15 16:27:42
LOL i dont know about mega super defence eq but still :P
Nazgum2000-10-15 20:51:15
ok, you know what, You can't see it in this freaking log,
but FIVE of those pukes were sancted. All the warrior
dwarves, Darkies seriously had ZERO chance. 7 on 7,
that one orc was like lvl 10, with 5 of them sancted,
is seriously no chance. Sure looks good in log for pukes
tho, can't tell they all glow so looks like they kick some
Butter2000-10-15 20:54:58
But then again, we wasn't 5 sanced =p
Mayavi2000-10-16 00:27:34

Cychr who? LOL show your ugly face outside NOC sometimes, cocksucker cychr. :P
Salmar2000-10-16 00:57:56
Usually I have seen lotsa logs where darkies kick ass without casualities. This
time it seems darkies were unorganized, didn't do a shit :p
Fredde to salma2000-10-16 08:48:55
would it really matter?!
Salmar2000-10-16 09:54:26
Balduin2000-10-16 10:18:56
Sanced was Butter Brak and Lindos...
feon2000-10-16 10:53:25
Hahahaha.. Cmon guys! stop the fucking flaming. It was real fucking funny.
Yeah yeah, we can keep on saying that Dragoth and Nazgum was a wuss leaving but
there is no point since I doubtly think anyone of them care.
I loved to be there, no matter what side since , KILL or be KILLED fights are
the most fun. And I keep on thinking of then (was it Ailwon) entered on solo orc
at shades near abr. And the orc turned out to be Durcano. There we got a , Kill or be Killed!

(sorry for long post)
Mammoth2000-10-16 16:55:11
Blehh... who was the dude again that said Nazgum would do
more crazy shit in a week than i'd do in my whole mume career

Dragoth you gotta have some d"mn scrolls
why don't you fuckin use em instead of dyin with em linkless?
Mammoth2000-10-16 16:57:02
erm.. guess i shoulda read all the comments before commenting!

blah if those trolls were ologs!.. ifs rule
Dragóth2000-10-16 17:47:45
in pouch: a stone
eq: shit
Jocke2000-10-18 15:32:18
sluta hacka pa min hockeyfrilla. Den ar bade vacker och trendig.
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