Khanmano dies
posted by Reah
2000-10-16 01:22:00
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3 trolls exping near DT, when all of the sudden...
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GORETONGUE2000-10-16 01:32:54
At the end there =) moonie came in and quaked us, killing poor rampage etc
wacky fun
Kötta2000-10-16 01:48:22
Poor rampage? he is a fucking sameside pkiller so i was damn happy he died!
Unknown2000-10-16 02:10:08
What the hell was Khanmano doing?
Ginlon2000-10-16 02:31:56
Khanmano was trying to fight 3 trolls as a solo whitey...
And for that he should be given credit...

*Bow Khanmano*
And good work trollies, gather eq and wps and xp, so i
can pick em up from ya later!!! :)
GORETONGUE2000-10-16 02:36:23
Khanmano was trying to finish off Rampage, level 10 troll that was with me
GORETONGUE2000-10-16 02:42:19
And as for Rampage, he is not along the lines of Grand who whacks orcs
if he likes their eq, thinks they are afk, or whatever his reasoning.
I understand Rampage has a quarrel with an orc or two. That's completely
Durcano2000-10-16 02:50:26
brave? shrug
i didnt see anything special, he fled/moved link
lagged guys move. i think he was just ... newbie???
or why didnt he leave at hp:awful, still tries to
finish some1 off?
Durcano2000-10-16 02:51:41
correction: link - like.
Unknown2000-10-16 03:54:34
khanmano is 10x the player you'll ever be durcano :p you wouldn't attempted to fight 3 people by yourself ever so shut the hell up
Bodycast2000-10-16 04:22:26
Rather brave of Khanmano, or perhapppppssss..... perhaps he thought he could solokill rampage at least, and went from hurt down more quickly than he expected :P

Good log.
Azg2000-10-16 04:48:12
Khanmano owns you all for being a solo-killer. I try and fail horribly. He owns you all, even though he still won't talk to me. =p
Azg2000-10-16 04:49:22
Oh, and Durcano is a l00ser for calling Khanmano a newbie. =p
Mayavi2000-10-16 05:09:55

ROTFL, nice same-side pking, Moonglum! Or should I say naz-testicle-um? :)
Nerf2000-10-16 05:43:13
Shut the fuck up Mayavi, what the fuck do you know?
Unknown2000-10-16 07:02:52
Durcano, just because he's not a total wimp like you, doesnt mean he's a newbie?
Nazgum2000-10-16 07:26:10
Khanmano rocks. He was too brave here tho, but people
make mistakes. Who is this mayavi loser and why is
he suddenly so violent to me (i've slain him once only).
Unless it's grunge, i don't understand.

Mayavi is also biggest lamer i've seen in long time,
he's cocky, poor player, uses "act linkless" and pretends
to be linkdead then laughs when u don't slay and he has
moves to run, kills linkless, and bitches about how much
everyone sucks. Rocking dude, love to meet him rl.
Enforcer2000-10-16 09:43:45
If Khanmano wasn't lagged, then pigs fly....they don't fly right?
Zhagrat2000-10-16 10:24:30
For Durcano so much information that Khanmano = Drengist.
Unknown2000-10-16 11:56:45
There goes the character separation rule out the window again ;-)

Diam2000-10-16 12:36:29
And for your information, durcano does fight vs 3 pukes, not a problem!
Diam2000-10-16 12:37:00
But he doesn't die in the end, so it doesnt get logged :PPP
Alweon2000-10-16 15:45:24
I am under the impression Mayavi is quite a bit more clueless as i had previously thought...
Unknown2000-10-16 15:50:16
Ducano still rocks, but prior to Khanmano dying, p(Khanmano) had three warlords on the list that day.
REah2000-10-16 20:25:22
well if khanmano is lagged how the hell does he enter and auto hit rampage?
i can see some pigs in the sky
Ashram to REah2000-10-16 23:50:43
it's called stringing commands you iiiddiioot:) e;k rampage
or most likely e;k $victim
etc etc. If any other newbies need questions answered, go to Helen Wait.
Someone2000-10-17 01:33:46
Khanmano was either very brave or very stupid.....or maybe it was lag?

Either way, he has my respect.......but who knows what the fuck thats worth?
GORETONGUE2000-10-17 17:49:16
a superlink legend with near fullset taking on
level 17
level 18
level 10 trolls far from home
horny for kill on lowbie more likely
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