Hillmen House Party :)
posted by Transe
2000-10-19 06:30:50
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Transe2000-10-19 06:33:43
*comf self* hehe
I seen how many at the party, and didnt even notice door close..
Was fair, least I didnt get gangbanged.
Unknown2000-10-19 06:44:16
good to see you die asshole
Tempest2000-10-19 06:55:46
Best part was hearing narrates for help by Jane, so I run there from ABR with the newbie I was helping to leveling not knowing what's there. Ran into Durcano, Ecko, and Nacs at the gate and *knew* it was a hugegrouptrap, so got out fast. Looks like I made the right choice :/
Transe2000-10-19 07:02:51
heh...Thanks for trying Tempest:P hehe
I couldnt post whole log because I couldnt scroll back enough.

uhm 'unknown' your mighty brave. ;) (oh and its bitch, not asshole:P)
Asmandeus2000-10-19 07:45:55
Eeeeek! Comfort Transe. sniff...
Magi2000-10-19 07:53:01
Slaughter! *comf Transe*
Râzk2000-10-19 07:59:15
*comf Transe*
grunge2000-10-19 08:10:59
Hannibal2000-10-19 10:21:06
well, fleeing without open door wont help much...
Asanda2000-10-19 10:38:06
Was it Inziladun, or Mochomurka I wonder....
Axel2000-10-19 11:05:44
I doubt it - it would have been 5am RL for them.
My guesses are Moonglum or so
Fredde2000-10-19 13:52:11
who cares?
Nacs2000-10-19 14:39:01
We was drinking tee at hillmen, when suddenly some bn yelled RED ALERT! We go chek it out, whois is interupting our teaparty they must die :)
Whatever i am really really tired.
Bogmar2000-10-19 15:55:18
Moonglum2000-10-19 16:25:32
It was I. Sorry we were so many. Orcs and trolls tend to work themselves into a blood frenzy.
Transe2000-10-19 16:30:28
heh...couldnt get me and barret day before when you were with nazgum eh moonie? hehe
had to have 10+? last night to do?
shit happens;P
Transe2000-10-19 16:33:25
unless that wasnt you with nazgum;)
someone said it was you
grunge2000-10-19 18:26:33
heeh moonglum, why do you persist in apologizing for your those bigass groups you produce?
Each time its the same thing "sorry we were so many, you were only 1/2 our number but we thought others would enter"
"sorry we were so many, I was only expecting 8, but some extra trolls enterred"
"sorry we were so many, but 4 of our 27 were lowbies, and therefore it was really only 23 vs 5"

hehe, just suck it up and act like a man, I mean, its not your fault that you hafta bring so many everysingfuckingtime
you should be saying "rofl, your one corpse wasn't enuf to feed the baby trolls even...."
Nerf2000-10-19 18:52:03
Please, like u have never hugegrouped either, Grunge, Moonie Rocka more dan u any day
Moonglum2000-10-19 19:20:30
If Nazgum had been on it would have been only us two most likely. Actually, rumor had it that LOTS of pukes were invading Dark Tower so I 'air-expressed' trolls into Dark Tower. No pukes. Orcs arrived in Dark Tower a little bit later. They were not called there but just showed up from exping, etc. Then, I made a portal to Hillman and you guys followed me into there when I lured. Things just sort of escalated ... ending in your deaths.
Jane2000-10-19 20:20:01
Well we were stupid not to figure out it was a trap, but this was kinda boring overkill, 9+ to kill 3 people...so have fun eating our eq :þ nice luring though
Rancor2000-10-19 20:45:28
I was one of the trolls. I had logged on. Rested at ford for an entire night without ANY sign of pukes. Went back to mama Grinder, heard pukes were storming DT, ended up being like 7 others trolls online so we all entered considering we play a pretty boring race unless warrens is being raided. I was pretty disgusted when i found out only three entered. Got 70k xp total for three legends and maybe 1 wpt per since i was in on kill for all of them. How pointless is that.
Remove portal, watch room, and scry from Mume.
Tone down leadership.
Create some code that recognises a ratio of darkies to whities in pk, and gives even less xp/wpts to those of the higher numbers.
Bring back old system of kills. None of this bullshit #1, 0% Diamonium because i saw him 10 minutes ago and he happened to hit me once and then he dt'd.
Make melee much denser.

Many more things can be done to discourage hugetrapping/grouping, but it seems every new thing implemented lately, promotes it. Don't blame the players for following the laid plan, as it is very hard now to even deviate from it.
Rancor2000-10-19 20:48:08
Oh, and while your at it, make bns easier to level! I really want one, but i ain't wasting 1 month to get one legend at the rate i can play!
Arkine2000-10-19 20:54:42
Nice playing Moonglum, cant argue with success mate.
Mayavi2000-10-20 05:10:08

LOL I am telling ya'll, this moonscum is gonna warlord on traps like this :P
Eothen2000-10-20 11:38:00
Yes Mayavi, Moonglum is an awful player, I guess that's why he killed you solo. I really don't get this Mayavi guy's attitude, he talks like an experienced player but won't say who he plays, and everything I see him do is just mediocre stabwhoring. If he has some character to be proud of I hope he threatens me with him ;) so maybe I can figure out what his deal is.
Meteor2000-10-20 19:10:50
Bah overkill on the dark side =P
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