Stormblast slept
posted by Stormblast
2000-10-20 17:55:37
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Yummy. I'm beginning to think spells should trigger wimpy. Then again, this wasn
* W C Mana:Burning Move:Tired>
You feel yourself exposed.
You grasp at *an Elf*, shocking her.
*an Elf* utters the word 'grzzs'
You feel very sleepy... zzzzzz

* W C Mana:Burning Move:Tired>
WARNING: inactivity timeout in 10 seconds.

* W C>177/177 hit, 125/125 mana, and 56/112 moves.

* W C>say sheesh
emote says: sheesh

* W C>say double call?
emote says: double call?

* W C>change wimpy 200
Wimpy set to: 176

* W C>
WARNING: inactivity timeout in 10 seconds.

* W C>177/177 hit, 125/125 mana, and 86/112 moves.

* W C>
Saving Stormblast.

* W C>
WARNING: inactivity timeout in 10 seconds.

* W C>177/177 hit, 125/125 mana, and 107/112 moves.

* W C>sc
177/177 hit, 125/125 mana, and 112/112 moves.

* W C>sc
177/177 hit, 125/125 mana, and 112/112 moves.

* W C>stat
OB: 44%, DB: -14%, PB: 62%, Armour: 53%. Wimpy: 176. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 270,229 xp, 0 tp. Gold: 236. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- sleep
- noquit
- stored spell earthquake.
- stored spell earthquake.
- stored spell earthquake.
- armour
- shield
- stored spell earthquake.
- stored spell earthquake.
- novoid


* W C>view warl

*** Warlords hall of fame ***

    Armies of the West

 1  Elestir the Silvan Ranger.
 2  Fingeror the Sindarin Wizard.
 3  Isolde the Eriadorian Weaponsmistress.
 4  Butter the Dwarven Veteran.
 5  Tolman the Harfoot Adventurer.
 6  Mahyr the Silvan Hunter.
 7  Ellara the Half-Elven Matriarch.
 8  Alvedon the Sindarin Sage.
 9  Teolin the Half-Elven Battlemaster.
10  Lothlahn the Silvan Wizard.

    Forces of the Dark Lord

 1  Durcano the Orkish Fighter.
 2  Dragoth the Orkish Soldier.
 3  Vridush the Orkish Weaponsmaster.
 4  Zigurakhor the Black Numenorean Wizard.
 5  Shake the Orkish Veteran.
 6  Norsu the Orkish Warrior.
 7  Stormblast the Black Numenorean Wanderer.
 8  Oscarmeyer the Black Numenorean Scout.
 9  Diamonium the Orkish Necromancer.
10  Drengist the Orkish Warrior.

* W C>flee
In your dreams, or what?

* W C>flee
In your dreams, or what?

* W C>snore

* W C>flee

You have been blinded!

o W C>In your dreams, or what?


o W C>flee
In your dreams, or what?

o W C>flee
o W C HP:Fine Someone:Fine>
In your dreams, or what?
You feel less tired.
Someone sends you sprawling with a powerful bash.
Someone pounds your right hand extremely hard.
You feel a strong ache there!

o W C HP:Fine Someone:Fine>flee

Someone utters the word 'fireball'

Spell: FIREBALL sent by Someone

o W C HP:Fine Someone:Fine>
You feel less protected.
Armour down!
Someone shoots your left arm hard.
You can't quit the fight!

o W C HP:Hurt Someone:Fine>flee

Someone utters the word 'fireball'

Spell: FIREBALL sent by Someone
That really HURT!
You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

o W C HP:Bad Someone:Fine>
You are incapacitated and will slowly die, if not aided.

o W C HP:Dying Someone:Fine>
You lost some renown in this battle!

You are dead! Sorry...

* W C HP:Awful>
Alas, you realize that yet again the mighty knowledge of drowned Numenor has
been lost... Despair settles on you.

* W C HP:Awful>
*** Warlords hall of fame ***

    Armies of the West

 1  Elestir the Silvan Ranger.
 2  Fingeror the Sindarin Wizard.
 3  Isolde the Eriadorian Weaponsmistress.
 4  Butter the Dwarven Veteran.
 5  Tolman the Harfoot Adventurer.
 6  Mahyr the Silvan Hunter.
 7  Ellara the Half-Elven Matriarch.
 8  Alvedon the Sindarin Sage.
 9  Teolin the Half-Elven Battlemaster.
10  Lothlahn the Silvan Wizard.

    Forces of the Dark Lord

 1  Durcano the Orkish Fighter.
 2  Dragoth the Orkish Soldier.
 3  Vridush the Orkish Weaponsmaster.
 4  Zigurakhor the Black Numenorean Wizard.
 5  Shake the Orkish Veteran.
 6  Norsu the Orkish Warrior.
 7  Oscarmeyer the Black Numenorean Scout.
 8  Diamonium the Orkish Necromancer.
 9  Drengist the Orkish Warrior.
10  Stormblast the Black Numenorean Wanderer.

* W C HP:Awful>
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Stormblast2000-10-20 17:59:13
Nice points in this log: sleep was stored, first pounding didn't trigger autowimpy and I failed the flee that shoot triggerd in a 4-exit room. *whine*
Axel2000-10-20 18:01:48
Stormblast2000-10-20 18:06:01
I personally favour removing all 'features' that make every nanosecond count in this game. Especially all bash + call traps. I mean how the fuck do you play a warrior when you cannot afford eating 1 bash *stares at dragoth rip log*? More wimps and hugegroups to the game *cackle*! Friiiiiidaaaaay niiiiiiiightttt!!!
Folko2000-10-20 18:22:49
who speaks about wimps! :> *comf*
Nacs2000-10-20 18:36:31
Wimps indeed, Blinding him was becouse not to get flamed eh?
Meteor2000-10-20 18:47:53
BAH people saying I suck and I am newbie and I am wimp.

What is this fuckin pukes sleeping darkies lately then? And those 10+ groupers like Pandion and Elestir ruining all fun in the pk?

*SNORE* I go get a beer and have fun with some nice female students.

This game bores me lately.
isolde2000-10-20 18:54:29

*stare* why people keep abusing game features like this.

God gave the human a brain so that it could feel shame
gabriel2000-10-20 18:54:30
Meteor, enjoy those college years. I would personally go for as many women as possible than as many pks as possible! Drink lotsa beer too.
Stormblast2000-10-20 19:07:30
Didn't call any1 a wimp here, jut noting that the game has lots of features that forces ppl to wimp out. So what the hell am I supposed to do now when some1 starts incantations? Flee at once?! And don't ever fight warriors, cause you might eat bash? I wanna live and learn (erm die and learn), but the only lesson here is don't fight :P.
Nepenthe2000-10-20 19:19:23
I think it'd be safe to say that "don't fight" has been the intended result of most recent changes. Who's #1 warlord? No one knows. How many warpoints do you have? No one knows.
Glader2000-10-20 19:27:41
Jeez, you were smiting or what?
Rackhir2000-10-20 19:33:04
i think this is lame :)
Keno2000-10-20 19:39:15
You think that sleep is lame, maybe...
But i guess that 'charm' spell should be more powerful, that would make mage really fun to play
Axel2000-10-20 19:46:54
Keno, I hope you were kidding :)
Cychr2000-10-20 19:55:58
I honestly wish we could have the players of mume 5 back for mume 7. Yet again, it's assholes who insist on abusing the game mechanics that absolutely ruin the fun for anyone else.

I'm sorry, but if you have to result to these lame ass tactics just to get one damn kill, then go fucking play Ultima Online with all the rest of the 12-year old twinks.
Unknown2000-10-20 19:59:04
stormblast, 99.9% of your pks is traps, might be they are 1vs1 traps using mobs, they are still traps. for someone who cant pk without traps to sit and whine about other people is - disgusting!
Baldie2000-10-20 20:02:00
Hey! This is penuts. I just wait for the day i feel wery sleepy at ford and wake up to a nice the sun burns you message. There is a lot of assholes trying to sunrip trolls and compared too that this is nothing. I think sleep totally suck but it I dont sunripp I dont care that much about dying.
Baldie2000-10-20 20:03:11
Hey! Everybody who tink ppl who flame unknown suck raise a hand!!!
Lalin2000-10-20 20:36:01
huh, 5 stored quakes, ponder...
Darkangel2000-10-20 20:40:39
1. *Comf* Stormblast.
2. I thought u were married, Gabriel.
3. I thought u were 28, Meteor. Fun with female students? :O)
Baldie2000-10-20 20:49:09
He, i'm 28 aswell Darkangel and still study. And many ppl in my course are older than me. So why are you suprised???
Rackhir2000-10-20 21:00:29
No sleep spell i ok

Think its lame how they killed him total overkill for a blind sleept bn

Could have done it solo
gabriel2000-10-20 21:11:08
I am married:) was remembering the college students when I was one :)
Benny2000-10-20 21:29:51
Yikes! :O
Meteor2000-10-20 21:34:24
Hehe well I am 20, Cele thought I was 16 some others think I am 30 =)))

Well I am in my 3rd year of Aerospace Engineering =) and it rocks...

Atm we are already 4 years busy building our own designed 2seat aeroplane called Impuls =)

And we have some cool females here, who have knowledge of most common subjects, are not to stupid for technique and are intelligent. So much more fun then the silly buggers walking around the game.

And btw Unknown, insulting Stormblast for a skilles people makes me cry. Stop that please =(
Niccolo2000-10-20 21:35:26
Nacs I doubt whoever it was blinded him to keep their names outta I mean it kinda makes sense to blind someone if you can.

I cant believe that elf called a minimum of 3 others to help kill tho. I'm much more greedy than to share kills with unnecessary people.

*comfort* Stormie. It is kinda silly that spells dont trigger autowimpy.....
Skojardu to bal2000-10-20 21:37:12
She got suprised that you still going to juniorhigh :]
Btw wernt you suppost to write a final today or the mume addictive was in play?
And no i still cant spell or grama or what ever
Baldwin2000-10-20 21:56:28
Well when dragoth died, the casters were lucky, they didn't get any melee in spells.
Roadkill2000-10-20 22:30:49
I wonder if we'll be getting MUME VIII for christmas this year... :-)
Belemoth2000-10-20 23:16:27
I really ponder in some of the whitie players' sanity. Pandion chaseing me (only orc outside noc) with a group of 6, then i meet Darkangel who is yelling me 'night' and wonders why i dont want to fight against her (i was wounded then). Ćontinue running to noc, on noc trail i meet Elestir's group and Isolde's group. Barely get in. In conclusion i want to say what makes me wonder... they really don't have wits to play darkie or are mentally not ok...
Darkangel2000-10-20 23:59:42
That was VERY stupid of me, I was tracking hungry from small trail at Warrens, I didn't know Pandion and his group was after you also. And I think Elestirs group were Warrens when I left. However I found you, you were not wounded, but hurt, and I was low fine/hurt after Skojardu in Warrens. And you instafled, I thought it was kinda weird because you hitted harder than me :O) So I yelled 'why wont u fight', 2 secs later I see Pandions group spam by :O) However I think it's quite funny, you were like 8 in Warrens when I was alone some 15 mins earlier and none of you came out, then suddenly when it was night ALL came out and some noname troll yells wuss after me... I mean come on, 8 vs 1. You and Nacs kinda rocked me alone at Ford when i tried to hitflee Elrik.
Darkangel2000-10-21 00:01:57
Err by 'you' I mean orc and bn of course, not trollies at day.
Finwë2000-10-21 00:03:13
*comf stormie*. None of your flees even went through (although that's kind of obvious since you died before bash wore off), but
your autowimpy only gave you one chance to flee out of 5 possible chances (including the bash itself). Not sure if this is a feature
or a bug, but it's kind of sucky either way.
grunge2000-10-21 06:03:49
man you guys whine a sure fucking lot, if i posted everylog where
i was bashtrapped/trapped/overkilled/linkless slain, it would
take up the entire mume.netlog space....
it you don't like the game, don't play...
if you wanna whine, try red with the duck.
Stormblast2000-10-21 12:33:35
Mr. Unknown: yes I prefer to trap, but you know, every puke is only 1 min away from 100% safe spot, so fighting them in open is usually a waste of time. If every puke I met would agree to fight till death without running away, the times would be different. I say this again and again: poisons and traps and hugegroups all come from the same problem - the players are getting better, links are getting better, ppl don't tend to die in the open anymore. Ok, as warrior you can always get a hit in, but with caster... if the opponent steps out of the room, he is safe.
Grunge: do you insist on us whining? I thought I was just pointing out that there are some features in the game, that makes ppl play like wimps.
Oh and the sleep was casted thoroughly and was stored. So could everyone do me a favour and start using this tactic, so it would get silly and gods would so smt about it (screw the spell up :)).
Kasach2000-10-21 15:14:32
comf stormblast. you rock!
Pampalini2000-10-21 16:16:53
I did the same to Mighty Horse *blush*, but we blinded and bashed and
it fled on fine or smthing. I guess to kill it we'd need like 8 stored
fballs, that you cant cast in one bash. Weak Sauron's followers rocks
again. Comforts Stormblast.
Unknown2000-10-21 16:59:57
Anyone noticed how the number of opponents always goes up every time the story is told?
Grishnak/Shag2000-10-22 01:27:03
Whoever wished we could get M5/M6 players in M7 is right on imo. The game has moved on hugely from then, both in code, items and the number of zones available. However the players seem to have "evolved" into something rather less pleasant. To be brutally honest there are too many lamers around who play for points rather than fun - and if you aren't having fun, why the heck are you playing?
Stormblast2000-10-22 17:56:22
Yes, we need some old rockers back on the dark side too, so let's start with you, Grishnak!
Stormblast2000-10-22 19:02:39
Remember this, kids, nothing beats a good Shag.
Diam2000-10-23 12:33:40
GIG, the thing is, how many MUME6 players have left the game:P?
I started the game 3 months after MUME6 started.
And i see that most of the players are still here.
And if you would give me MUME6 now, then i would rock more :) than ever before!
I have nice 80ms link, then was no spamdelay :), and 21 STR HMB shaman HURTS:P
OscarMeyer2000-10-23 14:10:56
Why not LOS on bash? Seems silly that you can't throw a ball of fire into a fight out of fear of hitting the wrong target, but it is perfectly ok to throw your whole body at someone (ie, bash) and expect not to have the same happen. However, that wouldn't have helped in this situation at all :P
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