posted by Drax
2000-10-24 12:14:26
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swork2000-10-24 12:28:10
ehhe :)
Focus2000-10-24 12:41:30
Hmm...walking around BM is still walk in a park? Thought it was deadly and never went there meself.

If the cows are already that big...i dont want to meet a grizzly there.
Drax2000-10-24 12:45:39
Drax2000-10-24 12:49:36
if you manage to cross the deadly shire and win the climbing contest with hardened rangers and elven hunters over the tower hills, then reaching BM is like arriving to blessed flowergarden.
Shundo2000-10-24 13:07:34
Epp time to go somewhere else :]
Khantar2000-10-24 13:44:03
"Oh no. I wont throw a fireball at that elf, because I might hit the poor cow!"


There should be an option were your char would disregard crap like that.
You want that elf dead! Unleash the spells and worry about dead cows
(or teammembers) later.
Drax2000-10-24 13:48:23
yeah true ... imho fireball should be mass spell also ... you name primary target and the nearby persons get scorched as well ...
Shadrach2000-10-24 13:53:29
"blessed flowergarden" indeed.
Stormblast2000-10-24 14:02:47
Yeah, kill them all in one firestorm and enjoy the steak!!! Fried elf won't do, they're so damn skinny.
Focus2000-10-24 14:13:40
Right Drax, instead of LOS the spells should just hit wrong target if someone is on way. That would cause chaos in mume. And that is good ->
* more unexpected deaths!
* other classes will not trust mages and they wander alone!

I wonder if this idea has ever been under discussion in management...

The more I think, the more I like this idea.
Axel2000-10-24 14:40:50
well, I dont wanna think of backfire then :>
Unknown2000-10-24 14:57:47
hehe Axel :)
Axel2000-10-24 15:10:28
unknown, the color of your lipstick is dazzling!
Unknown2000-10-24 15:55:08
Axel - And you haven't even seen my eyes yet! ;)
Unknown2000-10-24 15:58:01
Axel - And you haven't even seen my eyes yet! ;)
Unknown2000-10-24 15:59:51
(fortunately it's almost impossible to 'hear' that I studder hehe) ;)
Lalin2000-10-24 17:58:29
Cow2000-10-24 18:18:06
Hey! Stop stealing my kills!
Vorlin2000-10-24 18:30:05
It's true that once you get to BM you are homefree as it is now (as far as mobs that hunt you are concerned). But, the management has made it pretty clear they do not want pkilling in the zones west of brandywine bridge, so if darkies start hunting too often in BM zones they'll probably implement a dwarven version of hardened rangers (or worse). So might want to show some restraint. :)
Ethar2000-10-25 04:03:27
likes focus's idea
Brawn2000-10-25 09:14:33
And noone wants to meat a DWARVEN ranger - they shit napalm and piss barbed wire. So begone minions, from the Blue Mountains, or I will talk to the King and he will send out the troops!
Khorak2000-10-25 14:31:08
Managment does not want mass pkill in west.

IF he ment no pkill at all, he should install a gate w of shire that only whities can pass...

Ellison2000-10-26 00:00:36
wow did not know you could change font size on comments
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