posted by Eternal
2000-10-31 17:17:15
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Well i just suck... was quaking DT when Vridush came and whacked my little ass
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Fredde2000-10-31 17:20:34
that your penalty for useing compact mode!

or something...
Darkangel2000-10-31 17:29:50
Sniff I tried to cure you there when my warhorse freaked out... but hey why did you quake us
1s of DT-door? :O) *Comf* on death at least i got your stuff :O(
Eternal2000-10-31 17:40:41
Hih was sleeping and didnt know that you closed door and just spammed n andquake ;)
Tindomerels lit2000-10-31 17:48:44
Tindomerels lit2000-10-31 17:58:22
Unknown2000-10-31 17:59:35
wrong url
Tindomerels lit2000-10-31 18:04:15
*duhh* beats me
Mammoths big fr2000-10-31 18:21:35
*laugh* any1 seen what mammoth looks life RL? Hell i have!!
Mammoth2000-10-31 18:26:36
I rock!
Norsu2000-10-31 18:27:11
I am so much better than all of you other freaks, I rock, you suck, lets leave it at that okay? (yet another last-time-comment from me)
Mammoth2000-10-31 18:28:47
Geez.. some freak using my name *sulk*
Suppose it wasn't Norsu talking also

Leave us oglifants alone! Or we'l kick your lil butt
Unknown2000-10-31 19:12:58
someday dorien should give out the ip to people who post in other peoples names.
Daevia2000-10-31 19:28:48
Wouldn't that be a cool idea, post of IP's of everyone so we can all get
ICMP flooded whenever we pk! Brilliant idea unknown.
un hombre y dos2000-10-31 19:46:51
Nosotros te gustan comer chuletas del gato , mono , perro , y , pussy
Drow2000-10-31 20:57:35
I cant get the mpeg norsu dies, link is broken.
Care to post it somewhere else?
Korf2000-10-31 21:27:01
nod linklesskiller as2000-10-31 21:57:22
oops2000-10-31 21:58:03
i did it again
to drow2000-10-31 21:59:04
clueless newbie2000-10-31 21:59:23





Azg2000-10-31 22:00:47
gotta put http:// in the URL wierdos.
2000-10-31 22:05:21

2000-10-31 22:12:13

2000-10-31 22:36:43
2000-10-31 22:49:23
Kurat2000-10-31 23:05:00
ROFL @ Mammoth
Feon2000-10-31 23:51:54
Really. are people having fun?'

My suggestion is that you REMOVE the comment thing (and skip all whining) and instead put in a scale on 1-10 about how you thing the log was. And to make people not abuse this you have to LOG IN with your account that you create. Like I create a account with my name FEON. when I see a cool log I set a scale of 8 and a bet log like 1..

and SO on. you get my msg, then we would skip the stupid abusing and whing on the comments.

Thats all for me.
Unknown2000-11-01 07:47:04
Unknown2000-11-01 07:47:24
Unknown2000-11-01 07:47:31
Unknown2000-11-01 16:59:27

2000-11-01 16:59:43
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