boring boring, SO hard to kill afk
posted by Dragóth
2000-11-02 16:35:57
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Bamse2000-11-02 16:37:54
Why post it when you know it's boring?
Dragóth2000-11-02 16:42:17
shrug, was bored, nsl make me get bored. like them, but not their pukes
Moonshade2000-11-02 16:45:15
Drop link if you really have to go AFK warrens, DT, OOC or even NOC sometimes.
Dramon2000-11-02 16:45:55
ofcourse they looted all.. i tryed to beep you..
Dragóth2000-11-02 16:47:41
ofcourse they did, they would have looted all even if i had been linkless.
Vridush2000-11-02 16:53:45
All these fucking labs seriously ruin the game...

Only player per host at a time!
pq2000-11-02 16:58:54
ehe`? och det säger du, du spelar ju fan alltid i lab typ.
Sharmak2000-11-02 16:58:59
Nerak2000-11-02 17:00:00
Wow. Good idea, Vridush. That'd rock.
Darkangel2000-11-02 17:01:26
Gotta agree with NSL on this one, not their fault that you choose to go afk in Warrens when you know that they are around.
sarcasm alert2000-11-02 17:02:33
Dragóth2000-11-02 17:02:42
ofcourse its not tehir fault. i just sent it cause im bored and think it was an easy kill
sarcasm alert2000-11-02 17:03:01
Just so everyone understands ---> vridush == zaber ===> he being a smartass on this log
Ginlon2000-11-02 17:15:10
Well... afk in caved in sucks... but a fully
ok kill... Dragoth have kill so many linkless
both with, and without flad, that he deserve
a few more of those deaths...

Comf either way... sucks ya didnt die fighting
Iranon2000-11-02 17:15:55
So don't go afk in caved-in?
Hurolg2000-11-02 17:18:57
HUGE *comf* Dragoth. cnat blame any1 on this log so! i wont
Sarcasmo2000-11-02 17:22:46
Dark Angel siding with nsl?

Well, with an occurrence that rare, you have to sit up and take notice...
Fredde2000-11-02 17:29:05
but seriously they really should ban labs, if like more then one player is playing from same ip adress they should ban it.
Uldrak2000-11-02 17:29:41
First of all we didnt know you were afk, second we will kill you afk again.
third you must be really really stupid to go afk in cave when our lab was
there pking. Fourth of all if you had dropped link we wouldn't have killed you.
btw the vridush commenting on the comments above mine is someone else using his
Vridush2000-11-02 17:31:10
yehe, I can promise you that it was I that commented, And i DO hate Labs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uldrak2000-11-02 17:32:52
Fredde plz shut up you little crybaby.
Darkangel2000-11-02 17:36:16
I rarely agree with NSL so I dunno what Sarcasmo are talking about.
Lochdale2000-11-02 18:40:45
There was a really good Simpsons on last night..the latest halloween episode. I laughed a lot, it contrasts greatly with how I feel when I see anything involving nsl.
Relim2000-11-02 18:51:54
As obscure comments go, Lochdale just won the first ever IcanDrinkaPintofPortandNotpukeOnce award.
Unknown2000-11-02 18:57:41
Darkangel, you ARE nsl.
Pampalini2000-11-02 19:22:35
Darkangel is fine, so shut up Unknown. Big comforts Dragoth, i hope
u gonna get revenge.
Candid/(Gray)2000-11-02 19:27:44
You ARE wrong, Ginlon. Dragoth spared me linkdead once, and spared my rl friends
at least 3 times. He is NOT linklesskiller.
Draaz2000-11-02 20:47:26
Fine or not, Darkangel IS nsl....

and ppl whining about banning of labs are crying cuz they know they never can do shit without lab backing them
Lochdale2000-11-02 21:14:38
Er..thanks Relim, its good to be recongnized in ones own time. Wonder if Goran Erickson plays mume?
Ethar2000-11-02 22:53:03
ive never had a problem with dragoht killing me linkless :)
Johannes2000-11-03 11:08:27
Don't go afk. <- period
Relim2000-11-03 11:49:29
Since 99.9% of Swedes play Mume, I'd say it was a safe bet. I wonder who his characters are... they have to be 1) methodical, successful and speak broken English and 2) full of shit, unable to keep to a deal and unable to deal with a French/English combination (read: Lazio - Arsenal).

Well, that really narrows it down.
Duvel2000-11-03 12:48:58
Anyone knows how I spit on any lab that plays.

It is a legal form of cheating, that is why nearly all 10 pukes warlords are lame labsuckheads. It sucks, I would say.

*comf* Dragoth. I was not on apparently to rescue u =P
Isolde2000-11-03 12:54:04


Grrrrrrrrrr, cant help you got more fotballplayers than sweden got citizens
but still cant put together a decent national team. you should be grateful!

(P.S.this post is slightly exaggerated, pardon my broken english :P)
Horatio Alger2000-11-03 13:33:59

I've yet to see any non-American football team that could play worth a damn.

Of course, if you're talking about SOCCER, the Europeans can beat us, but that's
pretty much because we just don't care about it...
Lochdale2000-11-03 16:27:46
Hehe Relim. Thats funny. Now that Halmstead have one the Sweedish league with their attacking style and the ever so subtle "boot & run" I sense we are in for a renaiscence of English football. Now you will know what it is like to be coached by Jack Charlton! Ericcson just speaks better english.
To Duvel2000-11-03 18:30:04
You are absolutely 100% right. Ban labs from play and make
MUME a fair MUD for everyone.
Glader2000-11-03 22:01:49
This is an exact copy of Donk's log?
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