Should this be possible ??
posted by Edmond
2000-11-05 18:59:08
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Olorion wants to test damage on call lightning.
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Cthulhu2000-11-05 19:01:59
Newbie2000-11-05 19:05:30
Wait a minute... i thought you couldn't lose any xp from being
killed by another player on the same side... ponder... think...
Fratus2000-11-05 19:07:19
this dam is kinda messed up considering Moandor couldn't kill Elestir with 2 calls. So 1 puke call equals 2 bn calls? fucked up. and UNFAIR!!!!! *whine*
Unknown2000-11-05 19:27:28
max good zone. no doubt casted thorough. in normal combat they usually do 150-180hp damage
Moandor2000-11-05 19:31:40
My second call had melee, and elestir was bashed all the time. We all died there.
Magíca2000-11-05 19:37:31
I was there when Olorion casted, it wasnt th, it was normal. But maxgood zone tho :O)
Olorion2000-11-05 19:38:14

Had to walk in moria the hole day to get align back tho. :)
a V+2000-11-05 19:56:18
Whine, whine, If you dont like it, dont play!
I dont care about you whiners, i only care about my elf mage, as long as he can wizkill legend orcs with storecalls, everything is as it should be!
Iluvator2000-11-05 20:36:31
If you look at the next log, 2 calls from a bn did about 300 damage to Elestir. I would have to guess that the zone align must play a pretty big part in dam on call.Only way to find out is to go to evil zone and test it:P
Salmar2000-11-05 20:36:59
Comf on mobdeath :p
Grang2000-11-05 23:29:09
maybe bn didnt have copper+twisted? that always helps, and staff *shrug*
Magíca De Hex2000-11-05 23:57:46
Tempest2000-11-06 00:59:40
Darkies used to be for experienced players. Fratus/Moander tried that bash/call lightning crap on me earlier too, and didn't work then. Why? First off, you morons only had the sucky lightning going, not the good kind. Second, Olorion's staff/equipment/level are ALOT better then Moander's. Third, that you expect that one bash 2 calls to kill a high level player like Elestir is just fucking assinine. Don't any of you losers like to actually fight anymore, stead of trying to find the most lame way to kill someone?
grunge2000-11-06 04:23:13
um, tempest, coming from someone that tried to kill a solo orc that had
fled over 25 zones to get away from hugegroup killers......
and then runs into you, 3 others who persist in tracking and then
use Arachnia on the orc to try and kill him......and
then the orc still gets away........i mean
you should feel ashamed at even making posts when you play such a "fair" style of
in answer to your question: no darkies wanna slay pukes, anyway possible, trap/bashtrap/overkill
it doesn't matter, b/c well, to be honest it isn't thepukes or the darkies that suck
it is just a matter of the "player" these days........
and in my nosohumble opinion, you guys suck ass...
can't fucking fight with 20ms link and slay someone.....who sucks....
Asmandeus2000-11-06 06:02:06
These comments are getting worse each day, all you people do is whine about who did what and how that is wrong, or how someone died to a GIANT overkilling group, or how stabbers suck, or how a spell is too poweful, or how someone lost link and they still killed them or how people are poison whores, or how traps are unfair.... This is a game about war .... unfair things happen. If all you whiners got your way MUME would be reduced to a kids game where all the little children win at the end. Seriously though, grow up people. Play the game, be happy it exists and that its free. If you really need to bicker why not mail each other...

And now to the actual log : Comfort! that spell can be damn nasty, and rightfully so, its a pain to get the weather up right in some locations.
Pampalini2000-11-06 10:08:29
How the fuck can twisted+copper make 150 better damage. Think b4 you say someting?
Edmond2000-11-06 13:12:12
Let´s not forget some things:

I was level 21 with no spellsave stuff, Olorion is level 42
with at least +2 spell attack, if not more.

Moandor is, what, level 30ish, while Elestir is level 68 and surely has some
spellsave eq.

This is a big difference in levels and spellattack/spellsave eq, and probably
is the reason for different damage on call.
Unknown2000-11-06 14:52:42
i think stab is overpowered only pussies use it
i think call lightning overpowered only pussies use it
i think smite is overpowered
i think endurance is overpowered
i think anyone who pracs any offensive spells/smite/stab/sneak/endurance/groups with ANYONE/pracs track/has ANY legend equip is a pussy
Unknown2000-11-06 14:53:06
oh and uses poison they are also pussies
Darkangel2000-11-06 18:56:26
And post as 'unknown' is also pussy :O)
Tempest2000-11-07 01:21:21
Oh please Grunge, the battle didn't start off as 4 of us vs one of you, that's just how it ended. Experienced players also don't die to poisons normally, especially orcs. Also, it's not overly hard to get away from a group, my link is no better than yours and I avoid big troll/orc groups alone all the time. The key is not to panic, which alot of people do. And why the hell should we not hunt you down? The battle started as an even fight, and we attempted to chase you down. Tell the WHOLE story next time, not just the ending.
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