Duvel I just love when people dont know a SHIT when they are talking about, people like you that is. *snore*
2000-11-07 22:20:01
Us 4 just stormed 7 trolls and we won, duvel just shut the fuck up you dont know
2000-11-07 22:30:53
Duvel was a constant whiner when i stopped reading all the spam comments, nice to see he hasnt changed one bit. But how, pray tell me, can 4vs4 be considered a big group? guess you need a troll sized brain to figure that one out (and those aint big! especially not if they rot away in the head of duvel). You really should try play something else than a caverat. And, trolls didnt REALLY get out, well half did!
2000-11-08 17:36:58
This aint fucking action, this sucks!
2000-11-10 15:19:20
Nowyr, you stormed 7 trolls? 7 as SEVEN??? Uhmm... how could I miss those other 3 who were with us?
Good those trolls got out.