I guess Teleport is outof the question
posted by Ezikiel
2000-11-08 18:25:03
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this is really a nice feature makes mume top class mud all over the world
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Kogan2000-11-08 18:27:12
Nice :)
HAHA2000-11-08 18:34:56
Duvel2000-11-08 18:36:44
What does this mean?
Nu dog du ju igen för fan ska det aldrig sluta.....

Something like wtf? =P
Magíca De Hex2000-11-08 18:38:23
Nu dog du ju igen för fan ska det aldrig sluta.....

Laugh! And Comf.
Darkangel to Du2000-11-08 18:39:16
It means 'And now you died AGAIN....dammit, will this never stop?'
Ezikiel2000-11-08 18:56:56
i mean Full mage eq set down the drain :)

feels good to be alive
Daevia2000-11-08 19:20:55
bitch and moan bitch and moan
Labero2000-11-08 22:18:45
Until you have ported into DT:s or locked mobrooms at least 25 times you're
a newbie. Condsider it a rite of initiation.
Tempest2000-11-08 23:32:47
Consider it a penalty for being lazy. Learn to ride and you'll never port into a DT!
Ethar2000-11-09 00:58:12
cackle labero and tempest i agree :P
Unknown2000-11-09 01:46:00
correction, labero wrote 'until you have' but prolly ment 'until you have not'
Juston2000-11-09 03:47:46
Asmodeus2000-11-09 04:52:09
that dt is recoverble i bleieve too :>
Ainagul2000-11-09 08:28:12
this is really a nice feature makes mume top class mud all over the world

And I seriously agree. We all hate, when it happens to us. But it is good it does happen, atleast some thrill!

I think we should add a possibility to die in portals -> you enter portal and never come out in the other end...just lost in cyberspace :) *lick*
Skojardu2000-11-09 08:35:01
Im a newbie labero because i never teleported into a dt or a mobroom.
But then again i dont have any spells *whhhhiiiinnneeeee*
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