Following The Trend
posted by Elrik
2000-11-10 19:39:59
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Sad but true i think it is time now to retire elrik i will be on for sometime to
You are a male Black Numenorean.
You are 76 years, 10 months, and 21 days old.
You have played 1 month, 5 days, and 13 hours (real time).
This ranks you as Elrik The Black Istar (level 30).
You are six feet 0 and weigh eleven stone and eleven pounds.
Perception: vision 44, hearing -7, smell -23. Alertness: normal.
You are totally corrupted by the Evilness of Morgoth!
You are carrying 0 pounds of equipment. Peanuts.
Your base abilities are: Str:9 Int:18 Wis:17 Dex:12 Con:12 Wil:11 Per:11.
Offensive Bonus: 69%, Dodging Bonus: -36%, Parrying Bonus: 0%.
You are not wearing any armour.
You have 1/150 hit, 23/105 mana, and 0/102 movement points.
Your mood is wimpy. 
You will flee if your hit points go below 49.
You have scored 11,113,712 experience points and you have 165,069 travel points.
You have gained some renown in battles for the forces of the Dark Lord.
You need 86,288 exp. points and 0 travel points to reach the next level.
You have 0 copper.
You are speaking Westron.
You will swim if necessary.
You will climb if necessary.

*** TROPHY *** (Number Killed, Knowledge, Mobile)

|   1,  1%,  #Falck                    |   1,  0%,  #Nator                    |
|   1,  1%,  #Brugor                   |   1,  0%,  #Bobble                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Thorny                   |   1,  0%,  #Rangorn                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Ostrovid                 |   1,  1%,  #Eporedax                 |
|   1,  1%,  #Wurzl                    |   1,  1%,  #Osangar                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Pakats                   |   1,  0%,  #Aglar                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Vanir                    |   1,  1%,  #Vegeta                   |
|   2,  1%,  #Kirmin                   |   1,  1%,  #Marak                    |
|   1,  1%,  #Udo                      |   1,  0%,  #Aros                     |
|   1,  1%,  #Morthe                   |   1,  0%,  #Feagil                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Smuck                    |   1,  1%,  #Vadin                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Aragazt                  |   1,  0%,  #Volber                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Khuk                     |   1,  0%,  #Barjo                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Geron                    |   1,  0%,  #Arowan                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Relim                    |   2,  0%,  #Eldan                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Arcanam                  |   1,  0%,  #Shoolheren               |
|   2,  0%,  #Smooth                   |   1,  1%,  #Elroh                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Nat                      |   1,  1%,  #Gill                     |
|   2,  0%,  #Gimlo                    |   1,  1%,  #Dairuin                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Elval                    |   1,  0%,  #Thaliodrin               |
|   1,  0%,  #Ambolt                   |   1,  0%,  #Butrus                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Helga                    |   1,  1%,  #Eilard                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Glithraril               |   1,  0%,  #Xavier                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Edik                     |   1,  0%,  #Alianora                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Silmarin                 |   1,  1%,  #Fuzzle                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Albion                   |   1,  0%,  #Ciryandil                |
|   1,  0%,  #Elmir                    |   1,  0%,  #Inglor                   |
|   2,  1%,  #Perim                    |   1,  0%,  #Griffi                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Marigold                 |   1,  0%,  #Leffe                    |
|   1,  1%,  #Filas                    |   1,  1%,  #Decartes                 |
|   1,  1%,  #Arium                    |   1,  1%,  #Carnimininmiel           |
|   1,  1%,  #Tremendous               |   1,  1%,  #Fusil                    |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (40%) *** 
|   1,  0%,  #Aryn                     |   1,  0%,  #Milady                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Maelruan                 |   1,  0%,  #Kyna                     |
|   1,  1%,  #Slartibartfast           |   1,  0%,  #Brokk                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Xune                     |   1,  1%,  #Bredstige                |
|   1,  0%,  #Mercury                  |   2,  1%,  #Num                      |
|   2,  2%,  #Ritual                   |   1,  0%,  #Candid                   |
|   2,  1%,  #Fegolas                  |   2,  2%,  #Tien                     |
|   1,  1%,  #Kurn                     |   1,  0%,  #Healy                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Sammael                  |   1,  0%,  #Miril                    |
|   1,  1%,  #Amras                    |   1,  0%,  #Blysk                    |
|   1,  1%,  #Helandon                 |   1,  0%,  #Musashi                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Carmel                   |   1,  0%,  #Jarhala                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Ingold                   |   2,  2%,  #Pigna                    |
|   2,  1%,  #Meril                    |   1,  1%,  #Fist                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Knifer                   |   1,  0%,  #Khird                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Blachron                 |   1,  0%,  #Eckhart                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Decade                   |   1,  1%,  #Etan                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Raiden                   |   1,  0%,  #Furfoot                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Claire                   |   1,  0%,  #Galnor                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Olwe                     |   2,  1%,  #Bajun                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Dup                      |   1,  1%,  #Sirhan                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Kyratai                  |   1,  0%,  #Fenris                   |
|   1,  1%,  #Dra                      |   1,  0%,  #Marius                   |
|   1,  1%,  #Thonr                    |   1,  0%,  #Derk                     |
|   1,  1%,  #Tordol                   |   1,  1%,  #Dante                    |
|   1,  0%,  #Kazzey                   |   1,  0%,  #Havok                    |
|   4,  3%,  #Gabriel                  |   2,  1%,  #Feather                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Lindos                   |   1,  1%,  #Brega                    |
|   1,  1%,  #Grimsteel                |   1,  0%,  #Dyslexys                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Magni                    |   1,  1%,  #Mallory                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Etiamos                  |   1,  0%,  #Calesto                  |
|   1,  0%,  #Eryng                    |   1,  0%,  #Aschit                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Isolde                   |   1,  1%,  #Alie                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Donald                   |   1,  0%,  #Draconis                 |

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (82%) *** 
|   3,  1%,  #Phen                     |   1,  1%,  #Croc                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Myrsik                   |   1,  0%,  #Rian                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Brytz                    |   1,  0%,  #Umodetic                 |
|   4,  1%,  #Hanse                    |   1,  0%,  #Avenel                   |
|   1,  1%,  #Felagund                 |   1,  0%,  #Rio                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Curufin                  |   1,  0%,  #Var                      |
|   1,  0%,  #Turviniel                |   2,  0%,  #Rael                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Stabba                   |   1,  0%,  #Roahir                   |
|   1,  0%,  #Sruk                     |   1,  0%,  #Khadgar                  |
|   2,  0%,  #Dwalin                   |   1,  0%,  #Jair                     |
|   1,  0%,  #Kulgan                   |   1,  0%,  #Magnolia                 |
|   1,  0%,  #Alhena                   |   1,  0%,  #Risu                     |
|   2,  1%,  #Drainer                  |   1,  0%,  #Jacob       

On the 17th Wedmath, 2851 of the third age, you drowned in the Nen Kalthar, and fell to level

On the 6th Solmath in 2850, you were slain at the Trail through the Mountain Foothills by
Tindomerel the Elf.

On the 19th of Astron in 2849, you were killed in the Old Tower Street by Bohemond the Dwarf.

On the 16th of Wedmath, 2848 of the third age, you gained level thirty-one in Inside the North
Gate of Tharbad.

On the first Forelithe, 2848 of the third age, you died in the Forest Border.

On the 14th Astron in the year of 2847 of the third age, you reached level thirty in a
Concealed Enclosure.

On the 15th of Wedmath in 2842, you were slain in the Old Tower Street by Ginlon the Elf, and
fell to level twenty-nine.

On the 20th of Forelithe in 2842 of the third age, you achieved level thirty in Up in the Tower.

On the 24th of Winterfilth in the year of 2839 of the third age, you were killed in the
Greenway by Alvedon the Elf.

On the 22nd of Astron in the year of 2835 of the third age, you were killed in the Thirsty
Ranger's Inn by a Dwarf.

On the 1st Forelithe, 2834 of the third age, you were killed in the Ancient Battlefields by a
hardened ranger.

On the 4th of Wedmath in 2832 of the third age, you were killed in the Grocery by Elroh the Elf.

On the 1st Thrimidge, 2829 of the third age, you reached level twenty-nine along the Path to
the Misty Mountains.

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (20%) *** 

On the 13th Forelithe in 2826, you were slain in Before the Castle Gate by Jandor the Dwarf.

On the 29th of Foreyule in the year of 2824, you were killed in the Waterfall by Razk the

On the 5th of Wedmath, 2824, you were killed in a Decaying Hut by a Dwarf.

On the 25th Halimath in the year of 2816 of the third age, you were killed in a Muddy Hole by a
gruesome pack leader, and fell to level twenty-eight.

On the 15th Foreyule, 2813 of the third age, you were slain in West of the Ford of the Bruinen
by Tindomerel the Elf. 
You were slain at an Old Path by Tindomerel the Elf. 
You died at the
Bottom of a Crevice. 
You were slain on the Crossing in the Trail by Cur the Man.

On the 14th of Foreyule, 2813, you were slain in Ford in the River Bruinen by Tindomerel the
You were killed in the Sharp Knife Alley by Edgar the Dwarf, and thus fell to level

On the 15th of Winterfilth in the year of 2813, you gained level thirty in the Misty Wetlands.

On the seventh of Halimath in 2810, you died in a Black, Bottomless Pit.

On the 11th of Foreyule in 2804, you were killed in a Decaying Hut by Aegnor the Elf.

On the 2nd of Afterlithe in the year of 2800 of the third age, you gained level twenty-nine in
Inside the North Gate of Tharbad.

On the 8th Wedmath, 2796 of the third age, you felt like a new man.

On the 28th Afterlithe, 2793, you were slain in the Wooden Hut by Lahessa the Elf.

On the 15th Astron in 2793 of the third age, you drowned in Mixing of the Waters.

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (41%) *** 
On the 7th Halimath, 2789, you were slain in the Spoiling Chamber by a Dwarf.

On the eighth Afterlithe, 2789, you reached level twenty-eight along an Old Trail by a Fortress.

On the 1st of Foreyule, 2784 of the third age, you were slain in the Forest Border by Gundor
the Man, and therefore fell to level twenty-seven.

On the 27th of Halimath in 2784 of the third age, you gained level twenty-eight in a Steeply
Sloped Tunnel.

On the 12th Foreyule in 2781, you were killed in the Misty Mountains by Menlos the Man.

On the sixth Solmath in the year of 2779, you were killed in Inside the South Gate of Tharbad
by a horrible guard, and fell to level twenty-seven.

On the 28th of Astron in 2776, you were killed in the Sharp Knife Alley by Araglas the Man.

On the 18th Rethe, 2776, you were slain at the Hollin Road by Donald the Elf.

On the 22nd Afterlithe, 2775, you were slain in the Cave by Kuku the Man.

On the 21st Afterlithe in the year of 2775 of the third age, you were killed in the Main Street
by Vindir the Half-elf.

On the tenth of Astron, 2770, you achieved level twenty-eight in the West Alley.

On the tenth Wedmath in the year of 2764, you gained level twenty-seven in the Cliffs.

On the 24th of Afterlithe in 2763, you reached level twenty-six in the Poorly-Lit Room.

On the 6th Foreyule, 2760 of the third age, you were slain in the Stable by a Dwarf.

On the 14th Foreyule in the year of 2759 of the third age, you gained level twenty-five in the
Flat Plains.

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (63%) *** 

On the fifth of Winterfilth, 2759, you were slain in a Dark Tunnel by Drag the Troll.

On the eighth Wedmath, 2759 of the third age, you were killed in a Dark Tunnel by Galdor the
Man, and fell to level twenty-four.

On the 8th of Wedmath in 2758 of the third age, you were killed in the Greenway by Tua the Man.

On the 14th of Astron, 2758 of the third age, you gained level twenty-five in the Overgrown

On the 20th of Forelithe in the year of 2757, you were killed in Inside the South Gate of
Tharbad by an Elf, and therefore fell to level twenty-four.

On the 17th Foreyule in the year of 2756 of the third age, you were killed in the Dark Forest
by a Man.

On the 4th of Winterfilth in 2756 of the third age, you reached level twenty-five in a Crossing.

On the 11th of Forelithe, 2754 of the third age, you were killed in the Thieves Shop by an Elf,
and therefore fell to level twenty-four.

On the 12th of Thrimidge, 2754, you achieved level twenty-five in a Dense Forest.

On the 11th Afterlithe in the year of 2752, you were killed in the Grey Mountains by a Half-Elf.

On the third Halimath, 2750, you were killed in Bridge in the Pass by Merimac the Hobbit.

On the 30th Solmath, 2750 of the third age, you were killed at a Trail through the Dense Pine
Forest by Muck the Elf.

On the sixth of Afterlithe, 2748, you were killed in the Orc Guard Room by an orkish bodyguard,
and therefore fell to level twenty-four.

*** Return: continue, b: back one page, r: redisplay, q:quit (83%) *** 
On the fourth of Wedmath, 2745 of the third age, you were slain in the Swampy Bushes by someone

On the 29th of Solmath in the year of 2745 of the third age, you were slain in a Side Room by
Urk the Dwarf.

On the 16th of Winterfilth in the year of 2744 of the third age, you were slain in Camp on the
Hills by Sierra the Half-elf.

On the 21st Forelithe in 2744, you reached level twenty-five in the Armoury.

On the 2nd Thrimidge, 2739, you died in the Deafening Rapids. 
You were also killed in a crudely
carved tunnel by Clunker the clumsy troll. Because of that, you fell to level twenty-four.

On the 14th Halimath, 2738 of the third age, you were slain in the Rest Room by Amalric the Elf.

On the 14th Halimath in the year of 2734, you were slain at the Secret Trail in the Plain by
Boron the Man.

On the 3rd Halimath in the year of 2734 of the third age, you gained level twenty-five in the
Sandy Shore.

On the 22nd of Thrimidge, 2734 of the third age, you were killed in an Abandoned Cellar by
Umodetic the Man, and thus fell to level twenty-four.

You began your journeys around the 3rd Rethe in 2642.
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snore2000-11-10 19:59:30
Fredde2000-11-10 20:09:34
Gat damn and this is all those gay pukes that walk around with 14+ groups

man they are lame ass motherfuckers

youll be missed
Meteor2000-11-10 20:11:09
Why the fuck you quit too? Nice now no damn Darkie is online anymore.

Today when I logged 3 darkies were online. *STARE*
Nice2000-11-10 20:16:52
Ok, by the 2900th of 3rd age, hobbits will be living in NOC!
By the 2950th of the 3rd age, dwarves will retake Khazad-dum.
By the 3019th of 3rd age, 150+ legend pukes will raid barad-dur.
By the 3020th of 3rd age, Ainur decide to do something, and allow pkill between immortals and mortals.
Roadkill2000-11-10 21:14:58
sakna þín nú þegar.. :-(
En annars er ég hættur sjálfur, a.m.k. í bili þangað til eitthvað breytist og MUME verður skemmtilegt aftur. Sjáumst þá. :-)
Unknown2000-11-10 21:16:07
no more darkies means i die less :p
Valir2000-11-10 21:20:15
No more darkies means I get less xp with my pukes :(((
Unknown2000-11-10 22:20:43
No more darkies means no more pk... and what else is mume good for? You want to sit on your ass and chat? Go play a lame mush!
Lochdale2000-11-10 22:28:08
Ack! I remember fighting you in Eregion and getting beat up some so I spammed to Amadrill (sp) I am not sure if you knew I was in there but you bloked me in. So I sat there thinking you were calling backup but none came. You wanted to 1v1 fight which was nice.
Zerg2000-11-11 00:31:54
who gives a shit the only reason you post lame ass post is because you are afraid no one will miss you? i know some people will miss you from the comments but damnit dont have to post it anymore
Unknown2000-11-11 01:01:59
>Sad but true i think it is time now... [snip]

Who says its sad?
Jane2000-11-11 01:09:27
Damn þú líka...... :(
Cur to unknown2000-11-11 02:02:12
Well, me and Jane say so. By the way, posting as unknown is really trite. If you're suffering from some sort of insecurity, I know a good, not too expensive counsellor who can help you stand up for yourself. You'll get to sit in group
therapy with all your fellow losers who are too afraid to take the brown paper
bag off their heads on those few occasions they see fit to peek out of the toilet bowl. You don't have to thank me, it's all in a day's work.
Unknown2000-11-11 02:14:37
havent seen elrik for half a year or so? :O didnt you quit long ago
Reef2000-11-11 07:25:28
Ugh, damn, take it easy champ.
Cur2000-11-11 07:58:36
You mean me or Elrik, Reef? :-)
Tempest2000-11-11 09:44:18
Mume always goes through periods when people play darkies less for a bit. And notice it's mostly BNs retiring for whatever reason. All these dorks will be back soon enough, cause people who really quit just do it, they don't post gay trophy logs.
Cur2000-11-13 18:29:36
You sure have a big head and a mouth to fit, Tempest.
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