What a view
posted by Zhagart
2000-11-12 17:19:20
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Dorak2000-11-12 17:20:59
Seeing 'Gorgmoth the Evil Farmer' again made me laugh, one of my first deaths was to him :) (yup, I'm a new player, MUME needs us too!)
Unknown2000-11-12 17:22:55
Adorable2000-11-12 17:34:28
*Licks* :O)
Grang2000-11-12 17:41:18
nice to see so many up-and-coming corpses...
Haazheel2000-11-12 18:20:33
MUME is balanced once again.
Unknown2000-11-12 19:00:09
Bunch of redshirts. Not a single person with any soling or leading ability
Fredde2000-11-12 19:05:44
Hahahaha unkown you suck!

1. Nushenak, always solo berserk bn
2. Vridush, is a good leader
3. Dragoth, is a good leader and very often solo
and so on.
Perim2000-11-12 19:46:09
Nushenak always solo!? gimme a break!
Glader2000-11-12 19:57:00
Hehe, Norsu is back with tha pack, which is positive.
Nator2000-11-12 20:04:14
to haazheel: not exactly balanced, logged on and wasn't even 10 puke legends on.
suddenly every1 logged darkies and tipped the balance the other way.
Torment2000-11-12 20:05:53
Unknowns using the catchphrase I started like they actually know something, that's pretty funny.
Fildur2000-11-12 20:07:22
Quite impressive, just one person decides play orc again and this happen. Hehe.
Relim2000-11-12 20:11:01
Norsu returns as Relim leaves? Coincidence?! ;) ;)
DACOGS2000-11-12 20:55:16
NiteNArmour IM me?
Unknown2000-11-12 21:26:33
norsu is relim
Unknown2000-11-12 21:59:10
Fredde to Perim2000-11-12 22:01:05
OF course nowone is ALWAYS solo but you cant be that stupid you dont understood what i meant?!
I know him rl and i have seen him leave traps if he thought his side were to many so STFU!!!
Norsu2000-11-12 22:02:38
I deny beeing relim! and i can prove it! for example, i dont die every time i go to warrens.
Kaldae2000-11-12 22:15:37
Norsu is not Relim, very much not so..
Norsu the pack leader is an orc. <- no shit :)
Unknown2000-11-12 23:53:14
Thought you had gone away Relim? Please do.
Sabadon2000-11-13 00:15:41
*Nod* unknown
Relim2000-11-13 00:36:53
*chuckle* I said i was leaving mume alone, not mume.net :> And when you have the ability to at least include yer name, maybe we'll have a conversation. Kinda easy to figure you got something to hide when you can't even put your name to a simple request. Poor soul :>
Sabadon2000-11-13 00:48:14
jeah nice, use my name to comment would you, gayer-unknown
Manatark2000-11-13 01:39:34
Well atm there's 12 darkies and 65 pukes playing. Not that I think that random statistics show much, but just cause some players decide that they could sit oermg and kill level 10 elves instead of sitting at noc and kill level 10 orcs for fun, doesn't mean that the overall intrest in the dark side has gone a bit downhill...
grunge2000-11-13 01:55:25
whats strange about that?
the only player there with some playing ability is wind and he is prolly idling at work
the rest of them were waiting for norsu to log on and were prolly collecting
grey spider sacks and stuff....and practicing there "i worship norsu" voodoo dance...
grunge2000-11-13 01:56:57
and like i said about redshirts....the dudes on startrek that died were
wearing blueshirts...not red....oh i guess the captain died alot....snicker
Iff to Perim2000-11-13 02:19:28
Wtf are you talking about? Nush is usually always hunting solo.
Ginlon2000-11-13 03:03:53
Praise Grunge!
Unknown2000-11-13 06:13:59
you guys should concentrate more on your own fun
Relim2000-11-13 09:10:38
I think we should all concentrate the male reproductive organs, more specifically, why i dont have any
Makan2000-11-13 09:12:31
Glader since youve decided to make a brave stand and come out of the closet, i think i will do so too. We can express our love for each other eternally.
Durcano2000-11-13 09:12:57
Eh... i always thought makan was gay
durcano2000-11-13 09:13:20
errr not makan my apologies, glader that is
Transe2000-11-13 09:15:27
Oh id like to stick my steel tipped spear...err i mean no...wait...im a woman...i swear..im a woman...dammit i was told i could be anything i wanted too. and i want to be a woman....or a gay astronaut..
Uldrak2000-11-13 09:16:30
Well its not unusual that manatark whines, he owns whine.net now.
whine, whine, whine!
Johannes2000-11-13 09:42:47
Fredde2000-11-13 09:48:58
yeah and your they gay of the world asslicker-uldrak
Relim2000-11-13 10:34:19
*smirk* Some fool amusing himself by using other folks names - weird how some people get their kicks!
Ainagul2000-11-13 10:39:49
Norsu playing and co-incidentally Wind, Maag and Torment log on too :)
You guys keep playing darkie and shift the balance of the war back to the dark side.
Manatark2000-11-13 12:05:47
Mwahahaha Uldrak still weeping? Sauron be my witness, that really was a successful pstealing by my scout! I am not sure if it was Uldrak's char, but he sure takes some pride in crying about it. It was like stealing candy from a kid (and it *was* candy and it *was* from a kid)! Just don't tell mom ok?
Shadrach2000-11-13 12:13:58
Is p(norsu) == p(relim)??
Voile2000-11-13 12:46:07
Nice view !! Hopefully mume have finnaly reached a turning spot, and the war will again be interesting and challenging.
Now if the managment only could grant my cleric 170 defence with +4 attack and storable spells at same mana cost as mage spells, it would truely be great..:p
Ok, bad joke....
Cya all in mud.
Magi2000-11-13 13:20:20
Transe ? You're confusing me!
nushenak2000-11-13 16:41:16
*lick iff*
*hug fredde*
Belemoth2000-11-13 17:03:09
What were Caress and Maag doing when Norsu played a puke?
Lochdale2000-11-13 17:17:44
Actually, Norsu coming back is a good thing. Since I have been playing Darkie it seems that noc goes into fits when the man-children of nsl wander by. Gotta counteract that and poisoining smiters seem like just the thing. I'll be practing that dance now.
Meteor2000-11-13 18:01:34
It would be good to have at least some darkies on, lately 0 bn 0 orc 1 troll often happened =P sucks!

Torment2000-11-14 00:20:21
If Grunge and Ainagul had a brain (I understand why Grunge doesn't, his is alchohol blasted into oblivion), you'll notice I was one of the first on the who list. I had logged on orc after having been bored exping whities. Was in NOC getting rent money when every darkie and their mom suddenly logs on. I was actually annoyed by that, since everyone playing darkie is no better than everyone playing whitie.
Oscarmeyer2000-11-14 03:47:29
I also was on about that time, and I 95% solo myself. Just because someone isn't cognito, doesn't mean they aren't there. In fact, many 'solo' players go incog to avoid spam etc.
Throk2000-11-14 04:27:29
i guess you rock and everyone else sucks torment right? get over yourself all i ever hear is how you are such an old player and how much you rock
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