vanamoor ROCKS!
posted by galarin
2000-11-13 17:44:23
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Just to show ya how cute vanamoor is. the old no flag comment is just horseshit
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galarin2000-11-13 17:51:12
just another fucking case of idiots getting equip horny and killing.
tindomerel2000-11-13 17:53:18

even if he is total newbie he cannot say that wasnt on purpose, since he changed
from bolt to harm like that!
Hannibal2000-11-13 17:53:39
Meteor2000-11-13 17:55:20
Goddamn *comf* Galarin, linkles dying always sucks=( even without any eq.
Unknown2000-11-13 18:19:23
Since now, linkless Vanamoor is dead Vanamoor.
Asanda2000-11-13 18:20:50
Meteor: Galarin had shining?
Vanamoor2000-11-13 18:22:09
What do you mean linkless? this log proves you fled all the time!
galarin2000-11-13 18:26:29
one room fleeing with autowimpy don't mean shit you dumb fuck. did I ever flee 2 rooms or type flee in the log you jackass? what a fucking idiot
galarin2000-11-13 18:26:44
I had shining plate yes
galarin2000-11-13 18:31:07
ohh and I get mail from vanamoor. here's the 2 lines :
"I always die linkless with a flag :) "
"sooo this time I was just too pissed comf it had to be you"
Eothen2000-11-13 18:33:07
Well...if you have a log of it obviously you were seeing mume's output...maybe that's after the fact, I don't know. Obviously you were able to time seek rivendell at some point prior to this, but hard to tell from the log just what happened to your link after that. Dunno why I'm typing this, I guess I'm just wondering if it was one of those things where it all scrolls by after the fact or you were afk or something while this actually happened.
galarin2000-11-13 18:35:12
eothen he fucking admits to knowing in mume mails. Yes it was scroll after. yes I was frozen from seek on.
Darkangel2000-11-13 18:38:22
*Stare* that was lame!!! *COMFIES* to Galarin... and i agree with Galarin on this one,
he was bad/awful, he fled once, and he stayed in the same room to eat your spells?
Come on, if, and I mean IF it would have been you, wouldn't you have fled once and then spammed away?
Hrm Whatever, Comfs to Galarin :O(
Unknown2000-11-13 18:56:43
where u were linkless? u wasnt linkless, u spammed moors seeked and went afk.
but vanamoor was quick and jumped on you - you died.
Darkangel2000-11-13 19:04:08
Why post as unknown if you are so sure?
Shadrach2000-11-13 19:14:51
There is nothing wrong with killing a puke linkless. Sauron would applaud it!
*nod self*
Kakarot2000-11-13 19:31:24
Laugh Unknown...just because u spam moors doesnt mean you have a great
link..I know sometimes that I have pretyped in some commands and do not
see them go through, even though they actually did..and as for him fleeing
jeez, despite being a darkie, get a clue...thats called umm autowimpy..
sometimes its easy to get caught up in the moment...but that was pretty
obvious case here. You just gotta wonder sometimes
Daevia2000-11-13 20:25:53
Whats the difference if someone dies because they have 600ms link and can't run
away from a bunch of spamming 20ms Swedes? They obviously died because their
link wasn't very good. Should the attackers spare the person because the fight isn't 100% completely fair?
The question is, where do you draw the line? Both situations obviously cause the death of the person, but one is treated differently than the other.
Manatark2000-11-13 20:36:47
Yea at the second harm it was too damn obvious already...
Belemoth2000-11-13 21:19:03
Killing people afk is not lame.
Salmar2000-11-13 21:37:29
WTF, nobody talked about being afk!!! He said link froze, and all that spam came thru after he was already dead. Happend to my chars more than once. I have learned that best thing to do when freeze is instantly zap link, and try to reconnect. This way you get flag (if u have linkdrop set) and much better chance to get link back. It doesn't work always tho. *comf*
To Vanamoor: That was pathetic.
To Manatark: I remember saving Stormblast's ass when you had little freeze, realized after second harm that you wasn't there :)
Gazel2000-11-13 21:41:24
How about (Idle) ones?:P *wink* Dayel
Galerech2000-11-13 22:51:27
fucking pathetic vanamoor
grunge2000-11-13 22:58:24
he looked pretty linkdead to me....
poor madcat, he calls me linkless killer because i get in one stab and he dies...
but he applauds this sorta actions...and yes
after he switched from bolt to harm, it is obvoius, since we all know
that you wouldn't have sat in a room to eat a harm at wounded...
he just knew if he kept bolting you, he would run outta mana or thought you might
gain link back and wanted to finish shold post mail for the fuck of
it galarin...
only thing worse than linklesskilling...
CLUELESS2000-11-13 23:08:30
i dont get it, how could he be linkless if he got log?
when i loose link i cant see spam.
Fratus2000-11-13 23:36:12
got 2 words for ya Galarin: CHA LINK
goddamn newbie
galarin2000-11-13 23:42:59
okay : 1 --> I'm no god damn newbie. I didn't have cha link set cuz I wasn't fucking in pk. I froze on the way into rdell, I wasn't afk. It amazes me how people can justify this crap. Grunge, in one of the prior comments I wrote the entire letter that came from Vanamoor. The point here is he not only admits doing it, but feels he did the right thing. Until people grow the fuck up this game will continue to suck. People cry about overkills and traps. This is 100 times worse. You can't do shit. I just sat there and didn't even know there was a problem. I didn't drop link cuz I wasn't fighting or such, just figured long lag. then instascroll and I sitting in mandos. Vanamoor admits to this shit and I still get " u were afk it would appear" No suprise all the old players quitting when they get this shit from others.
grunge2000-11-14 00:48:08
cha link, apparently, doesn't help vs ppl like vanamoor...
and i, too, have seen the gracious freeze, then scrollback and died....

vanamoor doesn't have your IP does he? :p
since it seemed personal
Nator2000-11-14 00:51:28
the whine here would be justified if he had had linkdrop and died with a flag :P
ETHAR2000-11-14 02:15:02
Nerf2000-11-14 03:21:43
who cares???
Unknown2000-11-14 05:13:51
i thought all the old players were quitting because of the faggot pukes
Unknown2000-11-14 07:00:04
vanamoor will die soon enuff to a darkie i'm sure even some people on the darkside dont' approve of this shit and darkies are allowed to whack darkies so he'll get what's coming soon enuff :)
Unknown2000-11-14 07:00:42
Is vanamoor nsl? if so that explains a lot
Vanamoor2000-11-14 09:16:02
1st Who tha fuck posted a commant under my name?
2nd the 1 who calls me nsl dies enuff of that shit!
3rd cha linkdrop helps against me can count on that
4th me pretty fucking sure y were afk not linkdead, everyone sees it from he's wiew
5th never ever has any1 spared me with freez. Usual tell orc mail after death like this from swedes
dont play with shitty link :) I dont have a nice link and I doubt I ever will have so y can kill me with freez soonish just stay around.
6th I examine my targets very seldom and i dint exa y!!!!!!! so it wasnt eq greed. me not like fucken nsl who only walks on arda with fullset. Most of my pk i do with shit.
7th to all ya unknown get a life. The least y can do is use a name that does not exist in mume
8th I still remember a puke who told me about hirm's linkless death (withflag) heh i had 2 store sprays so i sprayed y and left??????????? then fuckface feon as drun mailed me that he only did the last so called unfortunate last hit :) afterwards when I accused him of beeing a fuckface and so on he changed his story told me that lothlahn the spray fuck yelled over lab hirm there linkless come:)?. So they were in a lab and still killed me. Ahaa On the 28th of Rethe in 2837 of the third age, you were slain in the Lane by Ginlon the Elf (while feeling less in control of yourself than usual). He told me heh rangers were on y so i thought i kill y so y dont get mobripped. But is was after the cganges so i wouldn't have gotten mobripp anyhow but the poor fuck just needed exp.
Zaber and fucks killed my fellow troll while he wrote mail in cave what is pretty lame to me.And so on and on and on.
What makes me a better player then most of the fucken pukes together is I NEVER call backup 1vs1 sometimes even 1vs2 or 1vs3 what I cant say about pukes. have fought 2 pukes singlehanded and they call 2 more???? Isn't that lame? 1vs1 3 more come etc.
And now y call me lame?
Fucks look around look at the reasons thet made me lame. I'm not very proud for what I did but I dont regret it and never will.
MUME has to change that I know for sure but how is the question because gods dont hear the mortal crys. Specially the blacks because they have only 1 God, Morgoth, and he's gone for a while....

Feel free to write me Yer opinions and stuff
Bamse2000-11-14 10:10:46
I'm with vanamoor here, you could just as well have typed seek imladris
and went to the toilet here. If you lose link in a place like that, expect
to be dead when you log back on, thats the way this game works. Sparing
ppl who seem lagged, linkless, afk or typing messages etc. is a mercy
most players of this game don't show. These logs are boring. Is
the mume court of justice or something?
Vanamoor2000-11-14 11:10:16
Bamse Y dont get it NEVER KILL ANYONE WITH FLAG otherwise I take it as AFK
Also I can spare a fellow with slight freez like he can run some and yell freez.... but it depends. (meaning not allways)
Bamse2000-11-14 11:32:21
Do whatever you want to do. I'm just a bit tired of these "feel sorry for me and
look what an asshole this guy is"-logs. Don't blame the player, blame your link.
Fratus2000-11-14 12:31:41
yep, am a moron. good one Ethar. btw who the hell are you???
Pampalini`to Va2000-11-14 13:05:06
Your linkless history is too short to understand...
Enforcer2000-11-14 14:03:16
looks like galarin typed search rivendell and then went afk...
CLUELESS II2000-11-14 15:42:44
can only agrea with daevia
Darkangel2000-11-14 17:24:23
Vanamoor, that's fun :O)
'What makes me a better player then most of the fucken pukes together is I NEVER call backup 1vs1 sometimes even 1vs2 or 1vs3 what I cant say about pukes. have fought 2 pukes singlehanded and they call 2 more???? Isn't that lame? 1vs1 3 more come etc.' Hmm, what happened yesterday? *think* I was alone hatchish, I had tracked you from ford to hatch (you were hurt). And when i stood above hatch, Kozlor scouts me like 10 times (no kidding here) and it was NIGHT. Kozlor instaflees when i hit, and I was kinda confused, because he was fine. He flees and spams to cellar again. After he scouted me 4 times more or so, he suddenly DID fight me for like 1 sec, until he get bash in, and 5 of you comes from cellar... (Meteor, Pampalini, you, Dragoth and noname orc) so please, that was the funniest thing I've seen so far, added with your little comment here.
Elestir2000-11-14 17:28:24
Don't you think that if he wanted to go AFK he would wait till seek rivendell got him to RD?
Killing AFK is ok as long as you are sure enemy is AFK and not linkless. 1 hint for you
all, if you wanna go AFK drop link as well, better chance to survive. And have linkdrop on
all the time, not only during PK.

I wish there was not so many linklesskilling eqhorny assholes playing this game.
Lammoth2000-11-14 17:50:47
I know that Vanamoor died many times linkless with flag. And i count that ppl
is linkless when he has FLAG, this was just huge freeze.
To Darkangel: cmon, there was Cody too who came after me so i told to Vanamoor
to come cellar, then Kozlor showed up, so no calling backup. And Vanamoor never
calls backup when fight is 1vs.1
galarin2000-11-14 19:10:21
once again. Vanamoor admits knowing I had no link and killing me. All this horseshit about afk is rediculous. If I did that I would not have posted. REPEAT --> vanamoor admits killing linkless. period.
Unknown2000-11-14 19:54:30
Elestir, how are you sure someone is afk? wait for them to come back so you can ask them, and hope they still let you kill them?
Elestir2000-11-14 21:26:47
For example when you see:
*an Orc* is resting here AFK.

Once saw one like that in Foreman. :-)
But generally in some places its ok to expect someone is AFK, but neither moors nor
ford nor roads belong to these places. For example if you see idle orc resting
in Dark Tower, he is probably AFK.
Ethar2000-11-15 00:18:01
fratus i have grouped with your orc you dont know shit and galarin is 242343x the player you will ever be, calling him a newbie shows you obviously have no clue, and maybe if you left noc once in a while you would nkow who i was
Ethar2000-11-15 00:19:14
and your whois says "have not once made it back from bree alive" way to go hotshot
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