To all you quiters
posted by Othrod
2000-11-16 16:45:56
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Not a long, just a question.
How come, 90% of all you that said you were gonna quite didnt? I mean you didnt even stay out for a full week. Not that i personaly want anyone to quit (exept Rogon). If you want attention i dont think this is the way to do it.

Either play, or quit, or do like me and play seldom :)
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Meteor2000-11-16 16:56:14
Yeah I agree remove Rogon =P

Relim2000-11-16 17:02:24
Well, I personally still come to cus I like the community and I can do this from work. I hardly think I was seeking attention (there truly are better ways I'd've thought...), but was making an announcement since I didn't get chance to make it on MUME itself. I was touched by the response. Nothing wrong with that. And, despite the odd urge, I don't see that I've come back to MUME itself...
Shouldn't tar all with the same brush. Some guys think they've had enough, when all they needed was a few days break. Others are addicted and need to break, but can't. Others, like me, have some very personal reasons and do manage to stay away, although, who knows, maybe I just need a few months and then can approach it in a new way? We'll see. But a little more sensitivity and a little less cynicism would go a long, long way.
Kreil2000-11-16 17:23:20
I really didn't say I would 'quit' entirely.. didn't post trophies etc.
I did however, while sitting in retirement, get extremely pissed about
yet another raid.. so I said screw it.. I'll just log on and at least
ruin their fun..

So 4-5 days later it turns out been lots of trolls on and had some decent
fights lately that weren't overkills. Changed my perspective.
Skojardu2000-11-16 18:13:37
Do like me take a break for 2 years then come back and feel like a newbie again :].
Relim2000-11-16 18:14:48
I felt like a newbie every damn day :]
Relim2000-11-16 18:15:06
Mind you, beats feeling a newbie every day... *cringe*
Skojardu2000-11-16 18:15:06
Btw come back relim i need to work on my 255, 99% #Relim :[
Relim2000-11-16 18:15:40
Course you do... don't think you killed me that much, lad :)
Skojardu2000-11-16 18:16:21
ImTheOne whacka whacka baah bored
Skojardu2000-11-16 18:17:16
Nae relim only got you 6 times (4 on trophy) but was fun to always have something to pound on :]
Rogon2000-11-16 18:32:44
My heart bleeds.

By the way the words you're looking for are "quit" not quite, "except" not exept and "personally" not personaly.

Why did you want me to quit again?

Relim2000-11-16 18:33:06
*snicker* that's as opposed to the 3 i got of you on trophy (or did, since I can't access char to check, and doubt any were solo)... maybe we should max eq and settle the score... ;)
Fredde2000-11-16 19:08:05
LOL Rogon!

Lalin2000-11-16 19:18:42
i was away 4 days...can calculate we have all serious problems with drug, called MUME
Unknown2000-11-16 19:33:00
"Fuckon" not Rogon.
Nerf2000-11-16 19:44:26
Naw, no max equip, just leather breastplate for sko, and scale shirt for you relim...lick
Lochdale2000-11-16 20:09:01
Relim and sensitivity?
Relim2000-11-16 20:20:32
Lochdale and clue? Hmmm... etc.
Manatark2000-11-16 20:45:31
Well I logged my scout in for some days, not doing anything too serious, now I just lurk on with my ainu out of habit, which is hopefully dying soon. That is pretty much 'quitting' for me, tho I didn't announce anything close to 'leaving forever'. I hope to get the appetite and time for it back soon enough, at the same time hoping some things have changed, which of course is a vain hope indeed.
Lochdale2000-11-16 20:50:46
Relim, you really should play again. This medium really doesn't do justice to your mindless, and indeed often endless, prattle.
Unknown2000-11-16 21:26:02
If you're not leaving forever dont post a I QUIT log here. We dont need to know you're going afk for a toilet break.
Rogon2000-11-16 21:33:49
Waiting kormock, anyone who dare challenge me, mind you I have my hands on the shirt-F5 alias (recite bluescroll), anyone comes??
Torkild2000-11-16 21:49:43
Just an comment to Skojardu: thx for the rose, i still have it,heh
You crazy troll...
Glader2000-11-16 22:24:16
Rec bluescroll is shift+F5 for you Rogon?
Iff2000-11-16 23:02:32
So I leave one more comment. I said I would come back to check on things
and I will, but I refuse to play anymore until ignorant imms clarify rules,
stop catering the game to labbies (who are a small percentage of the mud
anyway) and last, but not least, get rid of 5th grade mentalities like
Daevia who are allowed to fuck with players by screwing with they're clients.
If some people here had more intelligence than slightly smart apes, they
would see issues like this don't have anything to do with things like bad client
programming. It has to do with poorly educated imms, non-clarification of
rules and bad policies that make honest players disgusted with this game.
Nalle in a previous log claims we are narrow minded and probably want
changes to the game that are unjustified and only fair to us, but its *just*
this narrow-minded, assuming thinking that alienates the people that run
this MUD from the players and causes most of the bad feelings all around.
I seriously suggest if MUME mngt wants to see a more positive outlook
on the MUD they start listening to the players, educate they're imms more
on rules to end confusion and make the game more of a friendly environment
to ALL players. It doesn't take a mental giant to see this great game is one-
sided and swiftly going down the tubes, and I've personally seen lots of MUDs
that have gone under for less than this. You can only ignore the flames, whines,
complaints, and people quiting for so long until you realize that these
are just symptoms of bigger problems that can't just be ignored or swept
under the rug. Gods come here and say, this isn't the forum for these kind
of discussions, and I agreed at first, but on hindsight, I have to change
my opinion. On the boards everytime I have seen a complaint or suggestions,
9 times out of 10 its followed by some imm flaming that person for even
having an opinion (remember the thief move regen change .. yeah smart move,
give scouts less move regen capabilities than any other class...real smart).
If these are the people you want representing your MUD then fine, but
smart players, who see through the bad policies and one-sided nature of
MUME, will quit and the evidence is already right before your eyes.
Mammoth2000-11-16 23:46:51
hehe yeah 8P I almost pissed my pants too when he claimed shift-F7 is his
scroll macro

but guess the elite ppl can allow themselves a couple of weird keys;(
they're so fast it doesn't make a difference
tindomerel2000-11-17 00:05:59

rogon the word you are looking for is shift-f5, not shirt-f5
Tindomerel2000-11-17 06:25:00
Tindomerel, if you werent such a dumbass you'd realise it's not very hard to post in other peoples names.. like this. you see?

Or maybe you posted it yourself to make a "fun" joke?
Jocke2000-11-17 08:20:37
I think Iff takes MUME to serious.
Othrod2000-11-17 09:05:04
Btw I was very tired when I wrote that, hence the typos. Rogon you know very well why I want you to quit, but if your memory are that short I can repeat myself. You on mume, are the worst kind of player imaginable. No matter how much complain about your cheezy tactics and lack of pk skills you still play on. I bet you like S&M rl to.
Diam2000-11-17 09:45:59
I got Relim #9 :P
I just love to spam the "i retire" bullshit to get attention as dear Othrod mentioned above :P
I'm the sick guy here, but to be honest i don't enjoy the game as i should
and i have almost nothing more to gain, except "warlord" other classes what just takes time what i don't have :)
Relim2000-11-17 11:48:56
I got Diam ... er damn, probly just the once and that was with sortie :P Ah well, I never claimed to be any good :>
Still think some of you are missing the point on the 'i leave' logs. Just like smoking, some people will never quit quitting, and they need the world to know; in the meantime, lend them a cig, eh?
Adorable2000-11-17 13:28:29
Diam, come back, I miss you. :O( Or at least MUMEmail me smth *frown* :O)
Fredde2000-11-17 14:48:06
DANCE!! boggie Boggie down!!!
Mumma2000-11-17 15:10:45
i havent played unretired for several days!
like 2 weex now!
Rogon2000-11-17 17:26:44
Actually othrod you're perfectly right, i dont give a shit about how much you complain, i still do what i feel like. Gosh i see that really hurts your ego!
Roadkill2000-11-17 22:55:15
Well, to answer the original question here, I said I'd quit, and I haven't logged on -once- since then.
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