This got me excited
posted by *A Grim Man*
2000-11-16 18:30:23
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Hello little ones....I was idling after being slain by a whitepuke scum hero, an
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Lochdale2000-11-16 18:33:52
You think all that water was the reason BN's are wimps cant find anyone to teach them how to swing a sword?
*A Grim Man*2000-11-16 18:36:51
You miss the point completely, and you could never understand since you are but a small, furry creature of the western woods...
Alweon2000-11-16 21:47:42
western hills more like it
Torkild2000-11-16 21:54:28
Meteor2000-11-16 21:58:33
Funny story =P
Natash2000-11-16 23:35:33
Yeah, we need white numenoreans in game :P +es compared to normal pukes...

No thanx
Ethar2000-11-17 01:37:25
white numenoreans = dunadans :) *point self*
Nerf2000-11-17 06:25:22
I like how the dates correspond to mume.........
Juston2000-11-17 07:07:02
I don't care what they are descended from- bns still fall quicker than a dandelion in a hurricane.
Agânnâlo2000-11-17 15:04:26
To Ethar: just so you know, plural of "dunadan" is "dunedain" not "dunadans"
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