Mayavi the racist!
posted by Rain
2000-11-17 09:54:58
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Alright, I wouldn't normally post this log but I find it somewhat amusing. Actually, it isn't much of a log but a shortstory! Ginlon, Thror, and I had been wondering around NOC for quite some time and had fought a bunch of darkies. At some point during all this some .ee and Mayavi begin arguing about some pointless shit. Mayavi goes on to conclude that all .ee's are imbred retards, and spams narrate with this drivel for a good 10 minutes. Where do I fit in, being an American? Well, apparently telling him to shut up and take it to tell makes me equally ".ee-like!" And no Mayavi how vowed to kill me and every .ee he seems to meet. Gee, what quality of people we have on this mud. Lets all practice our Nazi salutes in unison! Good to see that Mume attracts its fair share of imbred hick racists. I'm sure Mayavi will go home and down a few Bud's and watch from Pro Wrestling before saluting his Confederate flag. What a joke. 
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Daevia2000-11-17 09:55:38
good lord, someone fix the page breaks on this freaking thing.
Meteor2000-11-17 10:09:37
Dorien removed CR too instead of only the pictures =P
Ainagul2000-11-17 11:09:52
Hating .ee doesnt make you racist. Makes you a nationalist rather.
I wonder if hating labs, makes you a labist...

Ainagul <- hates people with faster links than mine => hates all .ee, all .se, all .fi, all .dk, all .no, all .cz and some americans. So I guess I am a linkist...

Uldrak2000-11-17 11:20:59
why bother talking to him just kill him.
Ainagul2000-11-17 12:07:12 shoudl read Ainagul hates all people with faster links i.e all....

Dorien!!! Fix the linebreaks and special char thinie here
Tharain2000-11-17 12:42:46
well, mayavi acted like bitch and whoever *.ee was his first target, mayavi surely did't have brain to stop...
Unknown2000-11-17 12:43:21
mayavile tuleb nyyd yx kummituba
Unknown2000-11-17 12:47:29
People have been bashing .ee since the wall fell in 89 and estonians were let
loose in the civilized world. Nothing new.
Diam2000-11-17 13:21:51
I'm .ee :)
Come and get me, but dont tire up too much, because i wont buy you ticket home.
See you all in Sweden at January i hope:) *RUMBLE*
enkidu2000-11-17 13:35:50
U right *unknown 1&2*! (im .ee too)
Jaakkima Taavit2000-11-17 13:51:57
Manatark2000-11-17 13:54:21
I wasn't sure about me being .ee till the awful truth of all imbreds being .ee was unleashed :(. So now I know for sure.
Alweon/Malak2000-11-17 14:02:37
Well, if Mayavi pk's .ee (if he actually succeeds) he will surely be Sauron listed. It seems you can have nearly any reason on MUME (mostly rp reasons) to whitie whitie pk. Hating because of link is not a valid reason as it has nothing to do with the rp in MUME.
Unknown2000-11-17 14:12:40
rain is daevia :P
Ethar2000-11-17 14:13:10
ok.. uh... oh damn i have nothing at ALL to say thats a first
Nepenthe2000-11-17 15:06:19
Before I'd insult someone's intelligence, I'd spell "inbred" correctly. Not doing so produces all kinds of beautiful ironies...
Thror2000-11-17 15:22:53
Believe me Mayavi Does not want all .ee up is ass :)
Thror2000-11-17 15:23:17
HIS godamn
.ee2000-11-17 16:21:41
Grimble2000-11-17 16:58:15
Why not post a log of his narrates if you are so horny about getting Mayavi flamed instead of a dumbass whiny commentary? "Oh no! Mayavi doesn't like estonians...I think I'll put on my NAACP hat and cry!" *whine* *bitch* *moan* Until he actually starts estonian genocide, I'm pretty sure noone gives a fuck. And if he actually does, I'm sure he will have a lot of supporters heh.
Nerf2000-11-17 18:01:43
I wasted 10 valuable seconds reading this crap.
grunge2000-11-17 19:53:29
i hate all ppl with less than 50ms link who have an ego problem and need
to be beaten senseless....
Niccolo2000-11-17 20:03:58
I miss the Soviet Union.
Rain2000-11-17 20:18:24
Grimble: I would have but my buffer ran out. :P
Mayavi2000-11-18 03:35:32

LOL, punk. The trouble started when Vaim began whining about how I killed his
orc a month or so back. He was calling me names and such. I told him to shut up
or die.
Then ALL .ee gang up and start threatening me and insulting me.
LOL, so I go after them one by one and they run or go linkless or group up.

And now this frigging shit Rain is saying I was out of line?!!

I didn't say I will kill all .ee. I said I will kill all who were insulting me
last night. Unless they apologize.

Does that clear it up for you? Moron.
Rain2000-11-18 07:51:06
Yehhh, thhhhhhattts how it went...riiiight.
Azg2000-11-18 18:23:56
I could say something but I won't.
Johannes2000-11-19 03:04:15
Personally, I think by far most of the Estonians on MUME act like total assholes.
There are cool Estonians, but in general they're the angriest people I know. This
has nothing to do with the fact that they are Estonians, but the fact that for
some reason they seem to lack basic education in social behaviour. Whether that's
a general estonian feature I don't know, but it appears so from the selection we
meet on MUME. It puzzles me, but no, I don't hate Estonians or anyone else really.
Jocke2000-11-20 07:24:18
LOL johannes! How true.
Razhim to Johan2000-11-20 10:14:00
You are correct, but it's all rather logical. They havent studied english for
that long, and when you have problems to express yourself you often find the
words "FUCK", "ASSHOLE" and other (soon to be *.ee words) rather then a
true comment (just my thought). But they all deserve a break, think of how it
has been there, now they are FREE and act like small children, but I'm sure we
all would if we got FREEDOM as a christmas present in jail?
Manatark2000-11-21 16:36:10
Nah, it's that the 'normal' ppl I know in *.ee really don't give a fuck about mume, they tend to entertain themselves with good olefashioned beer, and the ppl that end up on the mume are sometimes just computer-class geeks (hehe sorry all) or ones that are proud about not giving a fuck, and think that they should let everyone know. Actually think that the *.ee you are referring to are only some ppl with whoreloads of chars and a big mouth.
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