Alright, I wouldn't normally post this log but I find it somewhat amusing. Actually, it isn't much of a log but a shortstory! Ginlon, Thror, and I had been wondering around NOC for quite some time and had fought a bunch of darkies. At some point during all this some .ee and Mayavi begin arguing about some pointless shit. Mayavi goes on to conclude that all .ee's are imbred retards, and spams narrate with this drivel for a good 10 minutes. Where do I fit in, being an American? Well, apparently telling him to shut up and take it to tell makes me equally ".ee-like!" And no Mayavi how vowed to kill me and every .ee he seems to meet. Gee, what quality of people we have on this mud. Lets all practice our Nazi salutes in unison! Good to see that Mume attracts its fair share of imbred hick racists. I'm sure Mayavi will go home and down a few Bud's and watch from Pro Wrestling before saluting his Confederate flag. What a joke.