Fighting on Greenway.
posted by Verminaard
2000-11-17 15:00:49
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The log contain a spam of closing and opening exits. Just think Zartran did a p
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Ainagul2000-11-17 15:22:08
Zartran2000-11-17 15:40:14
Was real fun fight, kinda brave to take on 2 at Morthan's when you're a fighter. Thx for good brawl Verminaard!
*Comf* to Zmek for death, but I guess he lost less xp to bloodlack than he should've done to Verminaard, or? I failed 2 rescues b4 the final one went throu -;(.
Now, I wonder what would've happened if I'd been smiting instead, if I would've rescued earlier, if I wouldn't have panicked (as I most often do in pk-situations), if we hadn't been somewhat low from fighting mobs, and so on, and so on...
'Til next time, cheers!
Malak2000-11-17 16:56:16
and in the sun too... gratz
Gauruk2000-11-17 19:47:40
Yeah, well done dude.
grunge2000-11-17 19:57:09
wow, what pleasure to destroy such newbies....try open obstruction SOUTH
next time...*snicker* ppl are such newbies with doors and dirs...
Korf2000-11-17 20:32:50
heh, first time i read gauruk i thought it was grunge, i thought
'wow, he didnt flem em!' then i read the comment below (didnt think
grunge played gauruk, just misread the name).
Keno2000-11-18 09:18:57
Morthan Blacksoul says 'STUP! Yoo wall hive to pay yoor taxes to piss here'
Liked that...
Now about the fight - nice one. Pukes did not seem to have any good eq. That warrior should have made you good damage under the sun even with slash...
Zmek2000-11-18 11:56:16
It was such a nice morning to die..
Anyway, what chances does 17 level mage have against orc level warrior, besides fleeing? *shrug*
jocke2000-11-18 20:55:49
{p} now aliases {close obstruction;close obstruction n}.

Just for the information.. obstruction and obstruction n, is the same door.
If you wanna close both you cllose obstruction and obtruction s. :)
Verminaard2000-11-18 21:14:56
*lol* It was a typo, christ. They could've gotten away!
Gray2000-11-21 13:55:10
g2m, hehehe ;) Verminaard = Vanimelde?
Verminaard2000-12-08 18:01:21
Yep, I'm Vanimelde. :)
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