Stonedoor candy
posted by Uldrâk
2000-11-17 17:22:53
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Just a lil' log that might be interesting.
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Oddyseus2000-11-17 17:28:06
I got the first comment...(now I'll read the log)
Meteor2000-11-17 17:49:37
Bah, too bad the pukes didnt enter all, nice going tho.
Galadon2000-11-17 17:52:42
NSL! You overkillinglinklesskillingassrapers!
Ilmarin2000-11-17 17:59:12
Maya failed a word of recall? *ack*
Uldrak2000-11-17 18:13:13
didnt seem that pukes wanted to recite purplescrolls, since we looted some.
Unknown2000-11-17 18:18:01
Why did vridush save dorfl? whats the point with locking when puke is awful? dumb dumb dumb
Fyrestar2000-11-17 19:11:25
*Maya the Eriadorian Woman* utters the words 'xafe ay candusqarr'
*Maya the Eriadorian Woman*'s spell backfires, and she squeals in surprise!

OUCH :( That's almost as bad as when i accidentally hit old key on stored port when mocho and his 5 followers got me and Galdor in khuzur the other day

*>c 'teleport'
You quickly recall your stored spell...

*>Where do you want to go?

argh :)
Mammoth2000-11-17 19:50:24
Neato 8P

Glader2000-11-17 19:55:09
Unknown, shut your trap.
grunge2000-11-17 19:59:43
before even reading this log I feel the need to comment on the gross
difference b/t having a lab and not having a lab...its must be
so hard to say to your friends rl, target casters first...."whose a caster?"
"maya" "i think khelben is one?!" etc....
now i will read your easy kills...
Lochdale2000-11-17 20:04:01
Yea, lots of fun, the man-children of nsl sitting in a lab planning a trap coupled with several pukes who didnt have the balls to help out Whity Maya et al.
Fredde2000-11-17 20:14:52
ok now you guys have pointed out like 1 million time that NSL has a lab and its not hard to play with lab etc etc. now pls Shut the fuck up?!
NSL are good players tho the like to brag about how good they are and thats why i kinda think they are gayers. will be fun to meet em rl and see how they are, i might change my opinoin then... Yeah FAT CHANCE
MOhahaahhahahaa!! hehe nice kills tho
Uldrak2000-11-17 20:18:38
before you start judging, grungantor, maybe you should get some facts first...
me and vridush are USUALLY in lab yes but this time I was playing from home and
he was in lab. None of the others were playing in a lab except belemoth and
zhagrat and thats not even in same lab so plz think before you say something
next time.
grunge2000-11-17 20:29:04
we all know grunge speaks first, thinks second...that is why
grunge can rip your head off...and still survive your gayer lab attacks.
Nahar2000-11-17 21:19:13
Nahar2000-11-17 21:19:50
oops, anyway not like recall would have done anything in a nolocate room :>
Lochdale2000-11-17 21:27:36
I actually think Fredde hit the nail on the head. Why do the man-children of nsl feel the need to brag so much? With thte advantages that you have you are expected to win and really ought to just post your mistakes.
Ginlon2000-11-17 23:54:19
That was the most pathetic ive seen in a LONG TIME...
Orcs didnt do nothing wrong... they did what they should..

But those whiteys... wtf were they doing?
They barely nuked, stood in 1 room, and god..

Please please.. please dear god, help me remember
those whiteys so i never group with them..
Whity2000-11-18 09:05:11
Sorry Ginlon, but I had a different impression. This all happened in about
1.5 ticks. The log gave really the impression that we just stood there, but
them hitfleeing all the time let NO TIME to bash or cast, just plain hits.
Only bash that got through was at Silm..(no wonder, I just learned from this
log that he was linkless). Luckily they didnt target me at the end so I
could pick and get Dorfl and me out at least.
All those who DIDnt enter had died before at Black Forest and
were plain naked.
Unknown2000-11-19 05:13:43
Heh, funnyest thing though was Baresark spending half the fight fucking around with his stupid legend equipment with some blunderous aliases... HAH
Razhim2000-11-20 10:27:06
What did those 4-5 dwarves do? They gave darkies the TIME to gather d and
actually discuss who to target and cure themselves? Then they went up and
smack one char at a time, then time for councelling again? This was like
picking candy from a child.
Gray2000-11-21 14:07:56
Stonedoor was noport since beginnings of time. No point to try to word out either.
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