I die in rather strange way
posted by Kraagh
2000-11-22 00:11:11
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I was around warrens for some time, expin some and tryin to get some *troll* dea
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Echo2000-11-22 00:13:05
Echo2000-11-22 00:13:35
sigh, gf hit button,

umm hate to tell you, but ummmmmm HATCH IS NOFLEE!!!!!!!
Rockfish2000-11-22 00:15:10

Cellar has 'always' been no flee up through hatch. *comf* though :(
*a Troll* whispers to you "Open cask and flee"
though I was spamming that.
You almost killed me though.. thank god for Olog.
Fredde2000-11-22 00:15:46
HAhahaha iam not even gonna flame this one, its just to damn stupid!
Kraagh2000-11-22 00:16:27
So i took my lesson - bitter one *grin*. What other rooms are NOFLEE????
Kreil2000-11-22 00:19:30
Damn kraagh!
I've seen around warrens before lots of times.. and your telling me
you didn't know hatch was noflee! Ack! :)
Suprised you haven't died before in there.

Hehe can't tell you the other rooms.. but ther are not many "wink"

__The Rock Lobster
Malak2000-11-22 00:19:32
Uhm, i guess now you know. There is a hidden exit to the east then can be opened and will allow you to flee in that direction... its called the cask. You really should know more about that zone before you decide to solo pk there... trolls are dangerous!
Eldacil2000-11-22 00:25:16
Hehe. *comf Kraagh*. You could have fled till the cows home with only the hatch open. :)
Matariel2000-11-22 00:33:10
And how are you supposed to learn zone w/o going there?
Grakk2000-11-22 00:41:23
Ah, another bree legend sacrificied to the statue of Trix. mwhahahahahahahaha
Grakk2000-11-22 00:42:10
Oh, and Matariel, Warrens is the simplest zone to learn if you're new, just play a troll!
Juston2000-11-22 01:09:13
The only person i hate on MUME is PummelBiscuit.
Niccolo2000-11-22 01:28:10
This is the funniest log on mume.net.
Korf2000-11-22 01:30:32
hmm, shut the hell up fredde? you're about as bad as unknowns...why
flame a less experienced player just for having played less than
you? *snore*
Fezz2000-11-22 01:32:36
I mobed in cellar with hatch and cask open but couldnt fucking flee either way also *comfort*
Ethar2000-11-22 02:42:49
laugh , and korf because of ppl like you is why ppl flame uknown in the firstplace, there was nothing even "enflamatory" about freddes comment :p
nazgum2000-11-22 03:13:31
hehe this made me laugh :p
bunghol2000-11-22 03:29:33
why doesn't this ever happen to me
Malak2000-11-22 03:56:31
I dont mean to discourage Kraagh from playing at all or learning the zones, but to chase after a troll solo, when you don't know that cellar is noflee unless the cask is open is a little silly =) It reminds me of the time when Nazgum and myself were newbies and the exact same thing happened to us, except our lanterns had run out of oil and when we went down and started getting beat on, we never knew what hit us =) We then spammed the narrates about flee being buggy... everything was settled when the gods found out what room we were in =p
Guano2000-11-22 03:59:11
Good way to put it echo
Bulldozer2000-11-22 03:59:33
down with orkish scouts, up with vicious! That Really HURT!!!
grunge2000-11-22 04:54:40
Rockfish2000-11-22 05:00:44
*chuckle* Nod Grakk
Hrm.. I should play puke and learn Bree again...eeps.. turn narrates off though
Reef2000-11-22 06:03:10
Fuck man, that was shit funny, cheers. Woah, music doing funny things in my head, time to lie down....dush dush dush dush dush!
Toe2000-11-22 07:40:17
Well, who never died there ? I think it's the funniest pk-room in mume :)
Glader2000-11-22 08:17:44
Baldie2000-11-22 08:23:40
We are all newbies sometime. To bad I didn't meet this one :)
HEHEEEEEEEE2000-11-22 10:20:23
Uinen2000-11-22 10:45:29
Why oh why it never happens to MY trolls that a legend wobbit storms into cellar and spams flee :(
*whine whine whine*
skojardu2000-11-22 11:46:38
I gotta give kraagh a cudos because this is how whitie pkers should be curious and pretty clueless to the map hehe :].Not beeing a pleys of several years and still play puke just to feel the power between his legs and screaming i rock i rock i rock
Meteor2000-11-22 13:03:45
LAUGH Wish I had that easy 100k =))))

Fredde2000-11-22 13:20:18

ppl actually gets angry rl for my comments. rofl!

and giggle ethar =)
Manatark2000-11-22 13:50:42
This made the open-cask-and-flee panda a very sad panda :(.
Razhim2000-11-22 15:52:35
The best way to learn is to die. We have all died in there many a times.
Nothing strange or bad about this, there is no way to know about what
rooms are noflee or not unless you die in one, or one tells you that a
certain room is noflee. I agree totally with who emver said it before,
this Fredde dude seems to be totally braindead. Probably a teenager
in some lab with an attitude.
Tempest2000-11-22 15:59:08
Yep, we have all done stupid things before when learning the game, and even afterwards. I'd doubt there is a perfect player on Mume. All of us have tried reciting a black shirt, or fallen for an obvious trap, or something equally as silly. My dumbass moment was a few months ago when I had a char stabbed dead for the first time in over 6 years hehe. I was laughing so hard rl I almost fell out of my chair.
Vorlin2000-11-22 16:07:55
*nod*, the best lessons are ones that involves pain. Some mume classics: auto-locking chief of tbad, tbad justice system is DT, auto-locking necromancer, balrog healing in lava, redhorn pass DT, the cocooning spiders in bm mines, mormaeg's webs, etc., etc., there are a -lot- of them. :)
Hugar2000-11-22 16:09:16
You guys are all wrong. That was just a lot of unlucky fleeing. As you can obviously see, he could flee, just wasn't able to get out. That crap about hatch being noflee is just plain bs. Besides, there were obviously no other exits in the room so he definately "Could" have fled out hatch. Just unlucky. Seriously, come try it sometime with your puke. *WINK*
Gray2000-11-22 16:18:31
To Matariel: "And how are you supposed to learn zone w/o going there?" Visit my page for example :P

Skojardu2000-11-22 16:19:54
well vorlin you missed some of em - Oooh why am i nude and inside some soul? - or didnt i just flee from those nobles? - No i dont have your blacksword pesky newbie! - Olo olo Olog-hei no Olog-hai ah R.I.P hey some1 called olog hair ripped me - Who is bob? - *a man* wonder if hes frendly 'yufzbar' guess not.
Belemoth2000-11-22 16:27:42
Darkangel2000-11-22 16:57:46
Korf2000-11-23 05:18:37
nah, not angry :P
Reef2000-11-23 09:51:37
Skojardu mate you HAVE to be on acid dude...the lights, the lights! Mind if I join you?
Toe2000-11-23 14:32:04
tihi.. Skoj! (translation: tihi.. Fun!)
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