guess kraken hasn't changed...
posted by Grang
2000-11-23 19:43:27
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for all of you that tried to kill me and could learn from this guy
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Darkangel2000-11-23 19:56:38
Be happy that you drowned and not mobdied.
Not telling his2000-11-23 20:00:27
What does kraken at moria load?
Meteor2000-11-23 20:02:07
Because U suck I won't tell u what it loads! Name your name!
Not telling his2000-11-23 20:06:30
OK, my name is Meteor.
Darkangel2000-11-23 20:17:57
Kraken doesnt load anything :O)
Spoon2000-11-23 20:22:52
kraken loads me!!
Nazgum2000-11-23 20:51:48
like killing you is hard, everytime I see you, you die
to me or drop link (which I will soon start slaying you
as I KNOW this is abuse on your part)
tômek2000-11-23 21:02:56

The only sad thing is that you didn't mobdie.
tômek2000-11-23 21:03:57
I enjoyed reading *every* single line of this log.
Unknown2000-11-23 21:11:45
Tomek is newbie NSL.
tômek2000-11-23 21:28:38
yup, that's right unknown, i'm a newbie orc, legend puke tho ;)
Unknown2000-11-23 21:34:59
grang == makan == zoone
Adorable2000-11-23 21:41:02
Damn, is Grang Zoone???? *SIGH* I liked Zoone. *stare*
Azg2000-11-23 21:45:08
Don't listen to idiot unknowns Frances, makan the orc isn't grang, and to my knowledge neither is zoone, but what does it matter? keep your grudges to one character, not one player.
grunge2000-11-23 21:58:23
grang is makan....
Adorable2000-11-23 22:14:02
Azg ehum, it's not the CHARACTER that does something, it's the player behind the char :O) And I don't care if that's charseparation to think that... And let's say Grang kills me with one of his chars (he has), will I be able to 'trust' the rest of his chars? No, I won't. I wouldn't group with any of Grangs chars, because i did it once and he killed me so what keeps him from doing that shit with his other chars? Nothing. Because there's gotta be something wrong with a player that pretends to be your exppartner and then trap you and kill you (and then loot it all), and then say 'sorry', log on another char and summon another of my chars while I was afk and then get all... and then say 'oops I didn't know you were p(XXX), sorry....*stare* yes it's newbie to not have ardaring, yes, it's newbie to dunno old fornost but hey I was freaking level 14 back then. And the thing is that ppl like Grang can do shit and then hide behind: 'hey, I'm roleplaying here, you can't dislike me, only this char' That sucks so fucking much. Many newbies on MUME now are having a hard time because of people like Grang, and the fact that all he does seems OK to the Gods. I know he got at least 1 char sauronlisted, but that wasn't until he had killed MANY newbies and looted their eq. Sure you can kill someone if it's provoked, but unprovoked shit? Stop giving me the shit about roleplaying, that's not roleplay, that's just 'having-a-fetish-about-making-all-newcomers-wanna-quit-the-game-by-being-an-asshole'.
Zoone2000-11-23 22:32:25
erm, how did i get involved in this? i dont play grang, i've actually
been taking a break for some time from MUME. *peer* unknowns
Aschit2000-11-23 22:43:20
I, for one, have no problem hating 1 char of a players and enjoying another. There are a number of chars I hate, but I often am more than happy to group with other chars owned by the same player. This, in part, is due to frequently suffered head injuries RL that make me forget who plays who, but the concept is the same.
Skojardu2000-11-23 23:21:45
I agree with you aschit - about the head injury :]
Azg2000-11-23 23:34:44
*shake Grunge* Makan the orc is some other player, Makan the dwarf was Grang, but he sauron listed and died.

Also, Grang's chars have attacked me b4, and each time they have i've killed him with that specific char, doesn't mean i still don't group with him and am friends with him.
Toe2000-11-23 23:34:45
Sounds like me.. no brains, no memory
Unknown2000-11-24 00:10:43
Grang da orc killer, wish you woulda mobbed
Darkangel2000-11-24 00:43:01
Ack, is hard to be a girl :O( I wanna have no brain and no memory also :O( *licks Toe* :O)
Jaron2000-11-24 01:37:35
rotfl u really do suck Grang...
Antar2000-11-24 06:19:20
Hmm... I got this pill that take away any memory of last night Darkangel... And during the time after you take the pill, we can find a way to get your brain out... *ponder*
Johannes2000-11-24 06:37:44
Having brains has nothing to do with being a girl
Everhate2000-11-24 09:08:35
I think I had no problem killing you, and it only took me one hit too!
Toe2000-11-24 09:41:31
Well, Johannes.. atlest she doesn't have a Jr. between her doing all the thinking :/
Toe2000-11-24 09:42:11
Let me refraze that: Well, Johannes.. atlest she doesn't have a Jr. between her leggs doing all the thinking :/

Skojardu2000-11-24 10:39:38
What jr? toe i dont get it please explain :]
Toe2000-11-24 12:11:42
Get off 'da booz, and you'll understand :}
Gray2000-11-24 13:55:21
Azg is perfectly right, Makan-the-same-side-pkiller was dwarf, not orc. Makan the dwarf was really realdied, dunno who Makan the orc is - maybe p(Grang) created orc with this name, maybe it's someone else... Well, anyway, other his chars are: Strine, Rauko, Yanwe, Grang, Frink (sundied), Bajun, Skud, Zoone. Ask some friendly V+ for confirmation, if you need it... And let me also refresh your memory about others morons of MUME (i.e. sameside pstealers): Docstrange, Delegat, Shashakar, Fionwe.
Gray2000-11-24 14:14:51
Ooh, forgot to say: *clap Adorable*, I cant say better than you said about such cruel idiots as p(Strine). Would be very good to repost your comment on some MUME boards tho...
Silicon2000-11-24 15:47:00
As docile horse was bugged, it seems to me something is bugged with Kraken too! Read the log carefully and you realise there a "You flee over heels" followed by PANIC! , no tentacle dragging back. So these are actually successful flees.
Grang2000-11-24 17:48:07
*applaud* everhate, way to whack me with 10 uruks chasing me, then
kill me again as soon as i come out of halls (that was when i
was level 18 too).
Gazel2000-11-24 19:28:00
I can take care about him :) And his friends too :) Just complain to mama GAZEL!
And tell me where the lil butt is!!!
Unknown2000-11-24 20:46:11
Grang is also Korf, V+ just comfirmed suck. Nice comment Darkangel, hit the nail on the head.
Everhate2000-11-24 20:57:55
Did I have a problem killing you? Did I not kill you in one hit? What part did I make up or exaggerate? And since when did you kill how you killed people or how you were killed? You have to admit, my kill on you was the most efficient type of kill a person could have, 1 hit to dead!
Othrod2000-11-25 09:17:40
Why would they change kraken you stupid newbie. If you ever bothered to read the fucking books you should know to stay away from west gate. Kraken SHOULD kill anything but a big group if he attacks.
*clap* gazel2000-11-25 18:01:00
Nienor2000-11-27 22:19:55
Oh, really, Gray? You really believe any friendly V+ would be perfectly happy to provide you with Grang's account info?

I have to disappoint you. We do not do that because people's account info is private. And if you want to throw accusations like this at people, I suggest posting them somewhere where gods are likely to read them (and with some proofs because otherwise it's unproven slander) so you can get flamed to hell. After all, unlike those unknowns, you dare to post your name here, so you are probably ready to stand for your words?
joei2000-12-01 13:49:09
good this moron is learning how to die and suck at the same time :)
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