Heading back towards the dragon's cave..
posted by Eldarion
2000-11-27 23:35:02
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Well, it was that time o' the month and the dragon was pissed. It killed Sierr
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Johannes2000-11-27 23:36:14
One day I'll learn to just stay the hell out once I'm out from shite like that :-P
Magi2000-11-27 23:45:18
Ain't that sweet ? Orcs waiting there after almost our whole group get whacked by that damn dragon *gig* Are orcs getting smarter, or what ?
Nomad2000-11-27 23:54:56
>* R W HP:Hurt Mana:Icy Move:Tired *Dalebus the Orc*:Fine>
>*Tryksh the Orc* smites your left foot extremely hard and shatters it.
>That really HURT!
>* R W HP:Bad Mana:Icy Move:Tired *Dalebus the Orc*:Fine>

Thats my bodyguard! watch out!
Nomad2000-11-27 23:56:17
fucking new, non-break lines. sucks. FUCK YOU FUCKING HTML RUINERS!
Eldarion2000-11-27 23:56:21
144 defences with forest green cloak didn't help much there, no sir.
Uldrak2000-11-28 08:57:29
darn, wish I had been there.
Tharain2000-11-28 09:12:18
gig, i suddenly remember when nomad was silenced at necro wight:P (only time i ever saw using this spell with some success). comf eldarion
Draaz2000-11-28 09:12:29
why uldrak?
so you could arachnia everybody?
lame poisonwhore =P
Unknown2000-11-28 10:02:19
You tell 'em Nomad!!1
Niya2000-11-28 10:24:32
Ouch that sucks. Nothing worse than an unexpected attack with low mana/hp or mp =( Better luck next time!
Salmar2000-11-28 12:24:35
Nice dodge on awful, started thinking u survived there :)
Prist2000-11-28 12:51:19
Just logged on and spammed around rdell when suddenly - *a noble Half-Elf* yells: 'we could use some lanterns' hihihahahohohoo...
Meteor2000-11-28 13:40:37
Why not bob your ass and spamrun? =P
Alcion2000-11-28 15:34:28
Ouch, comf. :(
Assa2000-11-28 16:31:29
Draaz, its lame to call orcs poisonwhores, try to remember books. Orcs used poison there
and anyway why the hell is poison in game then?
grunge2000-11-28 17:12:00
antidote has been upgraded, if you are fool enough not to use it, you deserve to die.

2.) I was trying to lead to the actual dragon, but once eldarion was hurt, most unfollowed
or spammed after to get him...then when he was dead....all wanted shadow dead...
3.) I still wanted to enter the dragon area and check on the group (since i had seen noone came for their mounts)
4.) it didn't matter, i got the twisted crown i always wanted....but still :p
Draaz2000-11-28 17:21:42
why poison is lame?
cus i find it "doing to much for the kill"
i like the fight more if i dont overkill, poison and bashtrap..
its a game.. and there is no reason to make the game just fun for you.. sure its fun to get kills.. but when you die to a solokill.. or group vs group.. its easier to deal with.. then when you die to an poisongroup of 4 =P just my oppinion..
Niccolo2000-11-28 17:57:01
Grunge you runker.... antidote lore never loads. And gathering herbs is booring tedious crapastic bullshit. Its a pity you have to spend the time to do it if you want a chance at survival.
grunge2000-11-28 20:56:42
Niccolo, you unable to runk idgit, gathering the herbs is very simple, so simple in fact
that it takes me less than 10 seconds to have ingredients for 4 potions....
Daevia2000-11-28 21:25:10
I agree with Grunge, just normally walking around you can have enough herbs for like 40 antidotes in a few days. Doesn't even take any special effort. :P
Daevia2000-11-28 21:25:41
And antidote lore loads all the bloody time.
Mumma2000-11-28 22:12:27
runk rocks
Niccolo2000-11-29 00:09:58
Daevia you slimy cheater the lore hardly ever loads!
And 10 seconds is a gross exaggeration Grunge! Maybe 10 minutes. And thats 10 minutes I could spend runking Damnit!
MagĂ­ca2000-11-29 01:30:46
Comf, prac more Word of Recall :) Nasty to backfire to exhausted :(
Epsol2000-11-29 12:39:21
Its more sucky to see your buddies die and cant do diddeling shit about it :(.Then when you get out you see *An orc* *6 (dont remeber names).
Eldarion2000-12-09 17:29:38
Meteor, I don't know how familiar you are with the path towards the entrance of the
dragon's cave (I would think you'd know it somewhat good), but once you're getting
pingponged in a bottleneck there, I'd say word of recall is a heck of a lot more
useful than bob and running. Given that you don't have the worst luck possible and
backfire a 4 mana spell to icy/exhausted...
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