Fucking rediculous
posted by Belemoth
2000-11-29 21:35:05
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Belemoth2000-11-29 21:37:02
I thought i can use rocks and scrolls before i die
Reivax2000-11-29 21:42:25
Alas.... Alas... Alas... etc.

Nice place to meet sortie at, huh?
Zhagrat2000-11-29 21:44:05
Btw puke fucks you left other backpack with 2 rocks and defiled on ground...
Mda and other shit aswell .
Sharmak2000-11-29 21:45:52
When so many him following make him have movedelay
Rackhir2000-11-29 22:03:14
giggle i die to noname stabber and he didnt do shit to get me killed
Manatark2000-11-29 22:09:29
Sucks when mobs get no noline, so that if you have 4 players on you, mobs can hit you without any problem.
Balduran2000-11-29 22:09:51
I couldnt carry all that metal shit/mda, didnt know what was in pack in corpse that I couldnt carry....
*Balduran the Sindarin Elf* pierces your left arm and tickles it.
I rocked you btw, not possie!
Belemoth2000-11-29 22:10:28
7 on me and 8th casted , i have damn panics!!
Balduran2000-11-29 22:10:49
Who are these pukefucks you keep referring to though? :() I look for them every day, but all I see is whities, WHERE???
Sauron2000-11-29 22:11:58
Suck my cock, Belemoth
From Belemoth t2000-11-29 22:13:29
He didn't movelag since he instafollowed as i fled
Gimilzor2000-11-29 22:15:12
Bad comfort, you could have said it was at natural and its much a different deal?
Galadon2000-11-29 22:30:53
You tried 18 commands while fighting... and you said you died in 2 seconds, so
you should have a fairly good link, thus making me think you suck. Spam flee if
you can't get away.. atleast you will flee a few rooms away with 18 flees... then start spamming dirs!
Unknown2000-11-29 22:48:01
fuck you rackhir
Tharain2000-11-29 22:48:51
nasty death, btw i miss those backpack too always=(
Tempest2000-11-29 22:52:38
With all those new annoying as fuck norides around makes it even that much harder to escape sorte for orcs/bns who ride. Having met sortie as my orc and pretty much dying just as fast as Belemoth, sorte just track/moves waaaay too fast for any non 10ms linked guy. My orc went from 480hps to dead in 3 rounds, didn't even have chance to recite scrolls or anything, just BOOM instadead.
Rippin2000-11-29 23:01:49
I thought u could have only 7 mobs, or 4 players, or combination on u.
I think that having 3pukes+4 mobs is bit stretching it tho ;)

Not that u woudlnt have died otherwise i guess
Jocke2000-11-29 23:05:20
seriously, i think you prespammed to many dirs without fleeing. :)
Salmar2000-11-29 23:05:57
Would be fun if sortie comes outa noc too when some puke tries to kill guardian for example :P
Unknown2000-11-29 23:12:07
took a looooong time for you to start fleeing. if glorfindel wasnt dangerous, he wouldnt be who he is!
Grang2000-11-29 23:31:39
nah salmar, guardian is a wuss. if at night and puke nocish, takhr, gms,
and chieftain should storm pukes at once. would be mean as hell.
same defence could be used if someone sameside pked :)
Gazel2000-11-29 23:37:45
At least you wasn't linkless like i died to sortie:P *love Nordu* Comf! :P
Malak2000-11-29 23:43:39
I noticed flee, fail, then had 5 dirs spammed before you tried to flee again. Flee is bugged or something atm. Shoulda fled X2 or 3 before you tried to move... Comf, i died like that earlier this week, except it was to about 18+ pukes =p
ganon2000-11-30 01:27:37
how come with soo much spamm fleeing you could stop fighting?
Nerak2000-11-30 01:43:21
*Balduran the Sindarin Elf* pierces your left arm and tickles it.

Balduran does indeed rock! Power to the Elves!!
Unknown2000-11-30 02:01:02
Those mobs should come out and kill you Grang you worthless fuck.
Ariakan2000-11-30 04:29:09
btw, i'm gay rl
Grang2000-11-30 07:39:44
btw, I'M gay rl
Unknown2000-11-30 07:51:44
You were obviously agg since mages hits you with pierces etc. bigger chance to live on wimpy, oh, and sun didnt help either!
To Rackhir2000-11-30 08:18:43
Well if noname stabber killed you, obviously he DID do something to kill
you. Wake up infants. Everytime one of these ego guys die here on MUME
you can be rest assured of one thing... someone like me has a good laugh.
Meteor2000-11-30 10:28:39
Yeah sortie is nasty, but i should say spam flee 10 times then run the hell out of your keyboard=)
grunge2000-11-30 12:48:55
nod malak, my method is to hit flee several times, then a few dirs, otherwise
i get the 'you are engaged' lines and end up sitting aroung almost long
enough to eat a bash
grunge2000-11-30 12:49:26
and unless you had shining, not a superfullset :P
grunge2000-11-30 12:50:08
and what door, praytell, were you going to use those twisted rocks on?
No door? no use...it would've just fallen to the ground to be picked up...
joei2000-11-30 13:38:26
That must fucking suck!!!!!!!!
dispater2000-11-30 15:39:42
rackhir it was nice of you to just stand there at moors long enough to get stabbed incap- what were you doing, narrating what a clever guy you are ?
Malak2000-11-30 22:37:31
tickle Dispater =p
Pontus din lill2000-12-01 00:00:09
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