Mume was so much fun. Please tweak some of the stupid things that have fucked i
No log here. Just my 2 cents on how this game has gone to the shitter. I got bash
trapped today by zaber and co. He was actually buffing 3 mobs prior to me entering
and just switches to bash me without ever hitting me. Then the crew comes and
I die in that single bash. The mechanics in this game are continually abused by NSL.
I use NSL as the prime example because they abuse this shit and could care less. Btw,
sad that galadon even hangs with the crew cuz he has skill, as does zaber in some forms,
and with their fast-ass link this kind of shit isn't needed for them to play well,
but hey they enjoy this. Ainur needs to at least fix this change target in fight to bash,
cus it just causes bullshit. Zaber yells "shoulda seen it coming". Perhaps I knew
you were 8 but then again nowhere in news or anywhere else does it say u can bash
anything that is hitting you. So No I didn't think u could bashtrap like this. Why
is it so hard to fix bash so u don't die insta like this. we not talking a baby orc here.
Over 400 hps INSIDE noc one bash and I die to spells. Until u fix something NSL will
continue to just roll people over and laugh about it before stopping in the bathroom
to jerk off on the way to class. People that don't think labs rule this game are retarded.
And btw, if you wanna trap, trap. but this is like a linkless kill.
You can't do shit.