comments on Mume's situations
posted by Forek/Gabriel/e
2000-12-04 18:41:41
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Mume was so much fun. Please tweak some of the stupid things that have fucked i
No log here.  Just my 2 cents on how this game has gone to the shitter.  I got bash
trapped today by zaber and co.  He was actually buffing 3 mobs prior to me entering
and just switches to bash me without ever hitting me.  Then the crew comes and 
I die in that single bash.  The mechanics in this game are continually abused by NSL.
I use NSL as the prime example because they abuse this shit and could care less.  Btw,
sad that galadon even hangs with the crew cuz he has skill, as does zaber in some forms,
and with their fast-ass link this kind of shit isn't needed for them to play well,
but hey they enjoy this.  Ainur needs to at least fix this change target in fight to bash,
cus it just causes bullshit.  Zaber yells "shoulda seen it coming".  Perhaps I knew
you were 8 but then again nowhere in news or anywhere else does it say u can bash
anything that is hitting you.  So No I didn't think u could bashtrap like this.  Why
is it so hard to fix bash so u don't die insta like this.  we not talking a baby orc here.
Over 400 hps INSIDE noc one bash and I die to spells.  Until u fix something NSL will
continue to just roll people over and laugh about it before stopping in the bathroom
to jerk off on the way to class.  People that don't think labs rule this game are retarded.
And btw, if you wanna trap, trap.  but this is like a linkless kill.  
You can't do shit.
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Galadon2000-12-04 18:43:00
comf, was really a shitty kill and like the sixth time I got you like that.
Zaber2000-12-04 18:45:25
About the game mechanics. Yes i was buffing 3 mobs, you enter and hit me, I
type bash *orc*, Its as simple as that. Nothing new about that, Its called
switching targets. *comf*
Nazgum2000-12-04 18:56:15
The players of the game often make up a large majority of what people perceive as the coding of the game. Lately mume is full of nothing but jerks and jackoffs who don't give a care about fairplay or fun. Simple way to change bash kill traps though, change bash. Make it a damage attack like kick with 0 stun delay. Simple. I lose my net connection at the end of the month,
Râze2000-12-04 19:10:52
comf Nazgum
Unknown2000-12-04 19:23:44
nsl does this every day, galadon is always there, what's new!?
Manatark2000-12-04 19:45:01
I am afraid any system will fall, if ppl try hard enough to take the rules to the limits. What is sad is that some things (like this case) could be fixed easily without causing any imbalance, yet it isn't.
GORETONGUE2000-12-04 19:48:03
Uhhhhh....if someone is hitting you, you can kick, bash, hit back at them. It's been that way for.....a long time. I use it everyday (hit grey...bas dis 2.grey) -- I can't believe as a warrior you weren't aware of this. It's just how bash call it abuse? *boggle* oh and comf on the bashtrap. but you should know how the game works by now man.
forek2000-12-04 19:51:55
Just make it so u can't switch in bash. would slow down this stuff a tad. Too bad some small tweaking isn't done. Nazgum is right though. People need to play with some kinda fair play. There are some great labs in the past that didn't resort to this crap. KTH is perfect example. You folks don't need this stuff, you really don't. I think the problem is you can't dominate without it. And that's just a reality of your skills. If you could dominate, you wouldn't do this. So work on your skills and stop this shit and lets see if you folks really as good as u think you are. My guess is you could be if you worked at it. *shrugs*
forek2000-12-04 19:53:59
btw goretongue, just cuz this is how the game works doesn't make it correct. No way any round should cost you 400+ hps inside noc. That's just a stupid twist to this game.
Tempest2000-12-04 20:01:31
Yep, this is not a new trick used by them, they do it with as much regularity as the .ee orcs lurk around Necro stonedoors. You rarely see good players fall for that nonsense, cause they know if you see Zaber, that all his buddies are standing a few rooms away. Duh. The biggest failing I see with players these days is their inability to figure out wtf is going on around them. If Mocho is on, WHY enter a place without bashing/breaking the exits first. If Snotty/Sharmak is one, WHY charge stonedoor alone? If Moonglum is on, WHY charge E Priest and not expect 10 trolls to get portalled in then complain of being overkilled when you KNEW it was going to happen?
Arkine2000-12-04 20:09:50
Well I think Forek's point is well taken. I was killed by Zaber, Forin and Half-elf at Sage. I was afk rent place and I notice on log that Zaber yelling "you going to die AFK hehe" etc. Then, when the mobs finally come I run into to hit them, next thing I know I have Forin and Zaber on me right away. Should be much more difficult to change target. BTW thought it was brave of just the 3 of them to come in Sage and I like Forin but Zaber is just a horny child with a super link. He really is rather unimpressive.
a snot2000-12-04 20:25:10
ehem tempest just called me a trapper? *laugh*
Niccolo2000-12-04 20:32:32
Nod Goretongue.
Nod Tempest.

But spells should kick in autowimpy btw!
Tempest2000-12-04 20:33:56
No, I say you spend alot of time resting in Stonedoor with others while Sharmak runs around then comes back in :/ Coincidence? maybe, but there have been quite a few logs of such coincidences lately!
Kakarot2000-12-04 20:38:02
I got to aggree with Tempest here on this one...for some of the newbie
pk'ers out there, its reasonable to believe they may fall this sort of
trap, but for those of us who have been around, you must always be leary
of any sort of potential trap in known trap areas.

As for the lab issue...they are and can be very overpowering...what used to
even this out imho was the other .se labs that played regularly to compensate
for the other lab...i.e kth on Puke and lth on darkie or not for sure of
there "Lab" but fingeror/nubis/magnolia/lup's "Lab". These days usually 1 or
so lab that has alot of people playing regularly together in the lab. Sure,
some of the kth and lth people still play, just not in the lab anymore.
Kakarot Clarifi2000-12-04 20:39:19
NSL only lab that plays regularly with alot of players i think...some other
labs, but they arnt that big
Spellbinder2000-12-04 21:22:34
Funny thing about bash while buffering multi mobs is that...I've NEVER seen a no line of sight on bash, no matter how many are in the fight. So that's a lil overpowered especially in spam that those multi hitters cause. And especially with a lab group that can yell across a room, i'm bashing Malak nuke his ass casters..... cheap yes, effective yes, fair? whatever i rarely play anymore so i don't care. I just like to sleep newbies these days.....
Siroth2000-12-04 21:30:46
you mean you have never had 2 mobs on you and typed bash dis 2.troll for example?
this is not at all new, and what is pushing the rules to the limit? Getting bashed
and newkers come in using quickspells on you is pushing the rules to the limit?
at sometimes its not always fun to play "fair", ask yourselves this, how long
will you keep mudding? I know I won't mud all my life so why not have fun while
doing it?
Siroth2000-12-04 21:31:58
btw playing "unfair" is not always fun either but if you know alot of newkers
are a few rooms away what else can you expect from NSL/Hugegroupingspampoisoninglameasstrappers?
Hannibal2000-12-04 21:43:35
sucks.. really

but nazgum want bash to be one fat blow? just imagine how many would huge-group and spam bash ppl =P
Pampalini2000-12-04 21:54:51
It's stupid i must agree. Like in rl you often see when someone is trying to
bash you. In this game you are watching 3 orcs fighting elf and suddenly you
are bashed on ground.
GORETONGUE2000-12-04 22:28:16
Yeah .. forek i wasnt talkin about bashtraps -- others are doin enuff of that -- i was referring to your declaration of surprise at being bashed when he wasnt hitting you. traptraptrap
Elestir2000-12-04 22:31:41
Imho melee should be tweaked some, so you can't eat so many spells in 1 bash.
And about the NSL, they did it so many times, they can't really surprise me with that anymore.
Always when I see Zaber or Galadon or their darkie chars, I know there is bash trap plan in the air.
Diam2000-12-04 23:22:17
It has been already ages,

WTF is wrong with gods, if that is not "REAL",
Ilmarin2000-12-04 23:38:28
Nebula2000-12-04 23:52:35
Ok, I think bash should either give you a message that you are being targeted,
or that a bashed target should have all people not already engaged get los or
melee. Yeah you could still trap with it and stored spells, but the casters
would have to be in the room before the bash went off.
Sloshed2000-12-05 00:54:24
i think either spells should make your autowimp go through or nothing should i always found it stupid that if you bash someone they can autoflee period doesn't make any fucing sense, and if someone is backriding i dont think they should be able to be lead outta the room either which also doesn't make any fucking sense to me they outta fall off or have to flee but not just backride around in and outta hits and if you bash someone that is backriding they can be insta lead outta room also can't they? which is retarded if it's so i can't remember for sure bout that one, i mean y auto flee from a hit but not from fballs or sprays kinda dumb
Juston2000-12-05 05:39:48
There's the obscure r.b. lab, but we a: can't do shit, b: don't really go in pkill groups, we just play for fun mobkilling, xping, or doing an eq run. i guess we are the only ones who play for fun anymore :/.
litle2000-12-05 07:01:50
There was some confusion on some of these comments. Zaber was fighting 3 orcs and Forek enters. Now I'd say Zaber has no chance of bashing Forek because if you are engaged and try to bash someone who is not fighting you, you get the you are not fighting that person message. This has happened to me alot. But once forek hit's Zaber then he is engaged and why shouldn't he be able to switch to him and bash him? Sorry i just saw some comments that didn't take into account that Forek engaged Zaber.
Bamse2000-12-05 10:16:34
The only problem here is the autoflee not triggering. Has that been changed
in the last year or so to not work? I remember allways getting saved by it
in situations like the ones mentioned.
Baazunga2000-12-05 12:43:03
Comparing how we played at KTH and how NSL is playing is like comparing
a BMW with a Knallert. They suck so hard that it's embarrasing to come
from the same country as they do. They are fully aware of the fact that
most player hate them for playing like small scared girls, but as long
as they have fun, let them ruin the game... cause they will and have
already started... Sauron will kill them soon enought!
Grishnak2000-12-05 12:54:25
Errrm, what's new about this? Bash has been like that forever. You're right about nsl though. People with <20ms link should be storming around and doing all sorts of risky and cool stuff, cos the link means they can get away with it. Trapping and the like on an ultra-link is about as lame as you get.
Shadrach2000-12-05 12:58:02
The point seems to be that with an ordinary bashtrap the basher will still be engaged with the victim and thus will eventually trigger the autowimpy. But if u are fightning other mobs and dont switch to the victim after the bash, there will be nothing that triggers the victims autowimpy.

Ofcourse this sucks and Im amazed that noone has fixed the bug that prevents spells from triggering autowimpy!
GORETONGUE2000-12-05 18:38:08
oh! i didnt know that. those devious fuckers...
GORETONGUE2000-12-05 18:39:57
wait, are you sure shadrach? cos...puke was the one fighting orcs...*orc* hit puke...puke bashed *orc* who was engaged on puke. shouldnt change anything for *orc* because yes he is fighting puke. hmm something to test i guess
Drokk2000-12-05 18:44:58
Well.. NSL doesn't get all that many good kills
without lame traps of some kind... i like those guys
as persons, and i get along with em.. but to their
playing-style... i rather not speak...for I do not in even
the slighest point, agree with them...

As Baazunga said, we played in a lab back then, but
as far as I can remember, didnt use much of the lame
tactics some labs do now.. I've changed my playingstyle
compared to back then, but that doesn't have anything to
do with the lab, its the fact that people will trap or overkill
me if I try to do anything fun...
Don't use labs for lame shit, instead use it to do the
crazy fun shit you cant really co-ordinate otherwise..

Old Drokks rotten berries on the subject...

Malak2000-12-05 18:51:39
Tt does, then puke chooses to hit mob, and you are left sitting on your ass still engaged but you are not his target.
Thilax2000-12-05 21:56:21
make spells trigger outowimpy....its as simple as that!!!
Cur2000-12-07 08:28:01
*totalnod* to Gabriel
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