Prison guard vs Engelbert
posted by Labero
2000-12-06 18:30:43
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Aye said 2 pukes necro. Zhimy scouted while I was regenning in Brush. It seemed
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Labero2000-12-06 18:32:06
Boring log, indeed.
Too bad dwarf left or at least I had died. Probably all of us.
ariakan2000-12-06 18:37:13
I AM GAY!!!!!!!!!!
tushie2000-12-06 19:08:15
warriors who run from battle leaveing casters to die, why doesn't this ever happen to me when i pk, we need more dwarves like this
Gazel2000-12-06 19:17:58
It often happens to charmies, they run when master in danger
Zaber2000-12-06 19:18:16
If Rain whould have stayed the outcome whould have been completly different.
Malak2000-12-06 19:25:15
Think Dwarf was Ritual... and I like the panic trigger Engelbert was using for most of that fight =p Unless he just happened to be spamming flee... which makes him not that smart...
Ughár2000-12-06 19:28:33
Just loved the last part where Zhimy spamloots everything in closable area with nothing but his groupies in. You'll grow up to be a nice .cz/nsl redshirt in the future!
Zaber2000-12-06 19:29:33
Nod malak, Ritual not Rain
unknown2000-12-06 20:27:22
thought this was illegal:

* W C Mana:Burning>u
The slab seems to be closed.
Door set to: slab
Baphomet2000-12-06 20:43:19
Die PANIC FLEE puke die. If he had used his brain instead of crapping his pants and losing it, he might have survived that.
Grang2000-12-06 20:51:46
that's called a binding unknown.
Norsu2000-12-06 21:03:06
Didnt look like a panic trigger, looked like #100 flee;bob;#100 flee;quaff draught;100 flee;bob... i have a key like that myself, F1 !!!!!
Glader2000-12-06 21:28:19
Nice way to go down, Swork!
Plato2000-12-06 21:50:48
LOL, your f1 key sure does a lot of stuff Norsu :-)
Ethar2000-12-06 22:57:08
pathetic display of spam looting
Filifjonkan2000-12-07 00:10:14
I thought that _any_ actions that helps you in a pk situation were illegal now.
Saying that a keybinding isn't included by this rule seems strange to me, since an action was used to set that binding. Comments please?
Finwë2000-12-07 00:29:03
Nice backfire on bolt Aye. *comf*. And Engelbert was just spamming flee, not using a flee action as you can see from him entering the room and fleeing straight out. And at least 2 of em tried get all corpse.
Engelbert dies2000-12-07 05:35:09
Good. Stupid name anyway
Unknown2000-12-07 09:00:42
The one who is making the rules break them while killing the one who used to use variables.
The slab seems to be closed.
Door set to: slab
Unknown2000-12-07 09:04:06
gothmog is labero right ? and this log contains what is forbidden in rules actions. This was made forbidden by gothmog i think. It was done since engelbert killed so many bns with track+variable. Now labero p(gothmog) uses the same variables to set door names while pking engelbert. What an arrogance.
engelbert2000-12-07 10:11:32
Was TOTAL fuckup by me, I was VERY pissed in the end... I tried to block me+ritual in 2 on 2 or so at first,
but as i had removed my door variables & actions, it took time, and then i failed 9 flees in row (no flee action either,
as u can see i ate 3 bolts during spamming flee), then i saw 3 of you, and yelled in lab 'get out, 3 vs 2 doesnt look so good',
ritual had lucky flee and fled out, next moment i get blocked in... ritual was bashing/calling ellara to break, so i was spamfleeing
alot, but arm dropped at first bolt after block, so went in the scrolls.. and ellara i believe was too late... if i had stored quakes,
it would'v looked worse for ya... would'v should'v... hell, its only a game... AND NO ACTIONS HERE ANYMORE :P
engelbert2000-12-07 11:09:43
As Dain and Gothmog said, looting coins in pk is ILLEGAL, demote zhimy or smth, it certainly looked like action.
ILLEGAL?2000-12-07 11:34:55
fuck this managment
Axel2000-12-07 11:35:31
>It was done since engelbert killed so many bns with track+variable.
unknown - you sure you know what you are talking about? or do you just reproduce
stuff you 'heard'
Axel2000-12-07 11:36:45
fuck - i wanted to quote first sentence in my last comment, but I keep forgetting
that the quote-signs are filtered out *spit*
Unknown2000-12-07 13:20:11
I am not talking about looting coins, i am talking about :: The stonedoor seems to be closed.
Door set to: stonedoor and RULES ACTIONS
Axel2000-12-07 13:28:20
unknowns probably should be marked - like unknown1, unknown2 - so we know when
one unknown is talking to another unknown or one unknown is commenting to some
other unkwown :p certainly it would be better and less wussy if the unknowns
would be known, but hey - pussies are everywhere
Baldie2000-12-07 13:38:47
God damn it guys, it is legal to set doornames with keybindings. It is not legal to use keybindings to simulate actions follow hit/action track. This is done by setting direction and then clering it upon pressing button. But keybinding of doornames and like are legal.
engelbert2000-12-07 13:43:54
Why does everyone think that my tracking with dir variable cleaned up my binding after i pressed it? It DID NOT clear it up, it rewrote the variable when next 'leading ' line appeared, until then, the variable was old one. Thatswhy I sometimes went wrong dir while tracking, in cases when i pressed my key BEFORE next 'leading ' line.
Unknown2000-12-07 14:25:19
My apologies to p(labero) if it is legal to set door name variable with action. Thought it was illegal.
engelbert2000-12-07 14:41:08
It is NOT legal to have action 'The %1 seems to be closed' #var door %1, and then have binds/aliases for open/close/block @door, i mailed 3 aratas about it.
Baldie2000-12-07 14:44:15
Gothmog claims it is legal on ainur board to bind door variables. Check it out
Unknown2000-12-07 14:52:43
Who cares if it's banned or not. It's impossible to prove that your using
the doorvariable-setting-trigger. You could just as well be a fast typer using
Zhimy2000-12-07 14:52:49
Ughar, when I know that we have chased him inside the area for like
many ticks... I dont want to take the risk of 5 pukes breaking/bashing
storming in looting all and we all flee or die + I always instaloot to see
if shadow is protecting in all spam, then I stab it... THEN we all go and "share" the eq with the persons that was in the fight. Worth mentinoning
was that a twisted crown, copper ring etc was in a pouch *grin*
Meteor2000-12-07 14:55:48
I think door variables suck ass but that is just my 2 cents.
mandorallan2000-12-07 15:18:05
We all know that you're gay ariakan. BTW ariakan is also aram
Ritual2000-12-07 15:58:29
As we were with Engelbert in lab - heared orc scout nen i sul > free 100k running . So we run nen i sul & see orc heading Barbaras & towards stonedoor. He sudden saw 3 of em in stonedoor & paniced or smth.
3 vs 2 still a bit unfair tho he knew i had good eq + scroll and he had scroll.
As he told OUT in lab i agreed w/o starting discussion in matter of wasted time. I fled out then sudden he got the point: thief , shaman and mage in there
He said i die to here, i was outside w/o key to enter :( tho if i had unluck to flee back in ... it would had changed many things & point Labero for using actions which set door variables what he self claimed day before this happend to be illegal with new RULES ACTION. Guess he should take forth his own demotion to be fair player but as we all know V+ cheats - it means its for the "good" balance of game. My point is - if rules are made thy should get for all so Labero must take a step before justice as all. Also Zhimy.
Zhimy2000-12-07 16:10:39
[alias csd close stonedoor] is the ansere Ritual.
[#alias csd={close stonedoor;lock stonedoor}] if you want it fancy!

Then you SPAM!
engelbert2000-12-07 16:32:20
Zhimy broke the rule about looting coins with action in pk.
Malak2000-12-07 17:00:22
Where is it stated that you cannot loot coins with an action? Any action that helps you in pk is forbidden, not any action that lets you loot someone when pk is OVER... And btw, why don't people just download a client? Most are so small (under 400k), and they will help you out tons... If you play from telnet, then don't complain cuz its your choice... JMC is awesome for the amount of space it takes up and for the amount of crap that it lets you program... wintin is the same I am told...
Meteor2000-12-07 17:42:30
I play from Telnet since I cannot install any client on this fucking oversecured windows NT server.
But I am fine with it you'll never hear me whine about telnet its ok =P
Tindomerel2000-12-07 18:15:56

auto-looting coins or anything else must be illegal since it can make you loot the stuff from a dead friend/foe before anybody else can.

citing rules action:

The principle of this rule is easy: You are not allowed to let your computer
react for you, gaining a major speed-advantage on other players in an
artificially enhanced way.
Anything that gives you this advantage will be treated as an 'action' and you
will be punished for breaking this rule.

Having an action that automatically changes a keybinding so it can be used to open a door, DOES give "give you a major speed-advantage on other players" who has to type it in. In my world there is no way you can claim this is not so. So maybe, Gothmog, it's time to demote your own char?
Norsu2000-12-07 18:16:36
If it is legal to bind door variables (and since labero is v+ and uses it, it must be ok?) Then why wouldnt it be legal to bind track dirs too? It's the same fuckin thing.
Tindomerel2000-12-07 18:20:14

I agree with Norsu, I hate nsl.
engelbert2000-12-07 19:30:07
For first time, Rogon talks the right thing. Ofcourse it's the same fucking thing, guess what I was trying to make 3 aratas understand during the 5 hour discussion? THIS FUCKING THING. And result? They demote me and next day Labero uses actions that he himself has said to be illegal. Seems Gothmog doesn't understand himself what his point is.
Axel2000-12-07 21:18:36
I would say that binding-track especially with maxed track skill is way worse
than door actions. But afterall basically they are the same, thats true.
Tempest2000-12-07 22:37:39
Actions or aliases autoset to bindings so you only need to press a button, is there really any differance? Both give you speed you'd never have normally and an advantage over those who don't use em.
Gad2000-12-08 00:49:40
clapss !!!! claps Zhimy !!!!!!:)
Nacs2000-12-08 00:55:40
I say make it clear what is legal and what is not. Like point out that door variables are legal and tracking aint or something like that.
Unknown2000-12-08 02:06:07
I think Labero got burned by his own implemented rules :p oh, and 50th comment!
Niccolo2000-12-08 03:34:54
Door actions that set aliases and track binding are NOT essentially the same.

#trigger (the (*) seems to be closed) (#var door %1) --- still requires the manual manipulation of aliases such as CD - close @door etc.

#trigger (tracks..... leading (*)) (#ke F1 %1; #ke F1 (#unk))--- only requires that u hold down the F1 key and it will immediately follow.

But hey make all non hidden doors in mume have the keyword door and ban all the actions you want to as far as im concerned.

Fergus2000-12-08 03:52:37
*big nod Meteor* put everyone on telnet.
Manatark2000-12-08 04:18:46
What hypocrisy: the process of taking output from mume and setting a variable with it is the same in track and doorbinding, but any moron should see how different the impacts are on the game. And it takes a real moron to start arguing about it, using the arguments of how this and that is done in a client or which key is pressed. Of course the point that Engelbert was treated unfairly (he had specifically asked an Arata about the trackbinding) remains.
Ritual2000-12-08 08:25:42
As we were with Engelbert in lab - heared orc scout nen i sul > free 100k running . So we run nen i sul & see orc heading Barbaras & towards stonedoor. He sudden saw 3 of em in stonedoor & paniced or smth.
3 vs 2 still a bit unfair tho he knew i had good eq + scroll and he had scroll.
As he told OUT in lab i agreed w/o starting discussion in matter of wasted time. I fled out then sudden he got the point: thief , shaman and mage in there
He said i die to here, i was outside w/o key to enter :( tho if i had unluck to flee back in ... it would had changed many things & point Labero for using actions which set door variables what he self claimed day before this happend to be illegal with new RULES ACTION. Guess he should take forth his own demotion to be fair player but as we all know V+ cheats - it means its for the "good" balance of game. My point is - if rules are made thy should get for all so Labero must take a step before justice as all. Also Zhimy.
Ritual2000-12-08 08:31:17
Comment to Norsu:
Snice V+ cheats himself guess he does not decive to be a V+.
To Niccolo:
The binding Engelbert was using WAS USED as veriable, and was not every time unbinded!!!! SO IT MADE HIM WAIT FOR CERTAIN TIME ( depending on link )FOR MUME OUTPUT UNTIL keypressed again
Hafur2000-12-08 09:57:21
Ban all clients!! Telnet rocks!! =)
Unknown2000-12-08 10:18:15
Using client actions (or action-controlled variable settings that emulate
action functionality) which help in ANY WAY IN ANY PK situation is illegal on
MUME. ANYTHING THAT GIVES YOU THIS ADVANTAGE will be treated as an 'action' and you
will be punished for breaking this rule. - this was rules actions, so this
setting variables are NOT allowed.
Most of ppl prefer follow our brave leader Gothmog - use the rules when
rules are suitable good for them! (including me.. can't remember when tho..
Jocke2000-12-08 11:55:26
Petter, you're such a sham when it comes to cheating on MUME. I have heard such
unbelivable stories about you and your playing. ;-)
Axel2000-12-08 12:18:02
"Ban all clients!! Telnet rocks!! =)" - well, telnet is a protocol - all clients
USE telnet - so I take that you are refering to the telnet-client which your OS
offers - or wait - hrm - maybe the windows telnet-client is worse than the linux
telnet-client - hrm *think* since most use Windoze, lets ban Linux - hrm - oh, wait -
you are not using standard windoze-telnet - well, thats not fair - ban all telnet-clients
of third vendors. While we are at it - lets ban mice as input device too and maybe
only use keyboard while playing games - joysticks/mice may give advantages
Tryksh2000-12-08 12:36:38
Any person with at least half a brain is using client to play and some automatic door variable settings. So am I. But setting variable while tracking, it gives you a MAJOR pk advantage since it is used much more frequently than door variable settings.
Gazel2000-12-08 12:53:58
*agree* Axel! But i think better destroy keyboards and leave only mice!!!
Unknown2000-12-08 13:05:14
Some was until recently using clients only because of the interface and multiline aliases (and zblam trigger, I guess), but nowadays you seem to be rather clueless without any #autosetting: target/bind keys/aliases/directions/triggers/.. whatever. To be able to beat a player using theese, you most often have to use them yourself.
Unknown2000-12-08 13:23:32
Awww. My actions and binding didnt work! So I couldnt block the door!
Johannes2000-12-09 18:07:28
Nice kill! I've always thought the actiondoorbindingthingamajiggah should be as
illegal as actionfleeing, actionlooting, actiontracking, actionriding, etc., but
it seems to me like it's "comfort over consequence" in this discuccion. Beats me.
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