posted by Rain
2000-12-10 04:00:43
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Korf2000-12-10 04:02:16
Rain2000-12-10 04:04:08
When will people learn?
Guano2000-12-10 04:07:53
Is it legal to do that?
Trinity2000-12-10 04:10:19
Azhal2000-12-10 04:12:05
wonder if i get demoted? :P
we shared the eq very nicely tho
anyways it's a lession!
Fyrestar2000-12-10 04:14:12
isn't legal to use actions either :)
Trinity2000-12-10 04:17:27
How are those actions illegal anyone explain?
Evan2000-12-10 04:39:28
Well its a stupid action but for short those orcs stand to punishment. I cant
speak for the gods but rules misc clearly states its illegal to make other
ppl do things they normally wouldnt do, by emotes.
Nerf2000-12-10 04:51:34
Please, turn off your little clients and use telnet like real trolls do
Dorak2000-12-10 05:38:35
tsihihihi, and the nonclient users rejoice!
Nazgum2000-12-10 08:40:59
actually from my understanding under the new rules action binding for doors is now illegal. You people should really fix your clients though, the "The ;... is closed" trick is just old news
Roadkill2000-12-10 09:16:07
Just put a roof2000-12-10 10:42:38
Uldrak2000-12-10 13:52:04
this is so simple to fix.
Unknown2000-12-10 15:44:06
### Shapers Board ###

Message 421 : Re: Ruling on this PLEASE :) (Frór)
Written on Sun Dec 10 12:26:35 2000

As long as you don't cause RL damage (The ;#exec rm -rf ~/* &; seems...),
there's no rule against using a badly configured client against its user.
Unknown2000-12-10 16:05:18
who is commenting in nazgums name? use your own name!!!!
Voile2000-12-10 16:11:02
Well, if it isnt illegal to use a badly configured client against user, it should be changed. This isnt at all fair sportsmanship, and therefor it should be looked upon as cheating. Stuff like this ruin someones day, and turns them away from the mud. Try to play fair, try to live by the rules, and start enjoying the game as it is supposed to be enjoyed instead of trying to find ways to screw someone up. And please stop asking for demote all the time. All this whining really sucks.
Galerech2000-12-10 16:16:16
Galerech2000-12-10 16:17:01
ehrm that was kinda lame by orcs, but the pukes prolly deserved it since using actions to set variables is now illegal...
Unknown2000-12-10 16:39:30
As long as gothmog wants to have a door variable it wont be made illegal.
Kurast2000-12-10 17:24:06
Well it fucked up my good day, had almost a set on me etc. Was happy untill this u will not see me again as a Kurast! Some gods said its not illegal to have door variable action others said it is so i demoted my self :)
adroit2000-12-10 18:20:58
well i disagree with viole about this being cheating, only because it discourages a lame practice that is borderline illegal. However i wholy agree with the rest of it. just my two cents..
Cur2000-12-10 19:42:41
I agree with Voile that we need sportsmanship on MUME for it to be fun. I just don't see how using client configurations to do your playing for you can be classified as sporting, and I personally think that it is the use of clients (among other things) that is ruining the game - taking away the chaos of a heated battle where you may not know the outcome until it is over already. So I see harming client users in any way as fair game and fair play any day of the week. ESPECIALLY if they're using actions.
Cur2000-12-10 19:43:21
...and when I say harming client users in any way, I mean in game, of course, not RL.
Unknown2000-12-10 22:43:14
Rippin (mainly2000-12-10 22:53:54
Read the rules, this is VERY illegal even if it damages only in game.
Under no circumstance can u give output that simulates what the game says.
(ok, this might make custom says/social aliases seem dodgy, but still).
Only thing with RL damage u have my blessing to follow any B*strd who is sick enuff to do that over a GAME, and damage/sue him rl orso, coz if it isn't illegal anyways (vandalism!!!), it should be in my opinion. (prolly possible in the U.S. any lawyers in mume who wanna investigate?)

On different note: Echoing game input is illegal in my eyes mainly coz of abuse as standing at canyon trail emoting 'leaves north. in the hope u kill something, and not because it screws over clients.

To rest of discussion: Don't echo stuff like that, not every1 uses actions, and the only ppl u screw over with those echoes are the ppl to lazy/clueless to program an invincible client, while the ppl who write stuff to abuse the power in clients are capable enuff to make it (next to) impossible to detect by any1 who would try to get proof of this. If u program this well, and take the time to do it, inserting ^ is NOT something u are likely to forget.

To ppl using jmc, use #highlight, i think this doesnt execute commands when parsed.
Meteor2000-12-12 16:49:31
FUCK YOU use telnet like real trolls, Nerf said it already. I use telnet and if you are using a client ok, but if you are too stupid to configure it good then some smartass abuses it, you don't need that damn client to play so don't whine about it!
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