Nazgum vs Ramiris, in Moria
posted by Nazgum
2000-12-12 03:21:32
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Gruelling fight between thief and puke mage (one of the better fun players in th
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Nazgum2000-12-12 03:33:11
hmm, on a side note this is only one on one death I can recall as nazgum in ages. *Bow Ramiris* I did fuck up several times though, and I shouldn't have run so obvious paths in moria, but you lose "the touch" quick when you stop playing regularily...
Koljat2000-12-12 03:36:34
awesome spamming :)
Ethar2000-12-12 03:50:47
axel fucking rocks, nuff said
Nazgum2000-12-12 04:18:39
yea well 450 ms link leads to lots of spamming, to try and keep up with the sometimes 100 x quicker linked competition. (Axel whooped my ass with skill though, not link)
Tempest2000-12-12 04:33:31
Of course he beat you, you don't play anymore, you only play Everquest right? Lemme guess, another server upgrade, or bug patch, or what is it this time?
Unknown2000-12-12 05:28:10
What is dark orkish shortsword?
Alweon2000-12-12 05:46:56
To answer Unknown: I think he has a sub for his BRD.
A comment on the fight: Pretty rocking playing on both sides, but especially from Ramiris. When fighting Naz... USE BOLTS =p Toker showed you all how to decimate him with quickbolts... Hehe, Ramiris was in there trying to get me a Corberyl while i was at work I think... He got even more than he bargained for =p
Nazgum2000-12-12 07:52:52
*Spit Tempest* I log on this game to check my mumemail, and have been playing less then once a week, and even then usually for less then an hour. I said I will not be around mume much because I cannot find fun on it anymore, which still holds true on almost all occassions. if I can find something fun, I'll play a little, if EQ is down, I'll play a little, and if in that time something happens I'll prolly post log.
Fredde2000-12-12 08:57:54
hehe. i remebered when i was maping moria and stood on the east side of
vestibule, i picked the exit south (panel is it? forgott *giggle*) but
nothing funny in there so i thought lets check east! so a legend hobbit with
good eq and high dex dident get through so i got stuck in there on 11 hps
and i sat in there for like 10-15 mins rl. so i called for arte i think it was.
and when he came (a warrior with metal set) he just leaped through it like a
ballerina! that was kinda strange. hehe...
Meteor2000-12-12 09:14:07
Tempest is Rogon's asslicker, don't mind answer his stupid bullshit comments.
ouch!2000-12-12 11:31:40
*Ramiris the Keebler Elf* pierces your body extremely hard.
You feel a strong ache there!

goddamn nice piercin!!
Unknown2000-12-12 12:20:31
Keebler Elf?
Cur2000-12-12 13:39:49
Damn nice log.
Shadrach2000-12-12 13:41:02
You definately loose touch when u dont play it regularly but u should still now there is a hidden door in the staircase u could have used which doesnt have any delay.
Why the heck am i giving u advice. I suck harder than anyone and the nsl laugh at me! *CRY*
Moonshade2000-12-12 13:48:57
You are mean, Axel!
Grimble2000-12-12 15:33:46
Nice one.
Ilmarin2000-12-12 16:33:02
Axel gets the score.
Good play from both sides though.
Prist2000-12-12 16:52:15
Uhmm...if you're out of water, mebbe use 'drain corpse' command next time? :)
Tempest2000-12-12 17:01:24
Eh, I see you on as Anolad, I see you on as Nazgum, I just see you on! I don't give a damn wether you play or not, I just find it pathetic you made such a big deal about how you were leaving Mume cause it sucks etc, and yet are still constantly here. You are like one of those little 13 year olds here who are always looking for attention. As for Meteor, when you EVER do anything worthwhile on Mume that notes mentioning, I'll might take your comments as more meaningful then the gass that shoots out of my ass after a good taco dinner. The ability to post a comment, and the ability to post one based on experience/deeds are two differant things little caverat troll.
The Loremaster2000-12-12 17:02:52
Drinking blood doesn't quench thirst, it relieves hunger.
Darkwind2000-12-12 18:23:26
what's a dark orkish shortsword? =)
dispater2000-12-12 18:28:19
tempest shut up already...all you do is flame people, as if you are king shit of MUME or something. and "loremaster" drinking blood does help quench thirst, it just doesn't do as good a job as water does. real orcs drink BLOOD.
Tairach2000-12-12 18:41:46
Uhm, but you were not inside the deeps of moria... Maybe if you went there you would live.
Unknown2000-12-12 18:42:32
Good to see some people know meteors "skill" :0)
Unknown2000-12-12 19:06:28
Everquest must be down alot.. where is the mailbox in moria anyway? Oh and didnt you lose net access a week ago?
Tempest2000-12-12 19:19:21
You are another one who falls in Meteor's class Dispater. Do something other then spamdie on Mume and I might care what you think. As I said before, I am nowhere near the best player on Mume, but I'm still way better than your dumb ass anyday.
dispater2000-12-12 19:38:14
tempest what you think of me is the least of my worries. but your comment on my playing ability is funny. i play mume to see pukes rip. this means i take more chances than the avg player. also i solo most of the time, which has obvious consequences, among them being pk with shit equip--any equip i have i generally get from my own pk. any comment from an overkilling overskilled overequipped overconfident puke on my playing ability is simply laughable. And as for your last comment...yes you have said it before, like every other log you fucking say that. trying to prove something to yourself or to everyone else?
Tempest2000-12-12 19:53:13
Yea, you are right, I never solo. Repeat that to yourself as a mantra and maybe someday it will come true! And of course you solo most of the time as Dispater you fucking moron, you are a scout. So what does it prove if you are solo but always die? It means maybe you should play overkilling overkilled overequipped overconfident pukes, cause you obviously aren't experienced enough yet to play darkie :/
Fredde2000-12-12 19:55:00
tempest, when are you gonna write that you dont use a client in this log?
dispater2000-12-12 20:28:22
tempest i will leave playing the over-advantaged puke races to you and your pussy friends. i prefer to play the underdog; it actually means something when i win. in answer to your last comment, i mostly solo with all my chars, not just my scout...which occasionally works out on a nice dependable 250ms link (as good as it gets)...and where did i say you "never solo"? i didnt, because i dont comment on shit i dont know about. unlike yourself. all i know about "tempest" is *i always* see it in the company of a handful of other pukes. i would be surprised to see tempest solo in moria..actually i would shit my pants...then kill it...
Gray2000-12-12 20:42:50
*clap Axel* Awesome! Didn't saw Nazgum dying like halfyear or so, already started to think he's as unkillable as Norsu and Elestir *gasp*
Tempest2000-12-12 20:44:50
And what exactly would I be doing as a solo warrior in Moria? Trying to solo Balrog maybe, or see how long I can outrun patrols just cause I could tell everyone I was cool and go solo to Moria? Many people see me solo Dispater, you don't cause you'd have to leave NOC area to do it *comf*. And I don't even use a client! *wink Fredde*
dispater2000-12-12 20:48:32
tempest your insinuation that i never leave noc reveals you as the fool that you are..they do have treatments for diarreah of the mouth you know
Tempest2000-12-12 21:21:41
Oh, exscuse me great traveller, occasionally you make your way to E. Priest to get some draught ingredients. So sorry to have slighted you so.
Tony2000-12-12 21:26:15
Tempest are you for real ?

why do you care ?
Axel2000-12-12 21:31:12
discussions on are like arguing with ya GF about the advantages of
going shopping the next day...
Vorlin2000-12-12 21:42:50
Almost every thread you see on has at least one person acting as though they have rabies of the ego. If you read a lot of log comments it's sort of hilarious, like a text-based Dr. Jekyl (sp?) and Mr. Jackass sort of thing.
Calder2000-12-12 21:48:27
To tempest. I think unknowns/ people who do not play alot have valid things to say. Meteor's comments are generally more interesting than yours. Besides he doesn't suck. You well, i do not play as much anymore, but I have never ever heard of you. So if you need to be some sort of goddam hero to make a comment. Lets limit comments to Nazgum, Labero, Grunge, and whoever used to play Agent. Nice log. Nice fighting on both sides.
Calder2000-12-12 21:50:04
Oh and dispater does travel. I have fought him with a puke on more than one occasion around tharbad. Well I suck. I will shut up now.
Nazgum2000-12-12 22:16:04
Agent is namo, and he kicks ass :)
Tempest2000-12-12 22:23:30
Don't know who Tony is, but he is right. No idea why I am responding to comments from Meteor and Dispater. As to Calder, as stated above, I am an overequipped and overskilled whitie who only warlorded because i know Rogon (didn't have to group with him, just knowing him was enough!) If you see me on, say hi!
dispater2000-12-12 23:21:38
| 6, 5%, Heidi the stable-hand | 5, 4%, A dwarven prospector | ....... tempest you are ignorant of facts, yet continue to spew trash out your mouth, you disgust me. but at least you recognize some certain facts about yourself, that is a good start
Unknown2000-12-12 23:28:36
nazgums comments? nazgum dont have net access anymore, and quit mume long ago, so he wont be commenting except for people who use his name (and isnt dispater goretongue?)
Alweon2000-12-12 23:58:07
Well, Nazgum loses his net connection at the end of December, so all you unknowns have one less lame thing to say to try and sound cool. If he said it was two weeks, thats just Nazgum's superpower of lack of any time comprehension =p You would know if you talked to him irl or on mume. Afk 5 minutes... 20, dropping link for 1/2 hour... 4 hours.
grunge2000-12-13 01:40:39
agent is the name of my newsgroup reader and it d/l lotsa porn and iget to
see lotsa nice ass
Lochdale2000-12-13 02:24:46
Gurnge, you have...issues.
Zaber2000-12-13 04:03:48
Who said Norsu is unkillable? HE won't dare to eat a bash from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vridush2000-12-13 04:04:21
Who said Elestir is unkillable? He wont dare to eat a bash from me!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yellowbellie2000-12-13 04:43:13
Yeah no one wants to eat a bash from you b/c they know there are umpteen mages 2 rooms away getting ready to unload all their mana into them while they are helpless. I find it rather disgusting that someone who obviously has the capacity to play better than that resorts to it so often. Hmmm make that extremely disgusting.
papa2000-12-13 09:46:53
damn good moria fun :}~~~drool
Unknown2000-12-13 13:00:20
No one can be unkillable.. take norsu for an example.. ya need 1 bash to kill him.. if in open have like 3 callers and wipe him out.. *drool*
Alweon2000-12-13 18:54:41
Of course everyone is killable. Not to knock Elestir or Norsu, but with the groups they travel in, not many can even hurt them, because their groups are so powerful =) Elestir is usually (not i didnt say ALWAYS) backed by a couple casters, and since he is a defence warrior, he doesn't get too hurt. (I have been in some fun 5on5 fights against him where he went bad/awful but two seconds later he is back up to hurt/fine =p). And Norsu used to have a perma group of 2 following, poisoning smiters and a bob/rem poison'er. Hey, Malak has grouped with Norsu (though i crushed and didnt poison), and i actually like grouping with him because you are constantly doing something. No pk? Well just go xp some and eventually find some pukes. That group rarely got hurt because of the poison tactic, but they still find themselves in trouble sometimes. Whoever said "ya need 1 bash to kill him/them.. if in open have like 3 callers and wipe him out.. *drool*" was talking out of his ass =p Most clued in players know that when lightning is up, DONT eat a bash at all costs... and even if they did die in that way it would be way more lame than any tactics everyone says they use.

Torment2000-12-13 20:16:01
You can't kill Norsu because he drinks Oliphant Power Protein Shakes, guarenteed to resist even the most powerful of mage spells!
Torment2000-12-14 02:50:38
The poison tactic isn't what makes us rarely get hurt. It's that our group is made up of friends who work as a team and help each other other. We also don't panic like many do when we run into them. Don't know how many times we've attacked larger groups and won because the other side started spam fleeing around.
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