was idleing tbad and went got food my bro decides to type some shit
to elfy, commands never went through cause of lag
but phier decides he wants to be a huge hemmriod and a fat ass
* HP:Fine Mana:Warm>
Elfy narrates 'nuemar turn that off now!'
* HP:Fine Mana:Warm>tell elfy such my dick <-shit he typed (freeze begins)
tell elfy i have a large wang
<<Session Disconnected>>
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<<Session Disconnected>>
*** Mume VII ***
In progress at FIRE
(Free Internet Roleplay Experiences)
Adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth World and
Maintained by CryHavoc, Manwe and Nada.
Original code DikuMUD I (view credits), created by:
S. Hammer, T. Madsen, K. Nyboe, M. Seifert and H.H. Staerfeldt.
If you have never played MUME before, type NEW to create a new character.
By what name do you wish to be known? Account pass phrase:
Amicus narrates 'this is some crazy lag'
*>say arghhh lag
emote arghhh lag
*>An Altar to His Ego
Phier the Ainu is standing here (Linkless).
Kazan narrates 'hmmms'
*>say ummm
emote ummm
Phier has reconnected.
*>An Altar to His Ego
Phier the Ainu is standing here.
*>say eh
Himrûth narrates 'great fun this link'
Tim narrates 'grr'
*>Elvan narrates 'link'
emote eh
Phier taps his foot impatiently.
Magíca narrates 'wtf'
*>say link is shitty
say man
Phier sends the room:
& Lathos tells you 'such my dick'
& Lathos tells you 'i have a large wang'
*>emote link is shitty
*>emote man
Einalem narrates '*scream*'
Kazan narrates 'nods global...'
*>say well
Elfy narrates 'ugh lag!'
*>emote well
*>say wait
emote wait
*>say i was afk
emote i was afk
*>say my lil bro typed that
emote my lil bro typed that
*>say and didn't go through
emote and didn't go through
*>say lost link b4 went through
Calenur narrates 'i keep getting freezes and i see i'm not the only one.'
*>emote lost link b4 went through
Phier says 'well I think I'll punish you anyways'
*>say i apologize for him
emote i apologize for him
*>say wait
emote wait
Phier says 'teach you to not have your little brother do it'
*>say i was upstairs
emote i was upstairs
*>say common
emote common
*>say commands never went through
emote commands never went through
Gabriel narrates 'time to rent it would appear'
Phier says 'you know how many brothers/roomates cause trouble?'
*>say probably lots
emote probably lots
Phier says 'more then is allowed by statistics'
*>say probably sounds like lie
emote probably sounds like lie
*>say but its not
emote but its not
*>say for real
emote for real
Himrûth narrates 'ooh, finally local lag is gone..'
*>say dont know what to say to make u believe me
emote dont know what to say to make u believe me
Phier says 'doesn't matter, go beat on him then'
Himrûth narrates 'now this global thingy'
Phier says 'you can't'
*>say but its the truth
emote but its the truth
Flanker narrates 'wave, dont let the hobbithole hit you on your ass on the way
Saving Lathos.
*>say why demo
emote why demo
Phier says 'I didn't say that'
*>say no commands went through
emote no commands went through
Phier says 'I said punish'
Phier says 'dude bullshit'
*>say then what punish
emote then what punish
Phier says 'I saw them go through'
Einalem narrates '3.20 pm'
Phier says 'how else would I know?'
Switch narrates 'anyone want to help me out by buffing and leading me around
for some exp'
*>say i have no idea
emote i have no idea
Phier says 'well use your head they went through'
Ólìon narrates 'in other words, does any1 want to level you up?'
*>say didn't think they did
emote didn't think they did
*>say link broke
emote link broke
Switch narrates 'yea i gess'
*>say eh
emote eh
*>say sorry
emote sorry
*>alias say
Ok, alias cleared.
*>154/154 hit, 125/125 mana, and 110/110 moves.
OB: 42%, DB: 8%, PB: 54%, Armour: 45%. Wimpy: 153. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 227,836 xp, 0 tp. Lauren: 125. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- shield
- armour
An Altar to His Ego
Phier the Ainu is standing here.
*>exa phier
Phier afk is in an excellent condition.
Phier afk is using:
<wielded> a double edged eket (dented)
<held> a wand of noise reduction
*>cha wim 100
Wimpy set to: 100
An Altar to His Ego
Phier the Ainu is standing here (Typing a message).
An Altar to His Ego
Phier the Ainu is standing here (Typing a message).
An Altar to His Ego
Phier the Ainu is standing here (Typing a message).
OB: 42%, DB: 8%, PB: 54%, Armour: 45%. Wimpy: 100. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 227,836 xp, 0 tp. Lauren: 125. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- shield
- armour
Dreamweaver narrates 'bye'
An Altar to His Ego
Phier the Ainu is standing here (Typing a message).
An Altar to His Ego
Phier the Ainu is standing here (Typing a message).
You begin to feel thirsty.
*>OB: 42%, DB: 8%, PB: 54%, Armour: 45%. Wimpy: 100. Mood: wimpy.
Needed: 227,836 xp, 0 tp. Lauren: 125. Alert: normal.
Affected by:
- shield
- armour
drink skin
You drink the water.
You do not feel thirsty anymore.
Nuemar narrates 'An Old Man fails to smite a Citizen Mercenary. ???'
Flanker narrates 'heh heh'
154/154 hit, 125/125 mana, and 110/110 moves.
An Altar to His Ego
Phier the Ainu is standing here (Typing a message).
Tarem narrates 'what will take away the *form of beuty of other persons pains,'
*>whois elfy
Elfy is an Elf.
Is playing from *.com.
HARDY BOYZ BABY! they are soooooooooooooooo hot! especially matt, but jeff
has better hair, anyway thats all.
Kazan narrates 'A Citizen Mercenary avoids being bashed by a horse who loses
his balance and fails.'
Elfy narrates 'nobody better say by killing me'
Barâg narrates 'someone have anything nice for a smiter/crusher warrior?'
Barâg narrates 'for sale?'
*>tell elfy did i tell u to suck my wang?
tell elfy if so i appol
<<Session Disconnected>>
*** Mume VII ***
In progress at FIRE
(Free Internet Roleplay Experiences)
Adapted from J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth World and
Maintained by CryHavoc, Manwe and Nada.
Original code DikuMUD I (view credits), created by:
S. Hammer, T. Madsen, K. Nyboe, M. Seifert and H.H. Staerfeldt.
If you have never played MUME before, type NEW to create a new character.
By what name do you wish to be known? lathos
Account pass phrase:
The Valar have decided that you shall be put in jail.
*>Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...
Phier tells you 'you get 24 hours in the clink'
*>tell phief rl hours?
No-one by that name here...
*>tell phier rl hours?
Phier tells you 'ys'
*>tell phier man this is bullshit
*>tell phier i appologized
*>tell phier wasn't even me
Phier tells you 'I'd recomend shutting up, this WAS the easy punishment'
Phier tells you 'if I didn't give your story some merit'
Phier tells you 'it would be your whole damn accounht for a week'
Phier tells you 'now teach him some manners'
*>tell phier i've already beat his asss
*>tell phier but this is still not right
Phier tells you 'yes well YOU did it, your brother behind the keyboard'
Phier tells you 'not withstanding'
Phier tells you 'case closed don't make it worse'
*>tell phier show in rules what i did wrong plz
Saving Lathos.
You can only talk, quit, use mail or rent right now...
Morgul Vale
A mailbox stands here stuffed full of messages.
A steward of the Valar stands here, ready to assist you into a room.
Phier tells you 'rule of phier, you annoyed me, mail manwe if you don't like
Phier tells you 'last one who did that got demoted :)'