Old Classic DT Fight
posted by Nazgum
2000-12-19 19:20:23
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This is an old log featuring such players Slayer, Huor, Golfimbul and many othe
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Nepenthe2000-12-19 19:56:08
Fun fight! What was date on this log?
Meteor2000-12-19 20:10:19
Nice groupfight=)))))
Evan2000-12-19 20:11:07
Quite quite old i dont even remember when black potions where changed to scrolls
Unknown2000-12-19 20:51:25
a hugefight, well, but, this happens all the time. What was special with this?
Mallory2000-12-19 21:09:40
Well i thought it was kinda cool that not everyone instadied
Axel2000-12-19 21:19:39
yeah . very nice log - but I guess if I would been in there I just would have
died and gotten a headache :)
Nienor2000-12-19 21:30:18
Haha! I am the White Eagle in that log. This was when metas were still allowed to pkill. The reason I lived (was on 2400 modem) is most likely that nobody had alias to 'k eagle'. Since I could not see anything in the spam, I was just standing there spamming 'assist huor'; I've had this alias - I assume from that fight - until a few months ago.
Notice also all the mistargetting before player orcs had the *orc* keyword. :)
Rippin2000-12-19 22:01:21
The White Eagle hits the demon wolf's left hindfoot extremely hard and shatters it.

THAT is not defending the whitelands... DEMOTE :) rocking log
MagĂ­ca2000-12-19 22:28:11
Fun to see all the old descs (I'm kinda new to MUME) :) Great log.
Alweon2000-12-19 22:34:42
I am guessing m4? maybe5? two funny things: the dwarf getting the corpse of a burly orc, and logger smiting Elegil to awful, but his autowimpy kicking him out. Now he woulda had the /you are too afraid/you cannot attack and flee/or you approach Elegil, which woulda resulted in his xp and wpts. Since this was old system he got no wpts/trophy for all those that died out of his room =p
Nienor2000-12-19 22:39:37
On the bright side, you could group the DT mobs and get trophy/exp if they kill the victim. Unfortunately for the victim, if they did, the victim mobdied.
tindomerel2000-12-19 23:35:06

Haleth was a real STUD, see how hard he rocked all orcs....or he died in the end?
Unknown2000-12-19 23:52:52
Yeah, mume was much more fun before permatrappers like Nazgum and the czechs decided to ruin it.
Aschit2000-12-20 00:17:57
An old log, and I didn't even die in it! It must have happened when I was already in Mandos from some bn-death.
Prist2000-12-20 00:18:32
Mume.net was much more fun before all those Unknowns showed up...
Wes/Stussy/Kaka2000-12-20 00:21:52
I Perhaps think that mume was more fun because for me, at least, because it was
new and exciting. I'm not as old school as those listed in this long, but
often times we don't like it when we grow accustomed to smth i.e. when
your favortie tv show decides to change the main character lead role to a
different actor...the show just isn't the same. Well, it isnt for me anyhow.
There have been many changes in mume, some for the good imo(no fording), and some for the worse(you cannot attack while fleeing). The thing about it is is that coders arn't getting paid to code mume etc. Alot of good ideas have been mentioned on this board, but it takes time to do those things...imo, quit freakin changing existing zones. If you are going to change a zone, make it a NEW ZONE like those around NOC. Moral of story is dont spend time changing
existing zones when you can code new stuff.

Just my 2 cents
Daevia2000-12-20 01:05:19
The thing about the new zones (imho) is that they were designed with more concern for looks than playability. New warrens zone looks nice, but adds nothing to pk at all. Just one more wide open zone that nobody fights in because its nearly impossible to kill somebody in it. Oh yeh, bring back west warrens/old bend!
Daevia2000-12-20 01:05:25
The thing about the new zones (imho) is that they were designed with more concern for looks than playability. New warrens zone looks nice, but adds nothing to pk at all. Just one more wide open zone that nobody fights in because its nearly impossible to kill somebody in it. Oh yeh, bring back west warrens/old bend!
Daevia2000-12-20 01:06:25
Damn old browser. Nutscrape 3.0 sucks
Filifjonkan2000-12-20 01:07:32
Hmmm I always thought that Elegil was Killjoy as well, guess I got that wrong :)
I really think not having the *orc* targetting system was more fun, because then it was possible to do some tactics with mobs.
Dresden2000-12-20 01:32:26
That damn repop there! You guys would have lost else. Anyway, I was the Half-elf fleeing around madly, too bad I'd never been to DT before, so all I could do was spamflee :P
Kreil2000-12-20 04:22:30
Damn I remember that fight..but I seem to have done more than stand there! :)
Yes was huge fight.. but I remember that as one of the few huge portal fights
I had been in.. very nostalgic.
Cur2000-12-20 06:09:25
I missed that one, logged on 20 minutes after it was over. You won't BELIEVE how ticked off I was about that ;-)
grunge2000-12-20 08:33:16
lets see who did i like in that log....um
all of em...bummer none of those ppl play anymore
Unknown2000-12-20 09:53:44
Did Burst die?
Unknown2000-12-20 10:17:02
Check out scrappys made up mumelog-story on how it was back then: http://www.e.kth.se/esekt/org/vrak/mume/scrappy_post.html
Tryksh2000-12-20 11:21:29
Targetting by *orc* is more playable, but actually in rl, you should not distinguish between orc and *orc* unless you know him so good by name. That fight rocked btw :)
Tram2000-12-20 11:24:25
By the way. I suppose you noticed that noone instadied? And there was no
line of sight! Oh god i miss those days, even tho died even more often then
than i do now.
Ariala2000-12-20 13:21:37
laugh laugh laugh laugh
Digtakh2000-12-20 15:10:51
Great fun, brings back many memories! Wish george would come back and play, one american that could rock europe! Those were the usual fights we came across!
Ajax2000-12-20 15:59:05
No, Burst, myself, and one other lived on the whitie side, all else died. I managed to kill KillJoy and another orc outside for some nice loot/wps, and warlord from the battle. Haleth and Elegil both died, and someone else has a version of that log that showed how ridiculous a char Elegil was back then (not to mention he had a buttload of blue scrolls).
Khantar2000-12-20 16:20:48
Late 95 or early 96 I guess. In the old days char-trading wasnt illegal. At
that point Elegil and Killjoy wasnt the same person. They became later tho.
Hell, even Golfimbul had KJ at one point. Killjoy was like a stand-in stunt-whore-char for people who didnt have highlevel orcs, but wanted to participate in clashes. Even I played him sometimes.
Meteor2000-12-20 16:24:23
Ehehe yeah that story rocks =))))))))) cackle
Ghostly2000-12-20 17:18:45
Killjoy was the one with 25 strength? :-)
Gattling2000-12-20 17:36:31
Well i can rat on who played it Killjoy in this fight.
It was Snuttan. I still remebers Fasts face after he managed to get out of dt.
Ahhh good ol days.
Tindomerel2000-12-20 18:57:16

Mume could sure need changes that makes tactics more important, but not for wizkilling of course...... if it wasn't for this pathetic swede lab.
Uinen2000-12-20 19:15:37
Now that was a copyright infridgement! This is MY log!!!

I was looking at this and it looked damn familiar, tired to see where will some of my chars show up, and then suddenly it dawned to me that it was logged from my perspective -- I can never forgive myself fleeing out with Huor at HP:Bad and bashed...
Uinen2000-12-20 19:18:24
Reading it once again kind of reminds me HOW pissed I was, losing ALL notable kills there (HUor Haleth and Elegil), with Elegil my autowimpy kicked in a splitsecond before he died. I simply couldn't believe my luck.
Alweon2000-12-20 22:10:23
Seems like I will get flamed for this, but the only thing I found spectacular about that log was the people involved. Otherwise its just your classic dt raid without the *orc* targetting system we have today.
Golfimbul2000-12-21 02:32:33
Hehe, that log sure brought back alot of old memories, at that time i was
acually a quite good player, but then again i played like 12 hours everyday, 7
days aweek! About Killjoy, he is my char, since Tanel stopped playing, he gave
me Killjoy before char-trading was banned. And i lendt him to Elegil from time
to time, but Killjoy is my char, ever since Tanel stopped playing! And Killjoy
had 28 base strenght back before MUME was changed to choosing your own statistics, bummer manwe! Was kinda fun to play aroun with 28 base str, back when we had +3 strength spells, it was even funnier, 31 strength rocks:) before that system was imped he was one of the 18/100+ orcs along with Mogrash, Lanfear and Gorl!

And for those who dont know it, i still play mume, just under another name than Golfimbul, since i m quite sucky these days, and daying to a newbie legend with Golf just wouldnt look to good!

Khantar2000-12-21 15:37:08
Im pretty sure he had 25 base strength, and 28 with spell. No fakking way he had
31 strength with spell.
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