who cares? Sort you virtual eq and have virtual sex with virtuals gfs, 5 years
is kinda much in here
2000-12-22 21:41:19
fucking overkillers *spit*
2000-12-22 21:45:38
this was me idling inside rd at the time, just used it to see if my cut and paste would work to post the next log. i had used cut and paste before and it didnt work, so i was only testing.
2000-12-22 21:46:28
Oh, and comf Gazel, i didn't narrate, i was actually just tracking there before i went to rent.
2000-12-22 23:59:13
well we stood in fence dreamweaver narrates 'north' we go north and find dreamweaver fighting gazel, gazel flees south and we go south and of course spamclose fence. its not our that only gazel had the balls to go out.
and besides we first where like 4 players around slag and then another group came, what could we do, tell them to leave? comf on overkill, tho you had some really strange eq there =)
is kinda much in here