posted by Grang
2000-12-22 22:20:10
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GAD2000-12-22 22:57:22
CLAPS !!! GREAT GOBLIN!!!!!!!:)))
Grang2000-12-22 23:05:19
glad i noticed to change password...
Miarda2000-12-23 00:20:33
Anyone try to see if his new one is bungbung2?
Kroms2000-12-23 01:26:15
best shit i have seen all year...
pls ...i want to see more logs of this standard
Unknown2000-12-23 07:24:22
clap gg
The Great Gobli2000-12-23 11:23:49
The Great Gobli2000-12-23 11:24:05
You are not a worthy citizen of GoblinTown.
tomek2000-12-23 14:39:48
you deserved it man. killing sleth after he ripped to pukes is really lame..doing that twice just shows how fucking lame you are. you're the fucking reason people consider quitting. and who the fuck cares if your link is shitty?
play like a man, go kill some pukes, or join them. same-side pk without a reason is just plain stupid and discourages new players. and don't you come with the reason 'he insulted me', cause noone never *started* insulting you before you killed them or made them mobrip. and i'll never forget how you almost shit your pants when nsl was after you, how you ran to me and gave me my eq back and begged for forgivness. stop acting like you're one of sauron's minions, cause you aren't, a real good warrior of the dark lord would be fighting pukelegends, not lev 1-18 clueless/defenseless orcs.
and stop posting those shitty logs of you (mob-) riping linkless, who cares? you only bring some joy to the lowbies you've killed with those shitty logs...
Grang2000-12-24 04:40:36
rotfl, you fuckin newbie, lemme give abit of explanations:

1. i returned eq insta? this is bullshit, i had killed you 3 times,
3rd time i whacked ya you said 'give eq back and we can have
a truce, me or nsl won't touch ya' (after i killed you, you spammed
me for 10 minutes about how nsl would kill me).
2. 2 days later you broke this so called 'truce' when uldrak killed me
linkdead in noc, and don't say i was exhausted uldrak, cause you know
i wasn't.
3. how DARE you talk shit about me? whenever i am on you treat me with
respect. it seems that only when we not talking face to face, you talk
shit. lemme tell you this: next time i see you i'm gonna fuck you up,
and you can get whoever you want after me: uldrak, durlak, or any of
your other little friends, cause YOU will be the one to die.

*spit* you piece of shit. nsl used to be a respected group, and then
players like tomek started to join, and his only skill is saying
"i'll get nsl after you!" i don't know about other people, and i don't really
care, but i don't want people like this playing orc. if he can't hold his
own, he doesn't need to go cry to his 2 ms friends like a fucking pussy,
he should fight me 1 on 1. however, i guess that is too much to expect
from today's nsl...
tômek2000-12-24 11:51:16
you're so full of it grang. i admit you killed me a couple of times, and yes i was naked and bad the second and third time. no i did not spam you for like 10minutes, but, you on the other hand, spammed me about how you're saurons chosen one and all other kind of crap. i never respect you when you're on, i only ignore you/don't start any fights with you, cause i don't have time for that kind of bullshit. but when you killed sleth i got really pissed, i mean does it get you of, killing naked orcs, who just ripped to pukes? yes i'm a newbie, just like you were once, just like everyone one of us once was. and how do you defend the fact that you go kill lowbie darkies and not pukes? finally what does it matter if i'm (rl) friends with nsl? friends help eachother, but i guess you don't have any so you don't know anything about it. i would say all this to you're face if you weren't linkless all the time.
Magíca2000-12-24 13:05:12
Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you (Grang) kill Tomek for nothing? Wtf did he do to you? NOTHING! And I wonder Grang, why you only kill lowbies... (maybe because that's the only thing you can kill?) Go try kill someone near your lev instead, or at least don't instadrop link everytime someone near or above your level (Nazgum etc) tries to kill you...
Grang2000-12-24 17:23:42
i didn't say it was bad to be a newbie tomek, i said it was pathetic
to be a newbie who cried to his pals every time he got in trouble.
magica, no i didn't kill him for nothing the first time, he called
me snaga. i don't kill below level 12, and i have 30+ kills on uruks.
also, you hadn't ripped to pukes, you had ripped to me, and when i
asked you to apologize you said 'va fan' or something which i know
means something bad in swedish, so i kicked your ass a 2nd time.
also magica, i NEVER linkdrop, my link is horrible (i lose link
whenever i get a phone call), and i think this should be pretty clear
since i have lost link in pk situations loads of times and died from full
hps-dead while linkless, full full mps, hps etc. don't be bitter that
ya dt'd :P. and YES tomek, you did spam me for 10 mins about how nsl
was going to log on and kill me, and i only responded with 'I am
only doing what Sauron has bid me do!' when you gave me a tell or 2.
Magíca2000-12-24 18:24:09
Va fan = What the fuck (Yeah reeeeally bad...:O)
tômek2000-12-24 23:04:43
please, can we straighten this thing up once, forever? i *NEVER* called you a snaga in the first place. why the hell should i call you a snaga? give me ONE good reason why i should pick a fight with you? i didn't even know who you were...i narred if someone wanted to xp, you said sure. i came dt where you were waiting for me, we go stonedoor, i'm supposed to buff while you cast, you close door, i eat bash from trolls and you join them - result i mobdie. i mean, what was that good for? and NO, i do not cry for my pals EVERY time i'm in trouble, but i mean, what can a naked, low-hp lev 16 (or whatever lev i was at that time) do against a lev 23+? obviously not much...and what's wrong with calling some strong friends when i can't fight you alone? should i just stand there and let you kill me, over and over again? well grang 'i don't kill below level 12' why do you kill orcs anyhow? give me one good reason for sameside pking.
Grang2000-12-26 17:17:45
heh, just want 1?
tômek2000-12-26 21:17:36
doubt that is a good reason...every lowlev you kill gives you like 10-20k xp..when you get killed you loose at least 50k....so for every time a legend gets pissed at you and kills you, you have to kill about 3-5 lowlevs to gain that xp again..sounds good like good xp...
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